FAQs about the Powder Brown and White Cheek
Tangs Health/Disease
Related Articles: Powder
Brown Surgeonfishes, Genus
Acanthurus, Naso,
Related FAQs: Powder Brown Tangs 1, Powder Brown Tangs 2, & FAQs on:
Powder Brown Tangs Identification,
Powder Brown Tangs Behavior,
Powder Brown Tangs Compatibility,
Powder Brown Tangs Selection,
Powder Brown Tangs Systems,
Powder Brown Tangs Feeding,
Powder Brown Tangs Reproduction,
& Acanthurus, Acanthurus Tangs 2, Acanthurus Tangs
3, Acanthurus ID, Acanthurus Behavior, Acanthurus Compatibility, Acanthurus Selection, Acanthurus Systems, Acanthurus Feeding, Acanthurus Disease, Acanthurus Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Tang
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Japonicus tang, trouble maker Dear Bob, Our japonicus-Goldrim
tang keeps nipping at our Goniopora, will it be the same with all other
japonicus as we are thinking of exchange him for a smaller one? (if I
manage to catch him) any tips on how to catch a large tank in this reef
system? I've sent you pic of our tank, have we placed many things
in the wrong spot? thanks for all your precious help. <You might
have luck training all your tangs to come to the surface to a
"veggie clip" of irresistible human-intended dried algae
(like a strip of Nori)... leaving a plastic covered net in place all
the while... till they ignored its presence (over a few days time
usually)... catching the offendi, by driving it with another net,
uplifting the "permanent one" under it> My favorite little
fishy hiding in the Acropora, he is really small and was extremely thin
when we got him, but with several daily feedings with a syringe,
he's just as healthy looking as the others and already very
territorial. I have never quarantined any of my fish and I'm amazed
that all tangs get on so well, though the "Goldrim and Achilles
seem to enjoy the usual catch tail-in a circle-dance every now and
then. We've had the Achilles for a record breaking 6 months, it
must be due to our new large set up. We did lose a couple in our
smaller system, ARGHHH when ich attacks! ALL THE BEST! Stef. <Thank
you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Finicky Tang Advice... Powder Brown?
2-12-08 Hello all! <Mr. Spud, err, Dan> This past
Wednesday (five days ago now) I received from an online aquarium
store an order of a Powder Brown Tang (A. japonicus) <Mmm...
maybe... you sure this isn't a Acanthurus nigricans? Much
more common, and hard to keep> and a Royal Gramma. Both are
absolutely beautiful specimens - absolutely no signs of any
disease, incredible coloring, very active. I've got to say
that I've never seen better looking fish for sale anywhere.
<... I do hope your system is large, has been up and running
for several months...> Now, the distressing part. I
haven't seen the Tang eat anything yet. It's not showing
signs of starvation yet, but I'm worried that it's just
around the corner. Thus far, I have tried frozen Spirulina brine,
frozen omega brine, frozen Cyclop-Eeze, frozen mysis, live brine,
Nori (both the kind sold at fish stores and the plain seaweed for
sushi) tried both from a feeding clip as well as rubber banded at
the base of the q-tank, frozen herbivore preparation,
freeze-dried Cyclop-Eeze, Formula 2 pellets and Spectrum Thera+
pellets. I've tried most all of these items both with and
without garlic. I'm thinking I should maybe consider trying
some Selcon, <A good idea, useful appetite stimulant... can be
added directly to the water, or the foods soaked...> but,
other than that, I'm at a loss as to what to give this fish.
I know that tangs can be susceptible to mouth damage in shipping,
but, this guy looks so darn healthy I'm hoping against hope
that he's just a finicky eater. Do you have any other
suggestions for things that I may want to try feeding? Thanks in
advance! Dan <Let's go back a bit... have you check the
species here: http://wetwebmedia.com/GoldRimSs.htm and the linked
files above... Particularly re Feeding... This fish is very
new... may be "chewing" on your live rock... taking a
while to acclimate here. Bob Fenner> Re: Finicky Tang
Advice, Acanthurus japonicus 2/13/08 Hi Bob -
Thanks for the quick response! <Welcome Dan> I did
thoroughly read the pages on this species before selecting it for
my tank (that's why I was so particular about the A.
japonicus).? According to the pages, it is definitely Acanthurus
japonicus.? It has the red stripe on the dorsal fin that, as I
understand it, is missing in A. nigricans. <Thank you for
this> My main tank is 125G with a 30G sump and a 10G fuge, so
I'm thinking that its size should be okay over the long haul,
and the tank is about a year old now. <Yes... should be fine
to ideal> Unfortunately, though, my quarantine tank is only
30G, so he's in tight quarters for the short-haul, but
he's still pretty small (appx. 4" nose to tail).
<About the perfect size as well> I'll buy some Selcon
tonight and see if I can find some other frozen herbivore
preparations. I'm also going to try the other brand of
Spectrum pellets that I've seen referred to. <Real good...
the Thera is the same... plus garlic...> Beyond that, I'm
not sure where to go next. <Mmm, really... be patient... There
is a very good possibility this specimen will settle in...> I
suppose that as long as I'm not seeing outlines of his ribs,
he's probably getting nutrition from somewhere......?
<Yes, very likely the rock...> there's no rock in the
quarantine tank though, it's bare bottom with only some PVC
connectors to give hiding places, etc. <Oh! I would summarily
move this fish to the main display...> There don't appear
to be any injuries to the mouth and it is a CLEAN looking fish.
Thanks again - Dan <To reiterate for emphasis; I would move
this fish now... There is a very small chance of trouble, and
much to be gained by going forward here. Bob Fenner>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |