FAQs about the Queen Angel
Related Articles: Queen Angels,
Related FAQs: Queen Angels
1, Queen Angels 2,
Queen Angel
Behavior, Queen Angel
Compatibility, Queen Angel
Selection, Queen Angel
Systems, Queen Angel Feeding,
Queen Angel Disease, Queen Angel Reproduction, & Marine Angelfishes In
General, Angelfish ID,
Compatibility, Systems,
Health, Feeding, Disease,

Likely a cross...
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Is this a Blue or Queen Angel
Greetings to you all today!
I am Michael, I have recently acquired a blue angel last week. She has
been a vigorous eater and eagerly accepts my New Life Spectrum Pellets!
<Ah yes>
Anyway the more I look at her the more I think she is a queen angel.
Now, I read an article recently on here stating that in juvenile colors
these two angels are hard to tell a-part. Except one may have curves and
one may not.
It seems mine has both haha! I have no clue! So hopefully you guys can
help me out here. And to you all thanks for this site, its really
~Michael H.
<No crown... Bob Fenner>
Re: Holacanthus/TWA piece, crosses twixt
Queens and Blues 11/15/11
Bob, there's some awesome images in there. I didn't see any
Townsends...all look to be unfettered species ;) Here's a couple
examples I came across online...i.e. tail of a blue with partial crown
of a queen:
<I do see what you mean... and the body colour, markings appear
intermediate twixt the species as well>
Thanks again Bob!
<Welcome Matt... Heeeee! BobF, who is going to post just this bit of
our corr. to help others re this cross/these crosses. Cheers!>
Queen/Blue/Cross Angel ID
Hi crew,
This is Richard again,
<Richard... re-do and re-send this msg. w/ resized images...
Hundreds of Kbytes, not twenty megs... Idiocy. B>
I have purchased "Queen" angel yesterday besides the
four eye butterfly yesterday.
This is Richard again,
<Hello Richard>
I have purchased "Queen" angel yesterday besides the
four eye butterfly yesterday.
Reasons why I put the parentheses around the Queen is because
I'm not 100% certain.
LFS swears by it but I don't see the "crown" that
everyone is talking about and it's making me upset.
(This does look like a juvenile Queen to me. The Blue, or Bermuda
is less colorful (a bit more 'brownish), has straighter lines
on the body, and tends not to have such trailing edges to the
dorsal & anal fins>
Maybe it's because it's still in juvenile stage?
<Yes it is most definitely a juvenile>
I have heard that it's very hard to distinguish between blue
and queen when they are young.
<Mmm, can be yes>
I have a lot of sponges in my tank from live rocks but seems to
be only picking at Aiptasia.. (weird...)
<Yes! This is a result>
hopefully that will change and it will start eating like a
<If settled then she should eat just about everything you
offer. Look to NLS pellets for a staple diet>
I'm including 2 pictures hoping that you guys can help
Sorry for the large size, I just wanted to be clear enough for
you guys.
Edit: Sorry for the large pictures again, resized to your
<Thank you Richard. The Blue lines going all the way down the
face will mostly disappear with age, leaving just the crown
visible. This happens with both fishes, the Queen and the Blue,
and is why you cannot yet see the crown as it will later
Thank you so much for everything!
<No problem>
Hi crew,
<Hello Richard>
Richard here again.
Bet you are tired from hearing from me.
<It's fine>
I sent a email couple of min.s ago with re sized pictures.
I was thinking that edit part that I wrote in the bottom can be
misinterpreted and I wanted to clarify that no attitude of any
sort was meant.
In case, anyone thought that way.
<Have just replied to your message and no worries>
I just had no idea on pic sizes, in fact, I whooped out my big
guns to try to show it in more clearer view.
You know, help you to help me that's all.
<Ok, but we are limited on mailbox space, which is why we
cannot have larger photo's sent over. That, and the fact that
it can take us minutes at a time (which we rarely have) to open
them are the reasons>
Thanks again and have a great day.
<No problem>

Queen Angel Hybridization...
happens 7/29/06 Hi Bob. I'm at it
again trying to get an ID of a fish I picked up. A pic will follow
in the upcoming week, but for now a little background. First off,
the fish is definitely some sort of Holacanthus. It is a bright
yellow overall, with some blue and black markings on the head,
caudal fin, dorsal fin, and chin. The tail is yellow and white. The
back half of the fish is a duskier yellow, not dislike the pattern
of a Clarion. The fish has been in captivity in a customer's
tank for several years, and had been traded in to a LFS due to a
move. I've looked through Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes by
Scott Michael, and I've found a few pictures that make sense.
Page 290, Bottom Left of a Clarion - the headband is almost exact.
Now what gets me is the color, and the crescent shaped fins. The
other photo that I see resemblance to is on page 286, bottom left
of a Hybrid Blue x Queen. I've talked to a few associates in
the trade, and I've gotten a bunch of mixed responses, ranging
from a Townsend to a Hybrid Queen x Rock Beauty. In any case, the
fish eats like a champ and has a fantastic personality. I just wish
I could figure out what it is. As always your input is greatly
valued, Best Regards, Joe Russo p.s. I've got to get some pics
to you of my A. arcuatus. It eats from my hand, and not my corals
either :) Now if I could just find a Golden Hawk I'd be set.
<Looking forward to the pix. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Queen Angel Hybridization 8/3/06
Bob, please find attached 2 pictures of the fish. Joe <Mmm...
good pix... I have been told two principal things re such
"xanthic" appearing Queens... that they're just a
color variety... That they're a cross twixt H. ciliaris and H.
bermudensis. Have seen this sort of coloring in the wild and
captive specimens as well... my pix of same are posted on WWM...
but I know not otherwise. Thank you for sending this along. Am
going to try to send to Dr. Randall and Dr. Gerald Allen for their
input (much greater re Pomacanthids... all fishes than mine). Bob
Fenner> |

Re: Queen Angel Hybridization 8/4/06
Bob, any idea on the value of the fish? <Mmm, about the same as a
juvenile Blue of about the same size> Do you see what I'm seeing
with the Clarion head bar as in Angelfishes by S. Michael? <Yes, but
assuredly not a cross with the congener across the isthmus> A
Caribbean collector friend of mine suggested it could possibly be a
Queen x Rock Beauty as they have been coming out of Belize lately,
though he hasn't seen pictures. <Don't know that this cross
actually occurs> The fish is 5" for what it's
worth...Unfortunately, the blue and yellow didn't turn up that well
in the photos on the dorsal fin, chin and tail... thanks again, Joe
Russo <Is a beauty. Bob Fenner, who is hoping for a response from
Jack Randall here>
- More on Blue Angels - Oh how wonderful life is with aquaria
in hand and doing life's work, without shoving it back to you, and
saying here take this you... I have to ask cheers j- are you female or
male not that I care but curious!!! <Last time I checked, I was a
male - J is short for Jason.> your advice {splendid indeed master
splinter} ! I did as you requested and ordered bobs book the
conscientious marine aquarist, should be here Monday! <Excellent, I
think you will enjoy it.> I really have a question about my blue
angel, or my queen angel you see the blue angel has lines that curve
back toward the tail and the one I have although 4 inches in length
just body not tail look to be straight, and another thing that leads me
to believe it is a queen is the dorsal fin from front to back is neon
blue as is the fin from front to back on the underside of him is neon
blue, and from what I've been reading the adult blue has no blue
color! <Hmm... that doesn't happen for quite a while... give it
some time and you will see. More on the Holocanthus angels here:
> I paid 68 bucks for this blue angel so they say, but did I get a
blue or did I get a queen? <Hard to say without a photo - I'm
guessing by your description that this fish still has it's juvenile
colors.> if I got a queen I need to hurry and get a 400 or 5 hundred
gal tank right? <No hurry, they don't grow that quickly but
either way, both of these fish get considerably larger than four inches
and if you want to keep it for a long time, a larger tank will be in
your future. Cheers, J -- >
Queen Angel Just wanted to say Thanks for all the great info
on the Queen angel. I am going to purchase a 3" (or so) juvenile
for my 220 FO, and I wanted to see if there was a good way to
distinguish the Queen from a Townsend. Is a Townsend's markings
just a subtle mix of the Queen and Blue? Any definite things for the
untrained eye to look for?<Not really they are pretty
distinguishable> I hear there have been some of both offered locally
as Queens these days, so I wanted to try & educate myself on the
differences. I was in a LFS today and they tried to sell me what was
clearly a blue angel as a Queen.<Yea that is either plain dishonesty
or lack of knowledge on the LFS part> Thanks again for your
time!<good luck, IanB>
Is this a Queen angel? Dear Crew,
<Howdy> Can you help me to identify if this a Queen Angel or
not? I'm very curious about this
fish. Could it be a Blue Angel or crossed between a
Queen and a Blue Angel? The fish is mostly yellow but at
a certain angle I see a little pinkest color. Thank you.
<Could be a cross (these do happen... used to be called,
identified as other species, e.g. Bermuda Angel...), but this looks
like a Queen, though very xanthic in background color. Have you
seen this fish in person? Might also be a manipulated image. Bob
Fenner> Alan |

Re: Is this a Queen angel? Dear Bob, <Alan> I own this
angel. I've been considering giving it up because
I'm not sure if it's a Queen angel or not. When I bought it
they said it's a blue angel but it was very
cute. Sometime it seem like a Queen angel though.
<Whichever it is or a hybrid, it is gorgeous, and in apparently good
health. I would definitely keep it. Bob Fenner> Alan
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |