Related FAQs: Fish
and Invertebrate Marine Set-ups, FOWLR 2, FOWLR 3, FOWLR Set-Ups, FOWLR Set-Ups 2, FOWLR Lighting, FOWLR Filtration, FOWLR Skimmers, FOWLR Livestocking, FOWLR Livestocking 2, FOWLR Livestocking 3, FOWLR Livestocking 4, &FOWLR Maintenance, FOWLR Disease, LR Lighting, Reef Systems, Coldwater
Systems, Small Systems, Large Systems, Marine System
Plumbing, Best Marine Set-Up FAQs 1, Best FAQs 2, Marine Set-Up 1, FAQs 2, FAQs 3, FAQs
4, FAQs 5, FAQs 6, FAQs
7, FAQs 8, FAQs 9, FAQs
10, FAQs 11, FAQs 12, FAQs
13, FAQs 14, FAQs 15, FAQs
16, FAQs 17, FAQs 18, FAQs
20, FAQs 21, FAQs 22, Moving
Aquarium Systems, Biotopic presentations,
Related Articles:
Fish and Invertebrate Systems, aka FI/OWLR
Systems by Bob Fenner,
Planning, Getting Started with a Marine Tank By
Adam Blundell,
MS, Fish-Only Marine Set-up, Reef Systems, Coldwater
Systems, Small Systems, Large Systems, Plumbing Marine
Systems, Refugiums, Moving
Aquariums, Marine Biotope,
Landscaping, Fishwatcher's
/The Conscientious Marine
FOWLR Systems Plus
Live Rock, Fishes & Hardy Invertebrate Biotopes That Thrive
Robert Fenner |
Sidebar: Portfolio
of Rugged Invertebrates
A brief preview of some invertebrate organism groups that are typically
verboten in reef tanks:
Lobsters; smaller tropical species for mid-sized systems, and
larger possibilities for those of hundreds of gallons. Shown,
the Zapata, Slipper Lobster Scyllarides squamosus in
Baja. There are also clawed and spiny lobsters of all sizes to
consider; though each is to degree predaceous, given food
directly, they generally leave tankmates alone.
Saron Shrimps; There are several species, but I’ll only
share the one commonly offered in the trade here: Saron
marmoratus Olivier 1811), Marble or Saron Shrimp. Found
throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. Usually collected out of
Hawai'i for the U.S., the Red Sea for European markets. Usually
found in pairs in the wild. Will fight to the death if same sex
individuals are placed together. Males with much longer first
pair of walking/fighting legs. Get along fine with fishes,
other crustaceans. A male in Hawai'i at night.
Large Hermit Crabs; There are a few more than golf ball to
fist sized hermits that will tear up reefs, but are suitable for
larger rough and tumble fish and invertebrate systems. Here’s
Dardanus megistos (Herbst 1789), Shell-Breaking Reef Hermit
Crab, often sold as the White Spotted. Members of this genus are
predaceous, and will gladly consume any fishes they can get
their claws on. To six inches. P*lace with large, aware fishes
Arrow Crabs; There’s more than one, but all we see in the
trade is Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst 1788), the
Caribbean Arrow Crab. Not to be trusted with small to medium
fish tank-mates (may spear with rostrum, otherwise consume).
Safe with hardy native corals and anemones, larger fishes.
Sally Lightfoot Crabs; this common name includes a few
species. At right is the one of the Sally’s: Grapsus grapsus.
Percnon gibbesi, is another one; AKA as the Nimble
Spray Crab. Tropical West Atlantic. Live in reefs, rocky areas.
Hide under Urchins and rocks. Both need a platform to get up/out
of the water.
Decorator Crabs; Here also there are several species of
Decapods with the same appellation. I’ll show you an Ethusa
species with a Cassiopeia on its back here, but there are others
that sport sponges, hydroids, algae…
Bigger Gastropods; This encompasses a large number of
organisms; particularly snails. Of the choices here,
aquacultured Fighting Conchs are a fave. Shown Lobatus gigas
(formerly Strombus gigas), the Queen Conch
Larger Urchins; Bigger urchins need bigger spaces to move
and feed from; plus a dearth of benthic life that can be damaged
by poking. Diadema paucispinum (A. Agassiz 1863), a
Long-Spined Sea Urchin. Pacific; Hawai'i and islands of the
South Pacific. To about twelve inches maximum diameter, with
spines. Usually in 60 or more feet of water on a vertical
surface. Common name means "few spines" which you may not agree
with if you get poked but good.
Larger Sea Cucumbers; Just beware of the ones that have
the propensity for extruding their toxic Cuvierian Tubules as
this one is doing here. Bohadschia argus Jager 1833, the
Ocellated Sea Cucumber. Western Indian Ocean; Madagascar,
Seychelles to Sri Lanka. Pacific Ocean; Malay Archipelago to
South Pacific Islands. Needs large quarters than captivity
allows. To two feet in length.
Even a few noxious corals… that most folks avoid, at least
in quantity. Colt/Klyxum, Cauliflower Coral, the many
Clavulariid Polyps that are uber invasive. Shown: a fave for Red
Sea biotopes, various Xeniids.
Fish Only With Live Rock systems may seem like too-old school to
full-blown reefers, but there are still places for marine systems that
eschew the use of live hard and soft corals; as you’ll soon see, and
here’s the twist; adding some hardy invertebrates they become FIWLR
aquariums. Yes; there are numerous combinations of fishes, tough
invertebrates and live rock system by gallonage that make powerful,
beautiful displays.
FOWLR tanks have been with us since the advent and popularization of
live rock use; in the US, about the mid 1980’s. The purpose and use of
live rock is multi-fold of course: Not only as a pre-eminent décor
material that can be fashioned into caves, walls, bommies, nooks and
crannies of all sorts, but for its functional aspects… promoting overall
complete and stable ecology through aerobic and anaerobic bacterial
culture, sponsoring algal et al. Protistan populations, and serving as
structure for many groups of invertebrate life. Really; where would our
hobby be without live rock? I almost shudder when I think back to the
pre LR days of bleached corals, shells, barnacles… plastic plants…
dolomite gravel! Oh yeah; not a pretty memory; and think of all the
bleach stains on floors!
Adding selected hardy invertebrates to FOWLRs without them becoming
full-blown reef systems is simple to do, and makes for much more
interesting displays. Herein are some of my ideas for great mixes of
readily available fishes, hardy invertebrates and macroalgae in terms of
natural setting and tank size.
On With the Model Biotopes by Volume!
Size: 40 Gallon Indo-Pacific Starter
Scientific Name:
1 White Tailed Dwarf Angel
Centropyge flavicauda
3 Blue Chromis
Chromis viridis
1 Dwarf Hawkfish
Cirrhitichthys falco
Sea Lettuce
Ulva sp.
2, 3 Nerite Snails
Nerite sp.
1 Mithrax Crab
Mithraculus sculptus
Notes on Livestock:
A Fisher’s Dwarf Angel would be a good substitute for the White-Tailed
if you can’t find it or prefer the Fisher’s looks.
The Blue Chromis is the most popular of Damsels, but any small,
easier-going Pomacentrid will do.
The Sea Lettuce is best purchased aquacultured. You can find this online
under the genus name.
Notes on Aquascaping:
Just some live rock, ten, twenty pounds, mounded up in a corner is what
I suggest. This is enough LR to gain all the benefits, but not so much
as to take up significant volume.
Size: 50 Gallon Cozumel Shallows
Scientific Name:
2, 3 Cherub Angels
Centropyge argi
1 Lantern Bass
Serranus baldwini
1 Royal Gramma
Gramma loreto
2, 3 Cleaner Gobies
Gobiosoma sp.
1 Blue Sponge
Haliclona sp.
1 Condy Anemone
Condylactis gigantea
1 Sea Grapes
Caulerpa racemosa
Notes on Livestock:
All other basses from the area, including other Serranus species, get
too large. S. baldwini itself out at 3”. There’s a large
selection of Gobiosoma species in the tropical West Atlantic; take your
time selecting these.
I realize this isn’t much fish life, but the paucity here in numbers and
size is more than made up in peacefulness and interesting behavior.
Though I really like row pore sponges, Aplysina species, these aren’t
offered in the trade; thus I’ve listed one sponge that is… DO keep your
eyes open at your dealers if they stock LR from the trop. W. Atlantic…
for hitchhiking sponges. Here’s hoping you can pick up a hardy/ier
photosynthetic species for cheap. If you can’t locate this Caulerpa
species, no worries; as there are several others that are found in
Notes on Aquascaping:
Best here is a loose stacked sloping left or right wall of largish
pieces of live rock; granting plenty of nooks and holes for these fishes
to dart in and out of. Do make a prominent ledge to set your Condylactis
anemone and sponge. This Caulerpa algae grows on rock, others on sand
Size: 75 Gallon
Bonaire Blowout!
Scientific Name:
1, 2 Flameback Angels
Centropyge aurantonotus
1, 2 Yellowheaded Jawfish
Opistognathus aurifrons
1 Blue Hamlet
Hypoplectrus gemma
1 Harlequin Bass
Serranus tigrinus
1, 2 Black Cap Basslets
Gramma melacara
1 Sea Plume
Pseudopterygorgia sp.
1 Azure Vase Sponge
Callyspongia plicifera
Halimeda Algae
Halimeda copiosa or other
Notes on Livestock:
The Flameback Angel is found lower in the tropical West Atlantic, all
the way to Brazil; where great specimens can be had. I would limit the
number of Jawfish here to allow a good two square feet of space per
specimen; DO provide a mix of fine sand and rubble for their burrowing
activity. Any species of Hamlet would go here, but I really like the
blue for its color.
Other small basses can be subbed here of course.
The Sea Fan and Sponge should be purchased with a bit of live rock
attached, and this anchored into your established LR arrangement.
Halimeda species algae should be tucked onto rock where there is good
light; it will attach itself in time .
Notes on Aquascaping:
Rock arranged in a pile to one side, going about half way up the tank
side, a bommie of stacked rock on the other end, with a sandy patch
between would be my choice here; giving the fish defined areas to duck
into as well as space to cross over.
Size: 90 Gallon Western Pacific Mix
Scientific Name:
1 Coral Beauty Angel
Centropyge bispinosus
2 Fire Gobies
Nemateleotris magnifica
5 Blue Devil/Damsels
Chrysiptera cyanea
3 Yellowfin Fairy Wrasses (1 M, 2 F)
Cirrhilabrus flavodorsalis
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
1 Fromia Seastar
e.g. Fromia elegans
Brown Dichotomous Algae
Dictyota species
Notes on Livestock:
Another western Pacific Ocean Centropyge could supplant the Coral
Beauty. The Oriole, or Bicolor is one such alternate choice. Place the
dartfish gobies last, as they appreciate more established systems. The
Damsels can go in anytime; perhaps first as “test fish” to ascertain the
system’s readiness for stocking.
Other species of cleaner shrimp, Fromia star can be substituted of
course. Look at fresh live rock imports at your dealer for common
hitchhiking Dictyota.
Notes on Aquascaping:
A/the “standard” wall of rock applies here, perhaps with a dip towards
the middle area, and not quite so high on the right. For most humans, a
higher point of impression is taken on the left, with the view sliding
to the right.
Size: 100 Gallon Polynesian Paradise
Scientific Name:
1 Flame Angel
Centropyge loricula
1 Golden Wrasse
Halichoeres chrysus
1 Pacific Saddleback Butterflyfish
Chaetodon ulietensis
1, 2 Scott’s Wrasse (1 M)
Cirrhilabrus scottorum
3, 4 Canary Demoiselle
Chrysiptera galba
1 Tiger Cowry
Cypraea tigris
1, 2 Maxima Clams
Tridacna maxima
1, 2 Hatpin Urchins
Diadema setosum
1 Linckia Seastar
best Linckia multifora
Notes on Livestock:
I’ve shown a Flame Angel photographed down in Nuka Hiva in the
Marquesas, but one from throughout its wide range will do. Best to
introduce the Centropyge angel first, so it becomes well established
without any competition for food and space. If a Tiger Cowry is too big
for your tastes, there are other cypraeids to choose amongst. The small
species of urchin mentioned is a frequent hitchhiker on S. Pacific live
rock imports.
Notes on Aquascaping:
One peaked wall in the left corner (unless there was some compelling
outside of the system reason to situate it on the right) of rock is my
choice for this size, shape tank, and the fishes listed. Enough hiding
spaces afforded for psychological comfort, leaving the majority of room
for open space cruising.
Size: 150 Gallon
Fiji Reef Bottom
Scientific Name:
1 Koran Angelfish
Pomacanthus semicirculatus
1 Banana Wrasse
Halichoeres hortulanus
7 Blue Chromis
Chromis viridis
5 3-Stripe Dascyllus
Dascyllus aruanus
1 Blue Tang
Paracanthurus hepatus
1 Dwarf Hawkfish
Cirrhitichthys falco
1 Fiji Blenny
Ecsenius fijiensis
Galaxaura Red Algae
Galaxaura species
1, 2 Aquacultured Bubble Tip Anemones
Entacmaea quadricolor
1, 2 Fluted Giant Clam
Tridacna squamosa
1, 2 Banded Coral Shrimp
Stenopus hispidus
Notes on Livestock:
The Koran is one of most favorite angelfishes; and doesn’t get too large
for this size/shape tank. Just the same, if you prefer, there are some
larger Centropyge in Fiji that you could swap out for; or a pair/trio of
the Swallowtail Angel, Genicanthus melanospilos. The Banana Wrasse does
get large, but it’s a peaceful, non-destructive species. The Damsel
groupings are for show and motion all day, and the Blue/Palatte/Pacific
Yellowtail Tang for color and interest: along with the little Blenny and
You might well get lucky finding useful macroalgae growing on good
quality live rock, otherwise, look for this and Tridacnids as
aquacultured products.
Notes on Aquascaping:
Here I would amass a centrally placed stack of rock, with some
overhangs, but mostly for the fish to swim around; to provide habitat
and blocking each other visually to reduce aggression and stress.
Size: 180 Gallon Hawaiian Drop Off
Scientific Name:
1 Bandit Angelfish
Apolemichthys arcuatus
2 Pebbled Butterflyfish
Chaetodon multicinctus
1 Coris Wrasse
Coris gaimard
1 Christmas Wrasse
Halichoeres ornatissimus
2, 3 Jordan’s Wrasses (1 M)
Cirrhilabrus jordani
Ogo (Tang Heaven/IPSF)
Gracilaria parvispora
Collector Urchin
Tripneustes gratilla
Black Cucumber
Holothuria atra
Hawaiian Red Reef Lobster
Enoplometopus occidentalis
Notes on Livestock:
Yeah, I know Bandit Angels are expensive; but if you can afford to
procure an aquacultured specimen, I can’t encourage you enough. IF too
dear, a Potter’s (maybe with the Macropharyngodon wrasse Batesian
mimic!) or even a Hawaiian Flame Angel will do. Or, if you hit the
lottery, look for a pair of Masked Angels, Genicanthus personatus.
These have also been cultured, but wild or not… muy expensive.
Similarly, there are a few dozen other Labrid possibilities that hail
from the 50th State.
There are several species of Gracilaria in Hawaiian waters, the one
mentioned is a favorite food of some marine fishes, but is otherwise
ornamental. It can be purchased over the Net from Indo-Pacific Sea Farm.
Notes on Aquascaping:
Three separated stacks of rock (larger, flatter pieces on the bottom of
the tank first), ala three bommies is how I’d place the LR here in a six
foot long system; the bommie in the middle perhaps a bit shorter and
Size: 240 Gallon Hawaiian Shore Biotope!
Scientific Name:
1, 2, 3 Potter’s Angelfish
Centropyge potteri
1 Naso Tang
Naso lituratus
1 Shortnose Wrasse
Macropharyngodon geoffroy
3 Pyramid Butterflies
Hemitaurichthys polylepis
1 Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
Labroides pthirophagus
1 Rectangle Triggerfish
Rhinecanthus rectangulus
1 Zebra Moray
Gymnomuraena zebra
2 Red Pencil Urchins
Heterocentrotus mammillatus
5 Feather Duster Worms
Sabellastarte sanctijosephi
Notes on Livestock:
I REALLY like looking for Potter’s angels while out diving in Hawai’i;
and so much better when you come across the mimic Shortnose Wrasse. Why
not stock them both! I’d list some other treasured endemic butterflies
from the shallows of Hawai’i but they are currently not available due to
the current embargo on collection there. I fully suspect the situation
will be fixed in short order. The cleaner wrasse mentioned is now being
aquacultured and is quite hardy, as well as exceedingly beautiful. Stick
with the Rectangle Trigger, avoid the Picasso… the former stays smaller
and is much more easygoing. If you don’t care for Zebra Morays for some
odd reason, try the other crustacean eating Muraenid commonly found
there, the Snowflake, Echidna nebulosa.
Luckily, the invertebrates mentioned can be sourced outside Hawaii; do
place them amongst the lower rock to give them shelter from the fishes.
Notes on Aquascaping:
Much of Hawai’i’s shores are largely made up of broken and complete lava
rock. I’d have as much rock as you can stand stacked up largely covering
the bottom and back wall to good height, with occasional
vacuolations/windows allowing the fish to get inside the back area.
Size: 300 Gallon FOWLR
Organisms: A Red Sea Extravaganza!
Scientific Name:
1 Maculosus or Asfur Angel
Pomacanthus maculosus, P. asfur
2 Golden Butterflies
Chaetodon semilarvatus
1 Diana’s Hogfish
Bodianus diana
1 Checkerboard Wrasse
Halichoeres hortulanus
15 Lyretail Anthias (school, 1,2 males)
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
1 or 2 endemic Dottybacks
Pseudochromis fridmani, P. springeri
1 Purple Tang
Zebrasoma xanthurum
1Naso Tang
Naso lituratus or N. vlamingii
1 Assasi Triggerfish
Rhinecanthus assasi
Notes on Livestock:
Yes; there are other Red Sea Angels; the Pygoplites diacanthus (Regals)
from there are fabulous and quite hardy; and there is a Centropyge and
Genicanthus that might be subbed as pairs or more for the one large
Pomacanthid show piece.
And there are some other Butterflyfishes, though these are rarer in the
Diverse Labrids hail from the Red Sea, but are either absent in western
shops or too retiring to be of use.
Other, substitutions for the Purple Tang is the Sailfin, Z. desjardinii,
other Nasos, N. unicornis and N. brevicornis.
Notes on Aquascaping:
Much of the Red Sea has reef slopes that look a lot like the stacked
rock of many petfish aquariums; alternatively you could arrange one or
both ends of a large system like this with either stacked rock and/or
bommies. Do leave a good deal of space open in the front for your Angel
and Butterflies, Fancy Bass, Tangs and Trigger to cruise about.
Scientific Name:
Notes on Livestock:
Notes on Aquascaping:
Scientific Name:
Notes on Livestock:
Notes on Aquascaping:
How many variations of mixes of fish only livestock are there? Factored,
it would be a HUGE number. Of course your system need not highlight an
Angelfish species as a center piece; but I do encourage you to decide on
such a central animal species and build your livestock assortment around