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Severum, Banded Cichlid, Heros severus
Heckel 1840. Hails from the Amazon Basin originally. To eight
inches (12 according to Loiselle). Eats algae, plants, fruits,
seeds, detritus in the wild. A peaceful species best kept by
itself, in pairs. Conditions: pH 6-6.5, dH 4-6, temp. 23-25 C.,
though much broader in its environmental tolerance than the wild
values stated. A red morph at Interzoo 08 |
Betta falx. Tan & Kottelat 1998. At
Interzoo 08. |
Ctenopoma acutirostre Pellegrin 1899, the
Spotted Ctenopoma. Central Africa; the Congo Basin. To six inches
in length. Conds: pH 6-8, dH 5-12, temp. 20-25 C. One of my
favorite freshwater fishes... very hardy when received in good
condition and their minimum care requirements met. Bubblenest
builders, brooders. |
Trichogaster leeri (Bleeker 1852), the
Pearl Gourami. Found naturally on the Malay Peninsula,; Thailand
and Indonesia. To nearly five inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH
5-19, temp. 24-28 C. Aquarium photograph of a male (longer
unpaired fins, much more colorful). |