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Genus Peckoltia, Clown Plecostomus:
These small (3-5 inches) Loricariids are not as
hardy in shipping or acclimation to captive conditions, but are
sturdy enough if/when brought in well, and once they settle
in'¦ and they almost always leave live plants alone.
Also of note, though they are often pictured and housed together
in captivity, Peckoltia species are best kept either one to a
tank (even if a large system), or pairs. They're easygoing
with other bottom dwellers but very aggressive toward

Genus Peckoltia, Clown Plecostomus:
These small (3-5 inches) Loricariids are not as
hardy in shipping or acclimation to captive conditions, but are
sturdy enough if/when brought in well, and once they settle
in'¦ and they almost always leave live plants alone.
Also of note, though they are often pictured and housed together
in captivity, Peckoltia species are best kept either one to a
tank (even if a large system), or pairs. They're easygoing
with other bottom dwellers but very aggressive toward
Trichogaster trichopterus (Pallas, 1770),
the Blue, Opaline (marbled), Gold, Three Spot Gourami, and other
common names for its many sports. Asia: Mekong and Xe Bangfai
Basins, Indonesia and Malaysia. To six inches maximum length.
Conds: pH 6-8, dH 5-19, temp. 22-28 C. Female Three Spot
shown. |
Trichogaster trichopterus (Pallas, 1770),
the Blue, Opaline (marbled), Gold, Three Spot Gourami, and other
common names for its many sports. Asia: Mekong and Xe Bangfai
Basins, Indonesia and Malaysia. To six inches maximum length.
Conds: pH 6-8, dH 5-19, temp. 22-28 C. Male Gold variety
shown. |