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Microgeophagus ramirezi (Myers & Harry
1948), the Ram Cichlid. South America; Orinoco River in Venezuela
and Columbia. To two and a half inches in length. Cond.s: pH 5-6,
dH 5-12, temp. 27-30 C. The most popular South American Dwarf
Cichlid, frequently suffering for being kept in inappropriate water
quality, setting, and lack of food. A new blue "variety"
at Aquarama 09. |

Chromobotia (Botia) macracanthus (Bleeker
1862), the Clown Loach. Asia: all Clowns are wild-caught in rivers
of Borneo and Sumatra, Indonesia. To one foot in length. Preferred
conditions: pH 5-8, dH 5-12, temp. 25-30C. A six or so incher at
Preuss's Pets in MI. |
WWM FW Daily pic corr. 6/18/10
> Hi Bob,
> The fish labeled as 'Cyprinodon macularius' on the
page below most certainly is not -- that's a female Ameca
splendens, with the male in the background.
> An interesting fish. Practically extinct in the wild,
limited to perhaps one relict population; typically around 2-2.5
inches long, primarily herbivorous (mine mostly live off Indian
fern) but a noted fin-nipper. Recent lab work has demonstrated
the males from lines maintained in captivity for decades are
substantially more aggressive than the handful of wild specimens,
but spend much less time foraging, making reintroduction of
captive-bred specimens problematic.
> Cheers, Neale
It sure is Ameca... I've kept them on a few occasions...
Thank you Neale, will fix. BobF
Dianema urostriatum Cope 1872, the Porthole
Catfish. South America; Brazil. Males to 8 cm., females to 12cm.
Cond.s: pH range: 5.5 - 7.5; dH range: 2 - 20. Temp. 25-28 C.
A perennial favorite, and hardy if received in decent health and
acclimated. The "regular" Porthole lacks the
Flagtail's caudal striations. |