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Puntius conchonius (Hamilton 1822), the
Rosy Barb. Often "juiced" with anabolic steroid solutions
in the aquarium trade to bring out their vibrancy (albeit
temporarily), the Rosy Barb is a good medium sized barb choice. To
more than five inches in length in the wild. Males can be this
gorgeous without "juicing" when in spawning condition. A
hardy, undemanding aquarium species. |

Puntius conchonius (Hamilton 1822), the
Rosy Barb. Often "juiced" with anabolic steroid solutions
in the aquarium trade to bring out their vibrancy (albeit
temporarily), the Rosy Barb is a good medium sized barb choice. To
more than five inches in length in the wild. Males can be this
gorgeous without "juicing" when in spawning condition. A
hardy, undemanding aquarium species. |
Puntius tetrazona (Bleeker 1855), the most
common Tiger Barb in the aquarium trade in the west (there are
other barbs with the same common name elsewhere), can be a real
terror if mis-matched with long-finned, slow tankmates. Many
tank-bred sport mutations of this species are produced. The wild
type. |
Puntius melamanpyx (Day 1865), the Spanner
Barb. To 7.5 cm.. Asia: Peninsular India and Nilgiris, Cauvery
drainage. |