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Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz 1831), the
Oscar. To seventeen inches (45.7 cm). South America: Rio Amazonas
basin in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Northern Paraguay and French
Guiana. Freshwater: pH range: 6.0 - 8.0; dH range: 5.0 - 19.0,
temp. 22 - 25°C. Albino Red variety. |

Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz 1831), the
Oscar. To seventeen inches (45.7 cm). South America: Rio Amazonas
basin in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Northern Paraguay and French
Guiana. Freshwater: pH range: 6.0 - 8.0; dH range: 5.0 - 19.0,
temp. 22 - 25°C. Albino Lutino variety. |
The Parrot Cichlid. Perhaps a mix between
Amphilophus citrinellum (the Midas Cichlid) and
Cichlasoma synspilum (the Redhead Cichlid), this hybrid was
produced first in the mid-1980's in Taiwan. Other possible
"donor" species include: Heros severus (the
Severum) and one of the Red Devils (Amphilophus
labiatum). To eight inches in length. Beauty is indeed, in the
eye of the beholder. This one on show at the 6/01 Aquarama Show in
Singapore. |
Pelvicachromis pulcher (Boulenger 1901),
the Rainbow Krib (from the old name, Kribensis, still sold in the
pet-fish trade as). Originally from West Africa; southern Nigeria
and Cameroon. A perennial favorite in the hobby, with many
generations bred in captivity. Females larger (to four inches),
better looking than males. Freshwater to brackish; pH 5-8, dH 5-19,
temperature 24-25C. in the wild. |