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Epalzeorhynchos bicolor (Smith 1931), the
Redtail Sharkminnow to science was Labeo bicolor, the Red
Tail shark to the aquarium hobby. Found originally in
Thailand. Grows to a bit under five inches in length (if it
doesn't jump out first). Cond.s: pH 6.5-7.5, dH to 15, temp.
22-26 C. There are mutations of this species including
albino. |

Epalzeorhynchos munense (Smith 1934), sold
interchangeably with E. frenatum as the Rainbow or
Red-Finned Shark/minnow and Albino Shark in the aquarium trade.
Differentiable by position of dorsal fin. Base starts ahead of
pelvic fins in E. munense, just at in E. frenatus. To
a little under five inches maximum length. |
Labeo (variegatus)
cyclorhynchus Boulenger 1899, the Variegated Shark (to
science, the Harlequin Sharkminnow). Central Africa; Congo
and Ogowe Rivers. To a little over six inches in length. Cond.s:
temp. 21-27 C. |
Luciosoma spilopleura Bleeker 1855, the
Apollo Shark/minnow. Southeast Asia; Thailand, Borneo, Sumatra. To
ten inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6.5-7, dH 5-8, temp. 24-27 C. Best
kept singly. Other species in this genus are sold by this and other
common names (L. bleekeri, L. setigerum, L. trinema). |