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Crossocheilus, are the SAEs. For contrast/differentiation with the
flying fox the true SAE (C. siamensis (Smith, 1931)) has 1)
A zig-zag uneven appearance along the upper edge of their dark body
band, 2) The horizontal bar extends onto and through the middle of
their caudal fin, 3) Its dorsal surface appears cross-hatched due
to the dark margins around each scale, 4) The fins are almost
colorless except for the aforementioned caudal ribbing. |
Puntius sachsii (Ahl 1923), the Gold, or
Goldfinned Barb. Southeast Asia. To a little over three inches in
length. Aquarium photo. |
Puntius pentazona (Boulenger 1894), the
Five Band Barb. Asia; Malay Archipelago to Indonesia. To three and
a half inches in length. A hardy, semi-peaceful member
of the Barb group. |
Puntius titteya Deraniyalgala 1929, the
Cherry Barb. A peaceful, small beauty. To two and a half inches at
maximum length. A chubby individual in an aquarium
setting. |