FAQs on Glass Aquarium Repair, Chips/Cracks 11
Related Articles:
Aquarium Repair,
Acrylic Aquarium Repair,
Cleaning Aquariums,
Marine Tanks, Stands and Covers,
Used Gear for Marine Systems,
Designer Marine tanks, stands and covers,
Related FAQs:
Chips/Cracks 1,
Chips/Cracks 2,
Chips/Cracks 3,
Chips/Cracks 4,
Chips/Cracks 5,
Chips/Cracks 6,
Chips/Cracks 7,
Chips/Cracks 8,
Chips/Cracks 9,
Chips/Cracks 10,
Glass Aquarium Repair 1,
Glass Aquarium Repair 2, G lass Aquarium
Repair 3, Glass Aquarium Repair 4, Glass Aquarium Repair 5,
& FAQs on Repairing Glass Tank: Scratches/Blemishes, Cross-Braces, Leaks, Whole
Panes, Tools: Cutting Glass,
Silicone, Moulding/Frames; Techniques; Olde Tank (Slate Bottom, Metal Frame,
Pecora...) Repairs, Troubleshooting/Repairs, &
Acrylic Aquarium
Repair, Used Aquarium
Chipped tank
Hello crew, I have 100 gallon tank that someone gave me. My question is, there
is a small chip in the corner lower left-hand side. It’s 1 inch long it affects
1/3 of the seal. The glass is 3/8 thick. Is this tank serviceable? Thanks for
your website and your help Tim
<Ahh, unfortunately this chip is too large and too low on the side for me to be
comfortable using the tank as is.
IF it were mine, and I wanted to fill it all the way (as opposed to partly fill,
make into a paludarium let's say), I would ADD two strips of glass (can be
triple strength, 1/4"...) vertically, of two inch width, ON THE OUTSIDE,
siliconing, overlapping at the corner... and TURN the repaired area to the
back/wall out of sight. I hope this is clear.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Chipped tank 11/11/19
Thanks Bob !
<Certainly welcome Tim. BobF>
Re: Vintage Aquarium 9/11/19
Thanks so much for the speedy reply, Bob!
<Welcome Wes>
I have one more question if you don't mind. I will keep it short. Found
chip in glass, wondering if its an issue and what I should do about it
if so. If you think it's not an issue, is there something you would recommend
filling it with for peace of mind? Images attached. Pics with blue are from
inside, without blue are of outside. These were the best I could get. The tank
is 45Gallon. Also, there is an image with a green dot showing approximate
<Nice/good images. Given the size, shape of this chip I don't think you'll have
trouble with the tank structurally. Filling it in w/ silicone won't help
structurally or looks-wise. There are some glass repair products that might...
but I don't use them on aquariums myself. Bob Fenner>
.jpg) |
Conchoidal fracture on inside Tank bottom
Hello Crew,
I have over the years searched this site for many an aquarium matter.
you, thank you, thank you for all that you do!
<Ah, welcome>
I began drilling the standpipe holes in a 100x60x80cm 1.9cm thick glass
aquarium. As the tank is so heavy I was sitting inside of it drilling from the
inside out. Much to my dismay, while pulling out the drill bit to clean out the
glass dust I foolishly did not stop the drill-bit first and somehow bent the bit
at the same time fracturing around the uncompleted hole.
<Ugh! Been there, done this... really have to take one's time... a good idea to
tape the zone... run water or other coolant/lubricant, use a grinding type
As the glass is so thick and it takes so long to drill through I must have been
in a daze focusing (or not, I guess...mesmerized?) on that drill going round and
round. Anyway, you can see the fracture in the attached photos (the tank is
wrapped with plastic wrap still).
1. Will/is this 2-3mm deep fracture be an issue in terms of integrity?
<Could be... such scallop chips can lead to catastrophic failure...>
2. If not, I am concerned about the seal of the gasket on the fracture. I await
your counsel on this matter.
Thanks ahead of time,
<I'd at least Silicone a minimum of quarter-inch glass over the chipped area and
surrounds (an inch plus overlap over the hole, area... and drill through this in
addition. Bob Fenner>
Chipped Glass
Hello WWM,
<Hi Steve, could you please crop/resize the images to only a few hundred KB's
and resend? Wil.>
Chipped Glass
Hello WWM,
I have recently bought a 75 gallon Marineland Corner Flo Aquarium. It had sat a
while during my stand build. Yesterday I unwrapped it to start setting up and
noticed a chip in the side panel of glass on the front edge. It is on the inside
under the silicone. This is mid-level on the tank. The chip looks to be about
1/8 the thickness of the glass from what I can see from the end edge. Do you
think this will still be water safe?
<Mmm, I don't know; therefore, I wouldn't use this tank w/o repair. Likely the
"two inch" strip Silastic of a quarter inch/triple strength plate glass piece
all along (the vertical) of this chipped edge. Do see WWM re such (chip
repairs). Bob Fenner>
Thank you,
Steve S.
Re: Chipped Glass 5/1/19
I tried to resize the pictures. The first picture is the side panel that has
the chip, the second picture is looking at the front panel and the hairline
on the seam is how deep the chip is. It is on the inside under
the silicone.
<Chips don't usually extend but cracks do; your photos don't show very clear
if this is only a chip or there is also a crack that may compromise the
tank´s security, therefore, if this were me/my tank I would silicone a glass
strip all along the chipped glass just as Bob suggested. See this link and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/glsaqcracks.htm Cheers. Wil.>
Re: Chipped Glass 5/1/19
I tried searching to find how to put glass strip on but after hour or so I
could not find any clear information. Do I just put glass strip on the side
panel that has the chip?
<Ah yes>
Can I overlay a piece of glass on the whole side panel for better appearance
than just a strip?
<Just the couple inches, top to bottom, along the chipped edge>
Do I silicone it just on the edges or does there need to be silicone across
the whole surface?
<Entire, the clear... >
Thank you
Steve S.
<Sorry re not providing a beginning link. Try here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Chipped Glass 5/2/19
Would it hurt to do the whole side panel with a piece so it's not so unsightly?
<Meh; I'd do the strip and turn the side to the back, corner... Most folks will
never see it>
I am assuming this will go on outside of tank , not the inside?
<Yes; outside>
Piece will then go in-between the top and bottom frame?
Sorry for so many questions, I just want to do this correctly.
<Ah, understood. No worries>
You all are great with your fast replies!! Thank you so much!!
<Welcome Steve. BobF>
Re: Chipped Glass 5/2/19
I had inquired about the whole panel due to not being able to turn that side of
the tank to the back. It is a bottom drilled tank with a corner overflow.
Also should the 1/4" piece of glass be annealed, tempered, or laminated, etc. ?
<None of the above. Just plain float glass will do. IF any of these others, have
the glass shop do the cutting for you>
What is the best silicone to use?
<See WWM re... all "aquarium intended" are sure bets; otherwise, shoot for one
sans mildewcide>
Is silicone better than glues, epoxies, cements, etc.?
<Immensely better; yes>
Do I need to clamp the piece down when I silicone it?
<Not likely; no... IF the tank is empty, lay it down facing the non-chipped
Thank you,
Steve S.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Chipped Glass
Still wondering if it would hurt to panel over the whole side?
<?.... not necessary, nor advised>
How thick do you put the silicone?
<Not much... thin beads... squished down... You'd do well to have someone help
you who has experience Steve. Easy to do once you've seen it...>
Can I use black silicone? I am assuming you would not have any clarity even with
the clear silicone?
<I'd go w/ the clear; as prev. mentioned. Bob Fenner>
Thank you,
Steve S.
Crack 3/4/19
I have a 75 gallon freshwater aquarium. I just noticed a small crack on
my front panel near the top. I am going to replace the tank, but cannot
do so immediately. Is my tank less likely to break if I lower the water
below the crack?
<Yes; much more so the lower you drain the water down>
I have had (and moved) many tanks and am disappointed this one cracked
as it is the only tank I haven’t ever moved. I really just want this
tank to hold on until I can replace it. Anything advice to keep it
going? Or is this an emergency situation?
<Can't tell from the data provided. See/Read on WWM re if interested>
Any advice would be helpful.
<Bob Fenner>
First pre-owned tank - tank chipped in move + ID catfish
Hi Guys, your input here would be much appreciated.
Seller cancelled moving the tank on Sunday when we had loads of people
available, and chose last night in the dark, with only 4 people available to
move the tank (6'x2'x2.5', with tiled base and sand still in tank). We used
carpet off-cuts to slide the tank when it was on-end to get through doorways and
around corners, however with hindsight we should have taped some cardboard onto
the edges :( .
I was aware when the chip on the back of the tank happened - we were lowering
the tank on the porch and I forgot the pillars had metal supports at the bottom
slightly wider than the pillar, I heard a crunching glass sound, so we shifted
before lowering down again. I didn't do a full inspection but thought it looked
okay at the time. After dinner, with the tank in-site I noticed another larger
chip on one side, and a chip on the front.
All chips are on the bottom pane of glass, along the outer edges but not at
corners. They all look like impacts from the bottom of the tank that chipped a
piece out of the edge, therefore they all have a
triangular-shaped chip on the tank underside, followed by a rounded chip up to
the silicone level. I cannot see any cracks radiating from the triangular bit on
the bottom of the side- or front-of-tank chips but I
can't get to the bottom of the back chip to check that one - although I can't
see a crack looking from above inside the tank). All glass panes are 12 mm thick
(~1/2"), and the tank only has a single bottom pane. The chips on the front and
back are a maximum 2-3 mm deep into the glass. The chip on the side of the tank
is 7 mm deep maximum, so just over halfway through the pane sitting above it. I
have attached annotated images.
We were planning to strip all the inner silicone and reseal anyway as some
appears to be missing. Would we need to strengthen around the side chip with
extra glass on the inside, or will excess silicone do? Should we pour a layer of
epoxy resin across the bottom of the tank?
Is this worth taking a risk, or should we immediately resell as a non-water
tight tank and buy new?
On another note, went to get some rocks today and got given a 'free catfish'
that was in a small bucket with the guy claiming it was a snowball Pleco and
that it doesn't grow bigger than this (gestures ~10 cm /
3.5"-4"). He said he kept lots of them and they didn't develop a taste for fish
when older. Anyway, I get home and spent about 2 hours Googling and even doing
image search with my photos. Eventually I think I have identified it as a
Synodontis Eupterus "Featherfin/Squeaker" Catfish (my photos attached). I am
reading conflicting advice about these fish: size 10-30 cm (4"-12") but
supposedly 6"-8" in aquarium, diet (omnivore vs. vegetation only), and smallest
size of compatible tankmates. This fish is a bit bigger than my platys currently
but I have baby platys, male Endler's guppies and the tiny Danio margaritatus.
Do I need to get rid of this little guy asap, or will he be safe to keep when I
get everyone into a larger tank? Also, I swear he changes colour - when we saw
him in the white bucket he was a pale sandy colour with mid-brown spots, then
acclimating in the bag he seemed to be darker and developed a reddish hue to his
tail, and just now, turning the light on to feed with some of its sinking
pellets it seemed a dark brownish colour.
Thanks again,
<<I'm going to ask BobF to discuss the chipped tank, because I'm not expert on
that topic. But yes, I'd agree your fish looks like a juvenile Synodontis
eupterus, though there are any number of lookalike species, so it's hard to be
100% sure. Anyway, Synodontis eupterus is a nice species.
While it can get pretty big (I'd certainly assume 6-8 inches/15-20 cm) it is
very peaceful. Like all Synodontis it is opportunistically predatory, and will
consume very small fish, but anything bigger than a Zebra Danio should be fine
even with adults. (But yes, I'd probably corral newborn fry into a breeding
trap, or else let nature takes its course, depending on what you're trying to
achieve.) Actually, these fish tend to be at the receiving end of aggression,
being quite shy and placid, but because of their size, mistakenly dumped into
robust fish communities with semi-aggressive cichlids and L-number catfish.
They're actually a lot happier in carefully managed communities, and while they
eat algae and things like cooked peas and spinach, generally ignore healthy
plants. They do indeed change colour, something most Synodontis will do to
varying degrees. Do make sure he has a nice cave to hide in, and if he's
like my Synodontis nigriventris, after a few weeks he'll become settled enough
to come out and feed with the lights on. Bloodworms are like crack cocaine for
these fish, though so far as staples go, algae wafers for Plec-type catfish are
ideal. Basically a nice catfish for the right tank,
and adults are really impressive. You rarely see really big specimens, but even
at 20 cm, the massive sail fin is quite striking! Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: First pre-owned tank - tank chipped in move + ID catfish (RMF, can you
comment on the tank!) 2/22/19
Hi Guys, your input here would be much appreciated.
Seller cancelled moving the tank on Sunday when we had loads of people
available, and chose last night in the dark, with only 4 people available to
move the tank (6'x2'x2.5', with tiled base and sand still in tank). We used
carpet off-cuts to slide the tank when it was on-end to get through doorways and
around corners, however with hindsight we should have taped some cardboard onto
the edges :( .
<Oh oh>
I was aware when the chip on the back of the tank happened - we were lowering
the tank on the porch and I forgot the pillars had metal supports at the bottom
slightly wider than the pillar, I heard a crunching glass sound, so we shifted
before lowering down again. I didn't do a full inspection but thought it looked
okay at the time. After dinner, with the tank in-site I noticed another larger
chip on one side, and a chip on the front.
All chips are on the bottom pane of glass, along the outer edges but not at
corners. They all look like impacts from the bottom of the tank that chipped a
piece out of the edge, therefore they all have a
triangular-shaped chip on the tank underside, followed by a rounded chip up to
the silicone level. I cannot see any cracks radiating from the triangular bit on
the bottom of the side- or front-of-tank chips but I
can't get to the bottom of the back chip to check that one - although I can't
see a crack looking from above inside the tank). All glass panes are 12 mm thick
(~1/2"), and the tank only has a single bottom pane. The chips on the front and
back are a maximum 2-3 mm deep into the glass. The chip on
the side of the tank is 7 mm deep maximum, so just over halfway through the pane
sitting above it. I have attached annotated images.
We were planning to strip all the inner silicone and reseal anyway as some
appears to be missing. Would we need to strengthen around the side chip
with extra glass on the inside, or will excess silicone do?
<Mmm; were it me, mine... I'd likely make this tank into a palladarium...
vivarium? Reptile housing? AT the very least, I would run two, three, four inch
wide pieces of glass in the inside long edges (both front and back), with
Silicone, AND the cracks outside I'd likely Silicone 2" glass (triple strength,
1/4", 6 mil. will do here and inside) along the front and back... >
Should we pour a layer of epoxy resin across the bottom of the tank?
<No; of no use>
Is this worth taking a risk, or should we immediately resell as a non-water
tight tank and buy new?
<Yes; this is what I would do; replace it entirely.>
<Sorry to be the bearer of bad/dire news. Bob Fenner>

Re: for Bob - tank chipped in move
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply.
Not wanting to give up just yet (surrounded by stuff to go in this tank, 6
week wait for a new tank).. another thought has struck.
A previous owner has siliconed 20" ceramic tiles to the bottom of most of
the tank (except along the back 4" and cut around 2 bubble rings centrally).
These are rippled like sand with thickness 8-12 mm (1/3-1/2").
I can see that black silicone covers the full height of the tiles where they
are set against the tank walls. Do you think that if we apply a full inner
seal around and between the tiles (and perhaps fill the gap at the
back with more tile, or glass, or acrylic) that this would act like a second
base and be as good as adding glass strips around the chips?
<No; unfortunately>
I realise it doesn't give the re-enforced vertical strip but it creates a
new internal joint thicker than the original, and the side glass is still
attached to the base and the tile. The tank is also sat on a full sized 1"
thick polystyrene sheet.
<I see/saw that; doesn't help>
If we can't get glass strips long enough would acrylic strips work as well
as glass strips (will be below deep substrate so don't care about
<Glass would be much better. Silastics don't really adhere to acrylic>
Why won't pouring a thick layer of resin across the bottom to create a new
base work?
<... not elastic nor "sticky" enough>
Thanks again,
<DO read as much as you can stand here:
and the linked files in the series above. BobF>
First pre-owned tank - tank chipped in move + ID catfish
Hi Guys, your input here would be much appreciated.
Seller cancelled moving the tank on Sunday when we had loads of people
available, and chose last night in the dark, with only 4 people available to
move the tank (6'x2'x2.5', with tiled base and sand still in tank). We used
carpet off-cuts to slide the tank when it was on-end to get through doorways and
around corners, however with hindsight we should have taped some cardboard onto
the edges :( .
I was aware when the chip on the back of the tank happened - we were lowering
the tank on the porch and I forgot the pillars had metal supports at the bottom
slightly wider than the pillar, I heard a crunching glass sound, so we shifted
before lowering down again. I didn't do a full inspection but thought it looked
okay at the time. After dinner, with the tank in-site I noticed another larger
chip on one side, and a chip on the front.
All chips are on the bottom pane of glass, along the outer edges but not at
corners. They all look like impacts from the bottom of the tank that chipped a
piece out of the edge, therefore they all have a
triangular-shaped chip on the tank underside, followed by a rounded chip up to
the silicone level. I cannot see any cracks radiating from the triangular bit on
the bottom of the side- or front-of-tank chips but I
can't get to the bottom of the back chip to check that one - although I can't
see a crack looking from above inside the tank). All glass panes are 12 mm thick
(~1/2"), and the tank only has a single bottom pane. The chips on the front and
back are a maximum 2-3 mm deep into the glass. The chip on the side of the tank
is 7 mm deep maximum, so just over halfway through the pane sitting above it. I
have attached annotated images.
We were planning to strip all the inner silicone and reseal anyway as some
appears to be missing. Would we need to strengthen around the side chip with
extra glass on the inside, or will excess silicone do? Should we pour a layer of
epoxy resin across the bottom of the tank?
Is this worth taking a risk, or should we immediately resell as a non-water
tight tank and buy new?
On another note, went to get some rocks today and got given a 'free catfish'
that was in a small bucket with the guy claiming it was a snowball Pleco and
that it doesn't grow bigger than this (gestures ~10 cm /
3.5"-4"). He said he kept lots of them and they didn't develop a taste for fish
when older. Anyway, I get home and spent about 2 hours Googling and even doing
image search with my photos. Eventually I think I have identified it as a
Synodontis Eupterus "Featherfin/Squeaker" Catfish (my photos attached). I am
reading conflicting advice about these fish: size 10-30 cm (4"-12") but
supposedly 6"-8" in aquarium, diet (omnivore vs. vegetation only), and smallest
size of compatible tankmates. This fish is a bit bigger than my platys currently
but I have baby platys, male Endler's guppies and the tiny Danio margaritatus.
Do I need to get rid of this little guy asap, or will he be safe to keep when I
get everyone into a larger tank? Also, I swear he changes colour - when we saw
him in the white bucket he was a pale sandy colour with mid-brown spots, then
acclimating in the bag he seemed to be darker and developed a reddish hue to his
tail, and just now, turning the light on to feed with some of its sinking
pellets it seemed a dark brownish colour.
Thanks again,
<<I'm going to ask BobF to discuss the chipped tank, because I'm not expert on
that topic. But yes, I'd agree your fish looks like a juvenile Synodontis
eupterus, though there are any number of lookalike species, so it's hard to be
100% sure. Anyway, Synodontis eupterus is a nice species.
While it can get pretty big (I'd certainly assume 6-8 inches/15-20 cm) it is
very peaceful. Like all Synodontis it is opportunistically predatory, and will
consume very small fish, but anything bigger than a Zebra Danio should be fine
even with adults. (But yes, I'd probably corral newborn fry into a breeding
trap, or else let nature takes its course, depending on what you're trying to
achieve.) Actually, these fish tend to be at the receiving end of aggression,
being quite shy and placid, but because of their size, mistakenly dumped into
robust fish communities with semi-aggressive cichlids and L-number catfish.
They're actually a lot happier in carefully managed communities, and while they
eat algae and things like cooked peas and spinach, generally ignore healthy
plants. They do indeed change colour, something most Synodontis will do to
varying degrees. Do make sure he has a nice cave to hide in, and if he's
like my Synodontis nigriventris, after a few weeks he'll become settled enough
to come out and feed with the lights on. Bloodworms are like crack cocaine for
these fish, though so far as staples go, algae wafers for Plec-type catfish are
ideal. Basically a nice catfish for the right tank,
and adults are really impressive. You rarely see really big specimens, but even
at 20 cm, the massive sail fin is quite striking! Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: First pre-owned tank - tank chipped in move + ID catfish (RMF, can you
comment on the tank!) 2/22/19
Hi Guys, your input here would be much appreciated.
Seller cancelled moving the tank on Sunday when we had loads of people
available, and chose last night in the dark, with only 4 people available to
move the tank (6'x2'x2.5', with tiled base and sand still in tank). We used
carpet off-cuts to slide the tank when it was on-end to get through doorways and
around corners, however with hindsight we should have taped some cardboard onto
the edges :( .
<Oh oh>
I was aware when the chip on the back of the tank happened - we were lowering
the tank on the porch and I forgot the pillars had metal supports at the bottom
slightly wider than the pillar, I heard a crunching glass sound, so we shifted
before lowering down again. I didn't do a full inspection but thought it looked
okay at the time. After dinner, with the tank in-site I noticed another larger
chip on one side, and a chip on the front.
All chips are on the bottom pane of glass, along the outer edges but not at
corners. They all look like impacts from the bottom of the tank that chipped a
piece out of the edge, therefore they all have a
triangular-shaped chip on the tank underside, followed by a rounded chip up to
the silicone level. I cannot see any cracks radiating from the triangular bit on
the bottom of the side- or front-of-tank chips but I
can't get to the bottom of the back chip to check that one - although I can't
see a crack looking from above inside the tank). All glass panes are 12 mm thick
(~1/2"), and the tank only has a single bottom pane. The chips on the front and
back are a maximum 2-3 mm deep into the glass. The chip on
the side of the tank is 7 mm deep maximum, so just over halfway through the pane
sitting above it. I have attached annotated images.
We were planning to strip all the inner silicone and reseal anyway as some
appears to be missing. Would we need to strengthen around the side chip
with extra glass on the inside, or will excess silicone do?
<Mmm; were it me, mine... I'd likely make this tank into a palladarium...
vivarium? Reptile housing? AT the very least, I would run two, three, four inch
wide pieces of glass in the inside long edges (both front and back), with
Silicone, AND the cracks outside I'd likely Silicone 2" glass (triple strength,
1/4", 6 mil. will do here and inside) along the front and back... >
Should we pour a layer of epoxy resin across the bottom of the tank?
<No; of no use>
Is this worth taking a risk, or should we immediately resell as a non-water
tight tank and buy new?
<Yes; this is what I would do; replace it entirely.>
<Sorry to be the bearer of bad/dire news. Bob Fenner>

Re: for Bob - tank chipped in move
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply.
Not wanting to give up just yet (surrounded by stuff to go in this tank, 6
week wait for a new tank).. another thought has struck.
A previous owner has siliconed 20" ceramic tiles to the bottom of most of
the tank (except along the back 4" and cut around 2 bubble rings centrally).
These are rippled like sand with thickness 8-12 mm (1/3-1/2").
I can see that black silicone covers the full height of the tiles where they
are set against the tank walls. Do you think that if we apply a full inner
seal around and between the tiles (and perhaps fill the gap at the
back with more tile, or glass, or acrylic) that this would act like a second
base and be as good as adding glass strips around the chips?
<No; unfortunately>
I realise it doesn't give the re-enforced vertical strip but it creates a
new internal joint thicker than the original, and the side glass is still
attached to the base and the tile. The tank is also sat on a full sized 1"
thick polystyrene sheet.
<I see/saw that; doesn't help>
If we can't get glass strips long enough would acrylic strips work as well
as glass strips (will be below deep substrate so don't care about
<Glass would be much better. Silastics don't really adhere to acrylic>
Why won't pouring a thick layer of resin across the bottom to create a new
base work?
<... not elastic nor "sticky" enough>
Thanks again,
<DO read as much as you can stand here:
and the linked files in the series above. BobF>
Chipped tank?
I just bought a used aquarium. It's about 100 gallons and has a chip in one of
the corners. When I touch the glass on either side it feels smooth.
Maybe someone sealed it before? Or can the glass chip in the inside? Do you
think this tank is safe? If not what can I do to fix it?. I have attached a
picture of the chip.
<Looks like a big chip; was the tank filled with water(and this chip) before you
purchased it? to be completely safe to use it, I´d insert a glass strip with
silicone to cover the entire corner of the tank.>
Thank you in advanced
<Welcome Krystina. Wil.>
Re: Chipped tank? 1/6/19
It was empty when I bought it. What do you mean a glass strip?
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Aquarium Chipped Glass Corner 12/24/18
Dear WWM Crew:
I happened upon your website after searching for solutions for a chipped
aquarium corner. I have a large aquarium (120 X 45 X 45cm, with 10mm thick
glass) and damaged the tank while transporting. Unfortunately, the chip is on
the bottom corner, where there would be most pressure.
<Yes; and these are "bad" chips... >
I have read the site (a wealth of great information on chipped corners), and
found similar pictures, but my chips seem to be a combination of "scallop" chips
and a long thin and shallow chip along the silicone. Please see attached pics
for reference.
<I see these excellent pix>
In your opinion, is this structurally sound enough to repair with silicon on the
<No, not.>
If so, should I apply silicone on the inside too?
<For the bottom chipped area, I would only use this tank by inserting a glass
strip along the entire inside corner/edge, and likely another on the outside (w/
Silicone)... and fill all the chipped areas as well>
I have contacted the tank manufacturer (I am in Korea) and he said that the chip
is not bad, and can be patched with silicone.
<Umm; no. If they are responsible for the shipping, chipping, they should
replace this tank>
I just wanted a second
opinion before I do the repair and fill it up with water.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank You,
Daniel Moon
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>

Re: Aquarium Chipped Glass Corner
Hi Bob:
Thank for the prompt and informative reply.
Looks like I will be getting a new tank and not worrying all the time if it
will hold up.
I appreciate your help. Happy holidays!
<And for you and yours Daniel. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I simply
state what I would do given similar circumstances. BobF>
Tiny chip on aquarium glass 11/8/18
<... 16.6 megs.... we have a requested limit on file size...>
Hello WetWebMedia crew,
I am looking for answer from people who works with glass and i found your site.
On my new and first aquarium I found a tiny chip about 3-4 mm (around 0.12 inch)
big and about 0.1-0,2 mm (0.004-7 inch) deep. Sorry I am from Europe. So, I am
aware that is really tiny. But it most probably happened
during transportation and unfortunately I did notice it after few days.
My vendor is not willing to repair/change the tank. Even though he is saying it
is fine, the communication with him is really problematic, so I am looking for
different opinion. The chip is on long front glass about 4inch from corner on
the outside. The tank is 4ft long, 24 inch high and 20 inch wide (48x20x24) and
glass is 3/8" (10mm). It will accommodate the turtle, so the water level will be
up to 16".
<Ah good; and an important datum>
Possibly sometime in the future up to full. I tried to fill it up 16" for few
hours and now its in 12" water
level for 2 days and nothing is happening (luckily). My question: is there any
chance to find out if the damage and chip cause some glass structural integrity
issue which can pop in future?
<Mmm; there likely are some invasive and not engineering means to assess this
chip; but I'm not familiar w/ these. My habit/practice is to render best guesses
based on long experience w/ such breaks>
My idea was to reinforce it with the 2x 5"braces on the side (basically finish
Eurobraces, which cover the chipped part) and with the middle 5" brace. Right
now the braces are only in the front and back side. Chipped site picture
included in attachment.
Thank you a lot with your opinion.
I am looking forward to the answer.
Matej Fabisik
<I do think you'd be okay even w/o your planned added bracing, definitely so w/
this added support. As long as this tank is set on a level, flat stand I would
go ahead and set it up, use it for the intended/stated use. Bob Fenner>
plus tape |
Chipped tank 8/1/18
Good morning,
<Good morning Rialda>
My 90 gallon tank sustained some damage during a move. I filled it with water
outside and it is not leaking.
<That is because the crack is almost at the top where there is less water
The size of the chip/crack is worrying to me though.
<Crack will extend in time for sure if you leave it as is>
Is this tank a write off as an aquarium or dare I set it up again inside the
< If you replace the front panel, you may set it up inside the house with
absolute confidence.>
This what it looked like two weeks ago when it happened:
And here is what it looks like now, it seems to have grown.
<Please send images of only a few hundred KBs otherwise you may crash our
server. I resized them>
Thank you kindly for any advice and help you may be able to give me.
<Glad to help. Wilberth>
Crack in fish tank 7/26/18
Your site came up when I searched. About three weeks ago we moved our reef tank
contents from 180 to 240 gallon tank - the 240 is a brand new 1/2" glass
commercially built tank purchased through our LFS. Just noticed last
night a internal crack about 1-1/2 inches in bottom front corner - have pictures
- are you able to offer your opinion about this?
<Um, yes. Please search, read the many posts on WWM re ahead. Bob Fenner>
Re: Crack in fish tank 7/26/18
Hi Bob,
Here are three pictures - Haven't talked to the LFS yet - they delivered,
brought in, and setup (moved everything from old to new) the tank. No one
noticed this crack at the time.
Thanks very much for your thoughts about this!
<... this is a very bad break, in the worst of places. I would DRAIN
this tank down NOW. There are external and internal repairs that can be
made; and gone over and over on WWM. B>
Re: Crack in fish tank 7/26/18
<Hey Alex!>
Thanks for your input. After reviewing a number of other chip and crack
assessments at the WWM site I was somewhat prepared for the bad news.
<Yes; sorry to be the bearer of bad news... BUT this is a bad break: Dangerous>
Will be stopping in at the LFS after work today to show them the pictures and
discuss options.
Big disappointment!
<Ah yes; but "these things do happen">
Ironically we did this switch because our original (20 years old) 180 gallon
tank had developed a leak...
<Be of good cheer. BobF>
Chipped aquarium
Hi, I purchased my first big tank about a week ago at PetSmart. It is a 65
gallon Aqueon glass aquarium and it came with a stand, hood, and light.
Yesterday I was adding the substrate when i noticed a small chip that is causing
me to lose sleep. I do not think i bought it like this, I must have hit the
corner of the wall or something. I am hoping that with the pics attached you can
help me decide whether or not it will hold up for at least a couple of years. I
was also wondering if chips like this will affect the "lifespan" of the
<Mmm; this is an "iffy" break. Good that it's high up, in the shallower part of
tank depth; but bad due to size and span of the corner. Will the vendor take
this tank back, exchange if for another (non-chipped) one?
Bob Fenner>
Re: Chipped aquarium 7/3/18
Thanks Bob, I went to the store today and had a chat with the fish people.
They were very nice and said I should call tomorrow to set-up an exchange.
<Ah, very good indeed>
I will definitely look over this one before bringing it home, as i feel
dishonest in returning something that i probably damaged. Thank you for your
<Welcome. BobF>
Acrylic tank HELP 5/13/18
Hi Bob,
I noticed some splotches on the used acrylic tank that I recently purchased. I'm
wondering if I should be concerned about them or not.
There are also some small visible Nick's that I can feel with my finger nail.
I'd really appreciate your help. Thank you so much for even having the FAQ.
<The "whited out spots" in the joint of the tank aren't problematical. Do keep
an eye on them over the years to make sure they don't grow; make up more than
half the joint. The vertical fracturing/crazing you are likely referring to as
noticeable w/ your finger nail is more concerning. IF you find yourself at a
time with the tank empty, dry, completely clean, I would solvent a piece of
doweling or cut piece/sheet of acrylic in this corner... the entire length of
the crazed side. Do you understand? Please read re on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Hello! Chipped tank corner question 4/30/18
I’ve read many articles of yours and they have been very helpful, was hoping
y’all could give me some info in an issue I ran into. While cleaning near tank
this morning, clipped outside corner with a bowl and made a tiny “seashell” type
chip on the outside corner of tank.... is this something I should be worried
<Mmm; well; just a little. Am concerned in that I can't tell whereabouts this
chip is... better to be near/er the surface, top.>
Thanks! Pic attached as well, thanks again for any help! It’s a 56 column tank.
If not a big deal was going to silicone and put a surface mount thermometer over
<Yes to the Silicone and thermometer... If it were me, mine, I'd go ahead and
keep using this tank. The concentric chipping looks clean, regular... not too
likely to splinter>
(Quarter for size reference)
Best regards,
Steven Sanchez
<And you, Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
Re: Hello! Chipped tank corner question
Thanks for the quick response!
I truly appreciate it, have a great Sunday ��
<Welcome. And you Steven. BobF>
Need advice urgently 4/13/18
Good evening guys
<Hey only going on three in the afternoon here!>
I have a 1.5meter Boyu curved tank which I was busy taking into my house and I
accidentally nudged it on the front panel at the bottom , the front panel
overlaps the base so the silicone seal isn’t disturbed
The chip is right through the front panel but the base is still 100% perfect
<I see this, and the placement in your excellent pix>
Do you think I can brace it on the inside of the tank along the front panel and
then put a lot of silicone on the trimming when I put the trimming back on ????
Please advise ..... I don’t know what to do and this tank has cost me an
equivalent of about 1000 US Dollars
<I do think that you'll be okay with the brace, and would fill in the area of
the chip to avoid cuts to your hands>
Thank you guys for helping out guys like myself and for your expert advice
Kind Regards
Trevor Jordaan
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
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Re: Need advice urgently 4/13/18
Thank you so much for your prompt response , I’m so happy to hear that the
bracing will work as I have asked a few people locally ( I am from Cape Town ,
South Africa ) and most of them say it should be ok but it was just that one
person that commented that it wasn’t going to work that got me panicking. Thank
you so much for your expert advice , it has put my mind at ease now that it will
work .
I will brace it and do a pressure test for a week or two just to be 100% before
I place it in my house ( I will keep you guys posted )
Thank you guys for such an amazing service of advice .
Take care
Trevor Jordaan
<Cheers Trev. B>
Re: Need advice urgently; follow-up on glass tank repair
Good morning ��
<Bon après-midi !>
I just thought I would give you an update on my tank that you were so kind to
help me out with some advice
<Sure thing.>
The tank has not leaked at all since I set it up.
<Always a good thing when it comes to fishkeeping.>
And is running fully stocked with my all male Cichlid show tank ...... here is a
picture of it now
<Looks good. You might try removing the plastic plants, letting them dry, then
using aquarium silicone to glue on small pebbles or stones. Leave to dry for a
couple days or however long the instructions say. Then put them back in the
tank. Result: not only are the plastic plants harder to move and easier to root
into the sand, they also look more natural, and even if they are uprooted, still
look good. The stones or pebbles will act like anchors too, keeping the plants
more or less vertical and in place.>
Please excuse the wire in the background as I’m having a background made for it
at the moment
Thank you so much for all your advice ..... you guys are awesome ������ if it
wasn’t for you guys I would of thrown this tank away
<I'm sure BobF appreciates your kind words and interest in our website.>
Kind Regards
<Cheers, Neale.>
.jpeg) |
Cracked 46 gal bowfront top side panel
Hello there....first of all, thank you very much for dedicating your time to
help us. Second of all...we (the ones with many questions) are very lucky to
find this place full of knowledgeable human beings (You!)...for which, I have
this beautiful useless fish tank but maybe new well deserve home 3" slider
turtle. Is it safe to create a vivarium kind of home for Dorotea?
<Ah yes; I would feel confident filling this tank about a third of the way.
IF you wanted to fill it all the way, I would Silicone a piece (rectangle) of
acrylic (1/8" or so) over the inside or outside of this cracked area>
If so, should I silicone it or anything else?...IDK,
<Oh! Again, only necessary if filling up more than 1/4-1/3 of the way>
if is safe but I know I love my cute always hungry but not overfed Dorotea and
need to be sure I wont cause any harm just bc I'm trying to be a good
mommy..Many thanks! Greeyt
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Glass Aquarium Chip 4/3/17
<Can't open your too-large (8.6 meg file) here at the airport in Roatan
Wyatt... Will do so manana in EEUU. B>
Glass Aquarium Chip 4/3/17
Hello thank you for the support and valuable information over the years. I
am setting up an approximately 92 rimless glass aquarium with 1/2" low iron
glass. After getting this aquarium in place I discovered the chip
The aquarium is new. Any opinions and concerns would be greatly appreciated.
<The size, shape of this chip doesn't worry me (I'd use this tank); but I
might tape over the spot to prevent cutting hands, fingers. Bob Fenner>
Re: Glass Aquarium Chip 4/3/17
No problem I wanted to leave them decent resolution so you can zoom in as
needed. Here is a third party hosted link if all else fails
<Thanks. BobF>
.jpeg) |
Re: Glass Aquarium Chip 4/3/17
Thank you again and take care!
<Ahh, will do. BobF>
The best of times the worst of times. Little glass chip and stand
leveling input to share 2/28/17
Hi WWM Crew,
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Sorry to get all
"literary" with you, but it seemed to describe accurately my dilemma. It was the
best of times in that, finally, after four and a half years without a fish tank,
I am ready to get wet again.
The stand was built, the plumbing and sump were worked out in the basement, and
this past Saturday a friend and I moved the stand and tank into the den. I
worked for a couple of evenings on and off getting it perfectly level. I even
learned a couple of neat tricks that I will share below.
The tank is now level and ready to be filled beyond the 2 3/4" that I have
already put in it to level it.
It was the worst of times in that last evening, while I was finishing up the
leveling, I noticed a chip in the front left corner of the tank (see picture).
<I see this>
This tank is a 75 gallon with the overflow offset in the middle of the left half
of the rear of the tank (I think it's an AGA). I got it slightly used four years
ago, and it has been sitting in my basement since then.
When I first got it in the basement, I went over it with a fine tooth comb and
did not see this chip. I'm sure I would have if it had had it then. It must have
happened some time since then. I have also looked over it several more times
since then, but not as carefully. We have been very careful moving it around,
and we didn't bump it into anything any time we
moved it.
<This is a small "impact" chip, scalloped... IF one had to have one, the better
I've had it filled several times--right after I bought it, to check the stand,
and to check the plumbing/sump. Each time it was filled for several days (once
for a week). The last two fillings were recent (the plumbing check was last
month). I'm virtually certain the chip was there then. I know we didn't bump it
into anything carrying it into the house, and nothing has been bumped into it
since then either. In fact, nothing has been bumped into it at any time (that I
know of). The source of the chip is a mystery.
I have looked over the chip FAQs several times over the years (out of concern
for other tanks for potential sumps/QT's), and looking at the information there,
it is not the nature of the chip that concerns me. It is a "sea shell"
chip with no cracks that is about 1/8" in diameter. It is too shallow
to measure the depth effectively. I tried to take a side-view
picture and you couldn't even see it. What concerns me is where it is.
It is about 2 1/2" to 2 3/4" from the bottom of the tank (measured from
the inside by the depth of the water). It is toward the outside of the glass
panel though (not on the side with the silicon). For this reason, I decided to
seek "professional help" in assessing it.
<I'm not overly concerned re the size, placement>
I don't mind admitting that it makes me nervous. My last marine aquarium was a
55 gallon that the bottom panel burst mysteriously in the night.
Actually it wasn't so mysterious because the stand top was not planar and I
don't think the tank was completely level either (though it was hard to tell
after the fact).
THIS stand is planar with one tiny gap (less than 1/32") on one corner. I have
used 3/4" Styrofoam underneath the tank to solve that problem. The tank is
perfectly level now (with less than three inches of water) and I intend to keep
checking it as I fill it--if I get to fill it, which is what I'm hoping that
your professional eyes can tell me. I think I know the answer, but is this tank
safe to use? Or do I need to save my pennies for another one?
<I would use it>
I also wanted to share a couple of tips that I learned while leveling the tank.
It may be old information to many, but I don't recall reading them anywhere on
WWM. I have read about putting a couple of inches of water in the tank and
measuring the depth to determine whether it is level. What I discovered is that
it is easier to use a yard stick than a tape measure.
Also, I discovered if I put a small piece of painter's tape on the yard stick to
mark where the water depth was when I measured the first corner that it made it
a lot easier to determine whether the other measurements were the same or not.
It was either right at the tape mark or above or below it. I only taped one side
of the markings so I could tell how much
from the other side. Also I discovered that it helped to draw a rectangle
representing the tank from above and write at each corner and in the front and
back middle the depth so I could look at all the measurements at the same time
and decide where the shims needed to go. Hope someone finds this helpful.
<Thank you for sharing>
As always I thank you SO MUCH for making this service available. I have learned
so much over the years from the site and the few email inquiries I have made.
Thank you,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Questions about Sumps and glass tank seams and chips
Dear WWM Crew,
<Hit it Eddie>
It’s me again, and I have a lot more questions to ask you. The test fill
went great. The tank and the stand did fine. I’m still working on the siding
for the stand, so in the meantime, I’m trying to finalize my filtration
plans. The plan all along has been to have a sump and a refugium/DSB, but I
had to wait until the stand was built so I could know exactly how much room
I would have.
<I see>
The 75 gallon tank has the typical overflow with the 1” drain and ¾”
<Ugh; a one-inch through-put is too small... DO plan on doing most all your
water (re)circulation inside the main tank... with submersible pumps,
However, I intend to use both holes for drains and run the return over the
back of the tank.
<Mmm; well, the 3/4 inch won't do much good. See HERE:
The plan is for the drains to empty into the skimmer chamber of the sump.
<Mmm... better later... in a chamber that has about constant level>
The skimmer is an Aqua C EV-180. Then there will be the typical baffles to
the other chamber of the sump that will have the return pump. Also in this
chamber will be a power head that will pump water to the DSB/Refugium, and
the water will then gravity feed from there back to the return pump chamber
of the sump. That’s the general plan. Now to the specifics and the questions
. . .
I have had a difficult time finding two containers that will fit together in
the stand to use for the sump and the DSB/Refugium. I know I can use either
smaller tanks or plastic storage containers. For cost reasons the plan was
to use storage containers (trying to do this on a budget), but I can’t seem
to find the right size.
<Mmm; even online? Container Store, Amazon...?>
Then, a couple of weeks ago, I went by a LFS in a nearby city (hour and a
half away) that was going out of business. They had a stack of 20 gallon
glass display tanks that they were selling for $5 each. They were each
drilled with a 1” bulkhead about ¾ of the way up the back, and were painted
blue on all three sides. Because they were so inexpensive, I picked one up,
thinking it might work really well for the DSB/Refugium—since it was already
drilled I thought I could use this throughput for the gravity feed back to
the sump. I took it home and put it in the stand and measured the remaining
space for the sump.
Then I made a vain search for a plastic container that would fit with the 20
gallon tank, but couldn’t find one. That left me limited to using a
10 gallon aquarium for the sump.
<Too small; I'd use the 20 for the sump, the ten for the 'fuge>
(The space is too small for a 20 Gallon. Is there a common 15 gallon size?
I’ve never seen one.)
<Oh yes; 24" X 12" X 12" if memory serves>
I happened to have an old 10 gallon that might work (see below), and if it
doesn’t they are not expensive. So the plan is now to put baffles in the 10
gallon dividing it into two chambers. The water drains into the skimmer
chamber and flows through the baffles to the return chamber. In the return
chamber are two pumps—the Mag 7 pump
May well overdrive your over-flows.... Again... I would NOT drive this much
water through.... IF one of the too-puny overflows becomes occluded... water
on the floor>
which will return the water to the display, and a power head which will pump
water to the 20 gallon DSB/refugium. From there the water will gravity feed
to the return chamber through the 1” drain. To make this work I will have to
build a platform to elevate the 20 gallon tank several inches, but I have
plenty of vertical room in the stand.
So, now here are the issues/questions:
1. I am test filling the 20 gallon tank, and there are some bubbles in the
seams (see pictures—these are from the two front corners. The back
corners also have bubbles, but not quite as many). I have no idea how old
the tank is or how long it was used as a sales tank by the LFS. In my
purpose it will not be full at any time—only up to the drain, so about ¾
full—but it will contain a 5” DSB and perhaps some live rock. In your
estimation is it safe to use for this purpose? I can continue to test fill
for as long as necessary. Also, in test filling it I have filled it over the
bulkhead (by turning the elbow fittings up I have filled it a couple of
inches higher than it will be in normal use). So it has a couple of inches
more water in it now than it will have normally.
<I wouldn't be concerned w/ these air bubbles>
2. If the 20 gallon tank is safe to use, what GPH should I look for in the
power head to feed the water to it?
<Small; as in 3-4 turns per hour>
3. In regard to the idea to use a 10 gallon tank for the sump, will this be
large enough to handle the amount of flow and excess water in a power loss?
<Not likely NO. For SURE you want to "test" here... FILL the tanks up, turn
on the pump/s and then turn them off... see how much water "runs down hill",
MARK the sump as to MAXIMUM depth (with a permanent marker, tape) and DO NOT
fill it any more than this>
I know the 1/3 display tank size rule for sumps, but I am counting the 20
gallon DSB/Refugium too, so that puts me at 30 Gallons.
<Mate; ALL the water above the overflow of the main tank PLUS
refugium will have to be accommodated in the SUMP. USE the twenty or keep
looking. You've configured a disaster in the making here>
Also, I am going to put a valve on the return line so that I can throttle
back the return pump if necessary.
<Not a good idea really. Just get/use the size (pressure, flow) pump that
will be on full all the time>
Most circulation will be accomplished through circulation power heads in the
<Ah, good>
4. If a 10 gallon tank will work, how much minimum space needs to be between
the baffles?
<About... Oh, see this below. Yes to gaps that allow getting a siphon,
cleaning tools into>
I did a WWM search and found somewhere that someone put 1.5” to 2” between
baffles. To fit the skimmer in the sump I need less than 3” between the
baffles, but the EV-180 can be put outside the sump if necessary. I have
space behind the sump, just not lengthwise.
<I'd place this IN the sump for sure>
5. Finally, the 10 gallon tank I have has a small chip in the glass (see
picture). It is a seashell shape with no cracks, but it is at the very
bottom of front panel on the edge. Under normal operation, it will be
half-full or so. Is it safe to use for this purpose, or should I pick up
another 10 gallon tank?
<I'd at least fill in the chipped area with Silastic. Won't help
strength-wise, but will save someone from a nasty cut>
Thank you SO MUCH for continually answering my questions. I don’t want to be
a pest, but I don’t really have many other people to ask for advice.
<We're happy to assist your efforts>
I live in a small South Alabama town, and I know of no one else here who is
into saltwater aquaria.
<Perhaps a posting on CraigsList? Starting a "Meet Up" group in your
area....? Easy, fun to do>
I have a friend who owns a LFS, but he is almost 2 hours away. I trust your
judgment. I have CMA and have read it twice. I read WWM FAQs constantly. Yet
often my questions are so specific I feel I need to consult the experts. I
just hope that it’s not TOO often.
Thanks again,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
  Re: Questions about Sumps and glass tank seams and chips
Hi Bob,
<Hey Ed>
Thank you so much for your answers. I’ve never done a drilled tank with a sump
before so I have no practical experience at all—just what I’ve read or seen
looking under display tanks at LFS’s.
<Better, best to read... than trial and many errors>
So, I’m kind of flying blind—especially when it comes to what happens when the
power goes out. As the expression goes, that’s why I asked. You said some things
I thought you would say, and some things I didn’t expect. Either way I’m
grateful, but I also have some confusion, some clarifications, and some more
First of all, I’m abandoning the 10 gallon sump idea. I don’t want to cut it too
close, which is why I asked in the first place. It seemed too small to me.
However, one thing that you said that confused me is that the sump has to hold
all the water above the overflow of the main tank PLUS the refugium.
<It does mate... think... what happens when the power goes out, or the main/sump
pump stops>
The 20 gallon tank I was thinking of using as the DSB/refugium has a one inch
drain in the side near the top (a couple of inches down). I hadn’t anticipated a
lot of back flow from it because if the power head supplying it was three or
four turns per hour (60 to 80 gallons per hour in this case), wouldn’t that keep
the water level pretty close to the level of the drain, and thus not add much to
the sump?
<.... you can calculate this for all surface areas... or just try it in real
I have tried to find plastic containers online, but the problem is the listed
dimensions on the website for them are for the outside rim, not the area of the
bottom (usually a good bit smaller). Whether I’m looking for a sump or a
refugium I need to know the area of the bottom so that I can know whether I’ll
have room for my pumps and skimmer (in the case of the sump) and so that I can
have as large of a DSB as I can (in the case of the refugium). I want to be able
to see the container first hand so that I can put a tape measure to it and know
what I’m dealing with.
<Meh! Life's a series of compromises... the slope isn't all that great on such
containers. Set the ten sideways on top of the right of the twenty...>
You suggested using the 20 gallon as the sump. The problem that I see with this
is the 1” drain hole. This drain hole will limit the amount of water it can hold
as a sump, unless I plug it. How would I go about plugging it?
<Silicone and a bit of plastic sheet or glass>
I have another option for the sump that I didn’t mention before. I have an old
acrylic wet/dry that is 23.5” X 10” X16” (16 gallons or so). Would it be big
enough to be a sump?
<Maybe... if very slow flow>
If I use this W/D, I can’t use the 20 Gallon for the DSB/refugium too, because
it is a half inch too long (Don’t you just hate it when that happens!). If I go
with this option, I’ll probably try to find the biggest plastic container that I
can fit into the space and use it for the DSB/refugium. Regarding that possible
set up:
1. Option 1 would be drilling the W/D and gravity feeding into the DSB/refugium
and then putting the return pump in the DSB/refugium container (basically a
straight line—W/D with Skimmer, gravity feeding into DSB/refugium container,
flowing through it to the return pump—walled off with baffles or similar). That
wouldn’t leave a lot of space for the DSB.
2. Option 2 would be drilling the plastic container and going with a power head
in the sump to pump water into the DSB/refugium and then gravity feeding it back
into the sump. Question/concern with this option is can you drill a plastic
container and use a bulkhead fitting?
<Most, yes. NEED two gaskets, Silastic and tightening the nut just so>
The slanted sides and softer material would seem to make this difficult. I
prefer option 2, but I wasn’t sure about putting a bulkhead in a plastic
<Have done so many times>
I’m also confused in regard to what you said about the Mag 7 pump. Reason being,
when I was considering buying the used pump I emailed you with some questions
about it, and you OK’d me using it in the way I described. Here is the text of
that email (I highlighted the pertinent part).
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Eddie
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:45 PM
To: crew@WetWebMedia.com
Subject: Re: Pondmaster Mag Drive Pump
Hi Bob,
Thank you for your answer. I picked up some good stainless screws for the pump,
but now I have another question about it. In the last email I told you that the
pump was a Pondmaster Mag Drive 700. I wasn't 100% certain of that since the
label on the side was missing. The guy told me it was a Mag 7, but I wanted to
be sure. So I did a couple of tests, and now I'm confused. In the first test I
used a two foot section of 3/4" (ID) PVC with an elbow and a 6 inch section of
Loc-line at the top. With this set up I filled a 5 gallon bucket in about 40
By my calculations this is around 450 GPH. I'm a little new to figuring out head
pressure, but after reading a lot of plumbing FAQ's on WWM I think I had around
3 feet of head on this set up. For the second test I used a five foot section of
3/4" (ID) PVC with an elbow at the top (no loc-line this time). With this set up
I filled up a 5 gallon bucket in about 51 seconds. By my calculations this is
around 350 GPH. I think this set up had about 6 feet of head pressure. I
looked up the head/GPH chart for the Pondmaster series on the internet. At 3
feet of head it a Pondmaster 700 should get 500 GPH, but I only got 450 GPH.
<Aye ya; you're a sharp one... this is close>
At 6 feet of head pressure, it should have get 400, but I got only 350 GPH. Yet,
it cannot be a Pondmaster 500. They are the same physical size (according to the
specs I looked up), but at 3 feet of head a 500 gets about 375, and at 6 feet of
head it gets about 175 GPH. It's got to be a 700.
So, here are my questions . . .
1. Am I figuring the head pressure right?
<Apparently so>
2. Is it just not running at optimum level? Could this be because of age?
(It's used, but I'm not sure for how long)
I got this pump to use with my Aqua C EV-180. If it's not putting out a full 700
GPH though, I don't want to use it for that. I might instead use it for my
return pump. Let me give you a few details on my planned set up in that regard.
I have a 75 gallon tank (factory drilled with 1" drain & 3/4" return &
overflow). I'm not going to drill additional holes. After a
lot of research of WWM plumbing FAQ's, I had decided to use both of these holes
for drains and limit my flow to between 300 and 350 GPH (and make up for the
rest of what I need through power heads). I haven't figured out all
the plumbing details yet, because I'm still in the planning stages and haven't
gotten my stand finished yet, but I know I'll have about 5 to 5 1/2 feet of
vertical distance from the sump to the top of the tank for the (over the side)
return. I'll have a little bit more head than that because I'll have to move to
a little the side to get out from under the tank to go over
the side for the return. I'm not sure how much additional head that will be. If
I use this pump, I know that at 6 feet of head it does around 350 GPH. If I use
much more than 6 feet of head through my eventual plumbing set up, then it will
(likely) get down to or below 300 GPH. Would that be enough flow through a
sump/refugium combo?
<Yes; assuredly>
<< More than enough>>
Would I be better off with a more powerful pump (say a new Mag 7) and use a
valve to throttle it down if need be?
<I'd stick with/use what you have>
I'm not trying to put the cart before the horse. I'm trying to figure out if I
want the pump or not. The guy gave it to me to test, but I haven't paid for it
yet. I can give it back to him. I'd like to use it, because it means
considerable savings over new one, but if I can't use it for the skimmer or the
return, then I might as well give it back to him.
Sorry about the length of this email. Thanks so much for all you do for us
in this hobby.
<You're fine w/ this pump. Bob Fenner>
I had read the article on the 1” drain before (and all the FAQs)—after I bought
the tank, of course—and that’s why I had decided to use the return hole as an
additional drain and make sure that I had around 300 GPH after figuring out the
head pressure. I’m going to have a ball valve above the return pump anyway (to
make it easier to remove it if necessary) and I will test the flow before
filling the aquarium. IF I am too much over 300 then I will throttle it down a
little bit. Is that plan feasible, because I really don’t want to buy another
pump at this point?
<<Depends on the sump/.... you do NOT want the transit volume to OVERFLOW the
So, counting the text of the previous email pasted in, this may be the longest
email I have ever sent WWM. Is there a length record?
<<Oh, you're WAAAAY short of this>>
Thanks so much for your help, and for clearing up all my confusion. Y’all are
Thanks so much,
<Do you understand here Eddie? BobF>
Re: Questions about Sumps and glass tank seams and chips
Hi Bob,
I have come to understanding (I think) thanks to your patient help. I guess I’ll
never REALLY understand until I see it “in action”, but I’m a lot closer than I
<Ah good>
The more water you push with the pump (the more GPH), the more water you will
have above the level of the drain (and standpipe), and all that’s got to go
somewhere if the pump stops working (power outage),
so you need a big enough sump to catch it all (or to use a much smaller pump or
bigger drain). And having a longer return line (which lowers the GPH due to the
head pressure) ALSO means more water in those lines that will back flow.
So, based on that realization here are the options going forward:
1. Plug and use the 20 gallon tank for the sump. Then I will find as large of a
plastic container as I can for the DSB/refugium and put a drain in it & feed it
with a powerhead as before.
Would this be a large enough sump if I keep my flow near 300 GPH?
<Mmm; maybe... again, have to actually try out...>
2. Try to find an even bigger tank or container to use as an “all-in-one”
sump/DSB/Refugium. It’s hard to find a plastic container that is long enough and
still narrow enough, but if I can find a 29 or 30 gallon tank for a reasonable
price, then I will get it and divide it up into chambers. I would lose the
advantage of the completely separate refugium this way, but I would gain a good
bit of extra space to “catch” the falling water. Would this be a better option
than #1?
<IF the sump, fuge can't be easily fit in the stand as one piece, better to use
If I go with option 2, I can still plug and use the 20 gallon as a quarantine
tank—so it won’t be a wasted purchase. To plug the hole should the glass/plastic
go on the inside or outside (I would think inside)? How much bigger than the
hole should it be?
<The inside; about twice the size of the hole>
Thanks for being so patient with me (and for correcting me again if I still
don’t understand.
<Clarity is pleasurable for all of us. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Questions about Sumps and glass tank seams and chips
Hi Bob,
I still have one little bit of confusion. Could you please clarify what you mean
in your answer regarding option two: “IF the sump, fuge can't be easily fit in
the stand as one piece, better to use two.”
<Fit one (the larger) in the stand first, the other (smaller) on top of the
Re: Questions about Sumps and glass tank seams and chips
By building a shelf for the smaller one to sit on or by putting it right on top
of the other one? It could hold the weight of the sand and the water?
<It should be; yes>
My stand’s front/center 2x4 is removable.
<Ahh! Great>
I can get a container or aquarium in there that is up to 39” X 16” or even
longer if it is less than 12” wide. So if I can fit a 29 or 30 gallon tank in
there, it would be better to go with one?
<The bigger the better. T'were it me/mine, I'd be making the sump... from
glass/Silastic or acrylic. Not hard to do; and w/ a bit of shopping, not
expensive. B>
Crack in glass 1 month old saltwater tank
A crack is starting at the top of a 125 gallon saltwater tank.
You can feel the crack on the outside if the glass but not yet on the
<Mmm;;; it will be... with just a bit of a jarring>
It is full and has five large fish, live rock and some coral. I have had
the clown trigger and the red tooth trigger for over 12 years....second
tank. This tank is just one month old.
<Ughh! Bunk>
I cannot get a new tank to me for at least a week.
Is there anything I can put on the crack to stop it until I can get a
new tank?
<Mmm; that I would do? Maybe silicone a flat piece of glass or plastic
over the cracked area... Lower the water level as much as you can...
have clean, soap/detergent containers on hand in case it gives>
Pam Minnick
<Bob Fenner>
Mysterious glass "issue" 2/17/16
Good morning, Bob,
I hope everything is well with everyone in WWM land! I write seeking an opinion
more experienced, educated than mine. I apologize in advance for the long winded
question, I just want you to have as much info as possible to provide the best
answer. I first wrote back in 2010 as I was setting this tank up. It’s a 75
gallon with starphire front and sides made by Glasscages. They drilled the holes
in the wrong locations and the silicone job was a mess but despite all the
horror stories I read (after I paid) the tank has been fine up until now. I
filled it and performed different tests on gear/temps for a few months.
Eventually, I ended up letting it go dry and the water mostly evaporated. Around
2013ish I cleaned everything out
and refilled. This time I ran saltwater through the system. I played with a few
things to eliminate microbubbles, did a few tests with the lights to gauge
temperature fluctuations, etc. After a few months of this, I then let the water
evaporate again, although with saltwater, this time the “sludge” was left on the
bottom and the sides. Quite the slippery buildup. Fast forward a couple years to
last month. I am finally ready to get my live rock shipped (pending your reply)
so I started cleaning everything up….AGAIN! For a couple of days I
filled the display with 6-8” of very hot water,
<Mmm; I would NOT do this. Too much chance of damaging the glass, seals>
wiped, siphoned and repeated. It was during this time that I noticed the “issue”
in the front pane. Granted, there is a .01%
chance this was there from the beginning, but highly unlikely as I would have
noticed it for sure. It appears to be a chip (?)
<I see this; on magnification the "chip" appears serrated... can you feel this
bit? Is it hard (like glass) or soft (like Silicone)?>
at the very bottom of the front pane, where the left side and it meet. Whatever
it is, it’s fully in the glass and can’t be felt.
<Oh! A chip...?>
Then, for lack of a better description, it looks like an “ant tunnel” going to
the right in an upward direction. This “ant tunnel” is about 2” or so in length
and is visible in the photos. Other than one spot about 1mm that I think I can
feel texture while scrapping with my fingernail, this tunnel cannot be felt from
either side of the front pane either. Photo “3033” shows the side of the front
pane and I have edited with a black line. The “chip” is right below this black
line. As seen in the bottom left corner of the full tank shot in photo “174201”
I have marked the “tunnel” with a crayon and filled the tank with water to see
if it got bigger/worse I hope I resized the images to an acceptable size for WWM
<Yes; thanks>
If they are too big or small, I can resend. It has been about a week since I
marked the tunnel and it hasn’t moved. I am going to put the powerheads in the
tank tonight, along with turning on the return pump, to see if movement or any
extra pressure caused by such, makes the issue any worse. With it being so low
on the tank, if it does malfunction it will be a total loss. So I definitely
wanted to get your expert opinion before I buy $700 worth of live rock and put
it in there. I wasn’t sure if being empty with temperature fluctuations in the
room could’ve exaggerated a blemish that I didn’t see originally or something
else could be the cause.
<Must be original... an unusual internal break in the glass>
Just at a loss really as to what could’ve happened. In your opinion, should I
scrap this tank and start over?
<Mmm: I would likely use the tank... as you state, it has been service-able till
now... the seams look okay, the frame...>
Proceed with rock?
Find a different addiction haha?
It goes without saying, but it would be heartbreaking to come this far and be so
ready, only to have to start over. As always, your opinion is very strongly
appreciated. The vast wealth of knowledge I have obtained through WWM and your
books is truly invaluable. Thank you sir!! I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Jeremiah G.
<And you; Bob Fenner>

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Tank Crack 8/31/15
I just bought a used tank and found a crack in it. The tank is over 200 gallons
and I was wondering what problems this would cause.
<Could fail catastrophically. Do NOT fill this tank>
The tank is 30" high and this crack is about a foot from the top of the tank. I
went through all of the crack FAQ's and I still wasn't sure.
Any help would be much appreciated. Picture attached.
Thank you.
<I'd be trying the strips of glass (1/4" will do, three, four inches wide) along
both sides of the chipped corner here... siliconed, meeting/overlapping outside.
Bob Fenner>
re: Tank Crack 8/31/15
Oh, one more question. Do I have to remove the molding around the top and bottom
or can I place the strips of glass top to bottom between the molding?
<Were it me/mine, I'd leave the molding in place, do the latter. BobF>
Thank you again
re: Tank Crack 8/31/15
Wow, quick response. Thank you so much. I will definitely do that.
<Ah, good. BobF>
Chip in my new 140 gal talk
Thanks for having a website that address these types of issues.
I recently purchased a 140 gal aquarium and transported it to my home 200 miles
away (It was the exact tank that I was looking for.) The tank has polished and
beveled edges. After unpacking the Aquarium I noticed that it had a glob of
silicon (about the size of a dime) on one edge about 12 to 15 inches
from the bottom.
When I scrapped the silicon away with my razor blade a chip about the size of my
finger nail came up (very cleanly with no rough glass edges) The chip fits back
in the space almost perfectly (gluing back would be ease).
Attached are a few pictures of the damaged area.
<Nice pix>
It appears that I won't be able return the tank. (a) Do you think I'm over
concerned about the chip?
<I am too>
(b) Could this cause a complete tank failure after tank is filled?
<Possibly; if not then, potentially in time>
(c) Should I just get rid of the tank (Substantial loss) (d) Any other
<You could either commit this tank to other use, filling at most about half
way... Or do the "strip" glass appending gone over on WWM. The chip here is just
too deep, large and badly placed to allow me to be comfortable.
Siliconing a three inch, quarter inch/triple strength plate of glass over the
exposed height on the side... will likely be a lifetime repair... and not
noticeable if the tank is placed with its back along a wall>
I hoped that I would be finishing the thank set-up over the 4th of July weekend.
Not going to happen.
Thanks in advance for you assistance and speedy response.
<Again, welcome. Bob Fenner>
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re: Chip in my new 140 gal talk 7/5/15
Sad News.
<Yes... but the usual spiels re ding dang reality!>
Thanks for you professional opinion.
I suspected that would be the answer.
Have a great day. And thanks for being there.
Al Thomas
<Very glad to assist you. BobF>
Chip at the edge of braces
I thank you guys in advance for advice. I recently got a new aquarium,
but failed to notice a chip before setting up, as seen in pictures. I
believe it is not dangerous (since similar sized chips were dismissed in
previous FAQ posts), due to its position at the top and the fact that it
doesn't cut right through the glass.
However being right at the edge of the corner braces makes me wonder if
the pressure would cause the crack to propagate?
<Don't think so>
Should I be concerned? Did not seem to find a similar problem in my
<I'd just fill in the gap w/ Silastic to prevent cuts and not worry. Bob
Fenner> |
Re: Chip at the edge of braces 3/7/15
Thanks for the confirmation! Your work is awesome.
<Certainly welcome. BobF.> |
Urgent, tank chip 3/5/15
hey Bob,
I took my 60 cube (24x24x24) down to clean it out and reset it up in my
room. When my brother and I placed it down on the ground, the corner
hit, and an 1/8 by 1/8 inch piece of glass chipped out.
Upon inspection, it is just in the front glass pane, almost like a
It is in corner of tank, with a mound of silicone inside the tank over
It does not come close to the joint, it's just in one window pane.
<I see this>
I filled it with water last night, and there were 0 leaks. Being the
glass is clear, you can see there are no fissures, cracks, spider webs
etc. it basically looks as if someone too a bevel, and removed an 1/8
piece of the glass, away from the joint.
I have read if it holds water your good, others have said any chip,
scratch or crack makes the tank useless.
Would really like your input.
I attached a photo. In the photo, you can see there is plenty of pane
left before it joins the next pane, or the joint.
<This looks like a "lucky" break; not likely to spread...
I would use this tank; but fill in the missing piece with Silicone; to
prevent fingers getting cut. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Urgent, tank chip 3/5/15
Great news glad to hear it. I called the store I bought it from, and he said
throw it into dumpster. This is without even looking at it, and went on to
say a chip compromises the glass, and regardless of size of chip,
location, etc, you can't use it.
However, he is not an engineer, just an lfs owner who would love nothing
more than for me to buy another tank.
You say a lucky break..where do you draw the line from "unlucky" to
<Whether it can or needs to be repaired, or tossed>
Meaning if that chip was on the seam, or deeper, is that generally where it
becomes risky.
Thanks again, and thanks in advance |
question 2 chips on fish tank?
I found this on the right side of the 180 fish tank while i was cleaning
out the old silicone. I'm not sure if the chip was there before or not,
was under the silicone. The tank was running fine before i moved it,
it was caused during the move?
<Very common>
what should i do or will it be fine if it
can hold water for 48 hrs?
<Need to know where (how high up) this chip is... Have you read here:
Scroll down to the Aquarium Repairs tray; READ re Chips/Cracks>
<Bob Fenner> |
Re: question 2 chips on fish tank?
<You've exceeded our file size limit by an order of magnitude>
Thanks for the help, i really appreciate it. The chip is on the very
bottom middle edge of the fish tank.
<Bad placement>
its around in the middle area on the right glass panel of the fish tank
I also noticed from top view of the chip there is a possible scratch or
crack? I also took some photos with a bright light inside the glass if
that helps. The glass is 1/2 inch thick.
<Keep reading. I wouldn't use this tank as an aquarium as is. BobF> |
Chipped Corner
Hi guys!
I would like you opinion about this chip on a used 140 Gal aquarium. I
noticed the shell shaped chip on a back corner once it was delivered to
my home :(
Fortunately its not very deep and doesn’t appear to have any starter
cracks radiating anywhere inside of it. Is there a such thing as
a clean chip?
<Cleaner... and less>
The chip is 1” wide, 2” tall, and the center sits about 7” from the top
of the aquarium on a 29” tall panel.
It doesn’t go wider than the silicon seam if you look at it straight on.
The depth of the chip at its deepest near the corner is about 1/8” or
tip of a finger, the glass is 1/2” thick.
<Aye ya; this chip is too large, deep to use the tank as it is filling
it all the way>
I was wondering if you can tell from these pics if I should do anything
to reinforce it as I’ve seen you recommend for other chips of similar
<Yes... I would apply three or four inch strips of quarter or 3/8" glass
along both edges of the corner where the chip is... Siliconing them
along the faces vertically>
Please give your opinion based on information provided.
Thank you!!!
Pics below:
<Bob Fenner> |
Re: Chipped Corner
Thank you for your super quick assessment Bob!
<Welcome Phil>
I understand this as using two 29” tall x 4” wide x 3/8” thick glass strips
siliconed vertical to the back and side, correct?
I’m assuming this relieves the outward pressure away from the chip?
<Yes and yes>
Thanks for your help!!!
<Welcome again; BobF>
Re: Chipped Corner
Thank you, I’ll try this and keep my fingers crossed, the chip honestly
doesn’t look that bad/deep, but its large surface area is the issue I guess.
Does it matter which corner overlaps the other as far as strength goes, or
should I just match the corners of the aquarium?
<I'd cover over the chipped edge, meeting up level w/ the piece on the other
side. B> Re: Chipped Corner
Will do, thank you Bob for all the help!
<Welcome! BobF> |
Cracked aquarium corner
Good afternoon. I came across WWM as I was researching how to address a
crack on the corner of my 90 gallon. I read through your other posts and
it appears that no one has inquired about my particular situation yet. I
have had the tank for 14 months and noticed the crack about 6 months
ago. As I have a reef tank, I really don't want to tear it down so I
thought that
I'd observe first. The crack runs only through the front plate. When
viewed from the front, it is 1/8" wide and when viewed from the side, it
is 1/16" wide. If you viewed top down, it would be triangular. If I
measure the height, it is 1.5 inches long assuming that it starts from
the base hidden by the trim. It appears to be very slowing
moving upwards. So, as the crack
is not moving in towards the tank, I was thinking about removing that
piece (maybe with a Dremel saw?)
<NO! Don't do this... glass... being a super-cooled liquid... can be
ground down, but this will NOT improve the structural strength; and very
likely dis-improve it>
so that it doesn't keep moving up. What are your thoughts? I have
attached a few pics. Thank you
<Well; as the break/crack is moving; I would decommission this
tank; sell it to someone for partial-fill use... for aquatic
turtles, a paludarium perhaps... or dry use. Otherwise, you could
Silicone on supportive strips as gone over on WWM along the
corners/edges of the broken pane. I would NOT leave this tank up and
running as it is... there IS a very real chance of sudden failure
here... disastrous for your livestock, floor and should anyone be near
when it catastrophically fails. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Cracked aquarium corner
Thank you for your advice! I had hoped it was as simple as removing
the piece.
<Removing the one panel.... really more work than it's worth. What is your
time worth?>
I have contacted the vendor for a replacement. Not looking moving the fish
and coral! Thanks again.
<Simple to do... See the "moving plans" on WWM... get the tools, mat.s
together... a friend or two; do it systematically and it's no big deal. The
peace of mind.... well worth it. BobF> |
Repair inquiry
Good Evening
I purchased a 42 gallon bow front tank from Craig's list. I discovered
when I got it home that there is a chip inside the seams as if it was
bumped. It's smooth on the outside and inside and it does not leak. I'm
worried about making this into my larger salt water aquarium. Do you
think I need to make repairs such as this. Or am I being paranoid? I've
some photos. Thanks for your help on repairing or leaving this alone :)
<Only one pic came through, twice... where is this chip at on the
side... IF near the top few inches likely it will be fine... if lower
down on the side, I would at least effect a two inch strip of glass down
both sides... Siliconing the strips in.
Bob Fenner>
Thanks for your help.
Yet another chip question
I'm sorry to bother you with another question about chips, but it seems
every inquiry is slightly different from mine. We bought a used 40
gallon breeder, and neglected to set it up for a few weeks. When I
finally cleaned it, I noticed a shell- shaped chip on one corner, about
2.5" down from the top. A pair of freshwater angels is going into it, so
I need to be able to fill it completely. Some silicone was also flaking
off as I cleaned. Is this tank okay or should I get rid of it?
Many thanks.
<Well, the chipping looks okay (near the top and not too likely to
spread)... do fill the area in w/ Silicone to prevent cutting your hands
and fingers. The Silicone flaking off? I see that the bonds look okay on
the glass itself... IF this is the case I think you're fine here as
well. I would try this tank out as is at this point, rather than cutting
out and replacing the internal/corner seals. Bob Fenner>
Chipped edge 10/31/14
Hi guys I found your post and hope you can help me! I bought a used 110
xh reef tank and have it in my office. It looks like someone bumped it
and chipped a piece off of the corner about the length of a nickel and
as thick as a dime. Do you think this is still a usable tank? Thanks!!
<From the size, shape and position (nearer the top), I think you'll be
okay with this chip. I would fill the gap in with Silastic/Silicone
Rubber, to save yourself from easily cutting your hands, arms on the
sharp edges.
Bob Fenner>
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Chip in tank 10/8/14
Hello, kind sirs. I've got a standard 55. Upon
inspection I noticed a small chip roughly 1/16", maybe 3/32"
long and wide (circular-esque) and MAYBE 1/16" deep at the most. Its
roughly 3" off center and almost exactly halfway between top and bottom.
The glass itself is 1/4" thick.
Safe to use in your opinion? Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
<This small chip should not be a problem>
Thanking you in advance...
A concerned father of 2.
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Chip in tank 10/8/14
Thank you for your timely response, sir. My daughters, 5 and 4, tell me to
tell you "Thanks you for fixing our fish house."
Thanks again.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Movers crunched the end of my 90 gal tank about half way down
Hi!! Movers crunched the end of my 90 gal tank about half way down.
Holds water, no leaks. Think its ok, or should I try to reinforce?
Thank you in advance
<I would Silicone on a glass strip about four inches wide on the chipped
face, matching the corner. See WWM re.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Movers crunched the end of my 90 gal tank about half way down
On the inside or outside? Thank you for the quick response
<Out. Read where you've been referred. B>
Chipped rimless new tank 100g cube
Hi I'm concerned about a chip in my new tank I've attached pics the chip
is not on the outside... chip is on the side
glass at the bottom of the tank in the seam
between the side and the bottoms glass only goes threw half the
thickness of the glass on the seam... what should I do if
anything? Thank u guys...
<Mmm; I think you might be lucky here... the scallop type breaks can be
forgiving. IF the tank is empty and dry currently I would fill in the
chipped area with Aquarium Silastic/Silicone (more for preventing cuts
to human hands than structural repair)>
Also what do I put under the tank between the glass and wood before
filling the tank I heard foam... If so how
thick? Can I use a rubber pad?
<A half inch cut piece of either is what I'd use; assuring the stand
surface is strong, linear and planar as well of course.
Bob Fenner>

 Re: Chipped rimless new tank 100g cube
The crack is in between the glass on the bottom it is not in a place where
it could be touched...
<Ah, good>
I was just worried about the silicone seam.. that is
where the crack is and it has broken the seam half way threw... should I
attempt to get broken glass out before recaulking?
<No; I would not>
Or should I just put a
thin layer over the bottom to fill it in.... ty for your response and how
quick u were
<Welcome... and surprisingly, am out dive/visiting in Bali currently.
re: Chipped rimless new tank 100g cube
Wow that's great to hear takes a lot of weight off my shoulders knowing it
should be ok... wow I wish I was diving in Bali that sounds awesome. ..
Enjoy your time there thanks again for your quick response
<Certainly welcome. Bob Fenner>