FAQs on Glass Aquarium Repair,
Chips/Cracks 2
Related Articles: Aquarium Repair, Acrylic Aquarium Repair,
Aquariums, Marine Tanks,
Stands and Covers, Used
Gear for Marine Systems, Designer Marine tanks, stands and
Related FAQs: Chips/Cracks 1, Chips/Cracks 3, Chips/Cracks
4, Chips/Cracks 5,
Chips/Cracks 6, Chips/Cracks 7,
Chips/Cracks 8,
Chips/Cracks 9,
Chips/Cracks 10,
Chips/Cracks 11,
& Glass Aquarium Repair 1, Glass Aquarium Repair 2, G lass
Aquarium Repair 3, Glass
Aquarium Repair 4,
Glass Aquarium
Repair 5, & FAQs on Repairing Glass Tank: Scratches/Blemishes, Cross-Braces, Leaks, Whole Panes, Tools: Cutting Glass, Silicone, Moulding/Frames; Techniques; Olde Tank (Slate Bottom, Metal
Frame, Pecora...) Repairs, Troubleshooting/Repairs, &
Aquarium Repair, Used
Aquarium Gear,

Chip inside corner of a 265 7/22/08 Hello to
all. <Hello Tim.> I have just bought a used 265 gallon
Perfecto tank. <Congratulations!> I filled the tank outdoors
to check for leaks and did not find any. After moving the tank down
a fight of stairs to its permanent home I noticed a small chip of
some sort. <!> It is located where the two panes of glass
join and on the inside of them where the sealant should be. The
glass is 5/8 inch thick and the chip is about 1/4 inch long from
the edge. If I run my finger down the side where the two panes meet
I can feel a slight burr maybe from a splinter of glass poking
through. It appears that I have plenty of sealant between the chip
and inside of the tank but I'm not sure. <It does appear you
have plenty of sealant left in the seam.> So my questions are,
1, From the pictures that I've sent do you think that the tank
will be safe to set up with out leaking or bursting into my
basement floor. 2, If not what would be my options to possibly fix
this chip. <The tank will be fine, this is a fairly minor chip.
Just leave it be and make this the back of the tank if at all
possible.> P.S The tank is only 5 years old. Thanks in advance
and keep up the good work. Tim <Welcome, have fun, Scott
V.> |

Great pix. RMF
Glasscages 120 tank with chip 6/20/08 Hi all,
<Hello.> I am wondering how concerned I need to be about this
chip that appeared on my less than 2 month old tank? <A
bummer.> The chip is on the outside corner and about 5"
from the top. I am planning on using superglue <<Won't do
any good... may even "age" the Silicone... I would NOT do
this. RMF>> to keep it in place but was also concerned about
the integrity of the tank before I move the fish the from their
small shack to their new condo. <It appears superficial; your
integrity will be fine. If the tank is the same front and back (no
overflows, holes, paint, etc.), consider flipping it around to put
the chip in the back where you will not see it.> Thanks in
advance for your superior help and knowledge. <Welcome, thank
you, Scott V.> |

Tank chip... 6/4/08
Bob <Gino> Hi...Gino Carlini here...Its been awhile since vie
last emailed. Anyway, I had a little accident tonight and wanted to get
your advice on this. I have an Oceanic 30 gallon cube tank. I took the
glass cover off to clean it and I accidentally bumped the right corner
of the tank with the glass cover.. and it put a small chip in it. From
what I can see, it looks more like a chip and not a crack. <Mmm... a
pic...> The chip is on the front pane of glass in the right corner
about mid way up... It didn't go very deep. But Im still really
concerned about it. Is this something that could possibly be repaired?
<Not likely repair-able... only can guess/assess the likelihood of
catastrophic failure> or is this tank done for? I know Oceanic has a
life time warranty...But I'm not sure they would cover this... Any
advice is appreciated... Thanks!!! Gino <... read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/glsaqcracks.htm and the linked files above. Bob
Outside nick/leaking
aquarium 5/8/08 Hi, I have an old 90 gallon freshwater
aquarium. There is a small nick on an outside corner of the tank and
the water is very slowly leaking out of it in small beads. <Oh! Not
good.> I have resealed the tank on the inside, but the tiny leak is
persisting. I guess the nick must extend to the silicone seal inside.
<Yes.> Is such a nick in the corner glass irreparable, or might I
have just resealed it incorrectly on the inside? <At the very least
you will need to actually cut out all the silicone inside the tank,
scraping and cleaning all the silicone off the glass for a new,
continuous bead run inside. Ideally you should take the entire tank
apart, remove all the silicone (even replace the chipped panel) and
reassemble with new silicone throughout. For the time and effort
involved you may find it more cost effective to buy a new tank. You
just have to consider how much your time is worth to you.> Anything
you can tell me would be very helpful, thanks! Forest <Welcome and
good luck, Scott V.>
Glass Tank Repair
5/3/08 I bought a new (still has store stickers on it) 125
gal tank yesterday at the Goodwill. After I got it home I noticed
it had a chip on the inside of the front panel that reminds of a
windshield rock chip. It is 1/4" x 1/4" oval shape and is
1/16th" deep. The tank is 6 feet long and the chip is 7 inches
from the bottom and 29 inches from the side. Is this repairable,
and if so how? <May be fine as it is. How thick is the glass?
James (Salty Dog)> Re: Glass Tank Repair 5/9/08
It is 3/8" thick <I'd feel comfortable using the tank
with that glass thickness, no need to repair. James (Salty
Dog)> |
Question about a Chip in my Tank 4/15/08 Hello, <Hi
there Kevan.> My wife and I just recently bought a new 72
Gallon Bow Front tank and stand. <Awesome,
congratulations!> We are new to the hobby so we wanted some
input on a possible chip on the top corner of our new tank. The
tank has been filled now for over 24 hours without a single leak
or problem. <A good sign.> As I was looking at the tank
this afternoon, I saw what first appeared to be a bubble. Upon
looking at it further, I could feel the chip in the glass right
beneath my finger nail. Now, it's very small, hasn't
gotten any bigger and it's located about 3 inches from the
very top of the tank so there isn't much pressure on it from
the water. <There could not be a better spot to have a
chip.> I've attached some pictures of this as a reference.
Your expert opinion on whether this would compromise the
structural integrity of the tank would be appreciated. Thank you!
<It is so small that it's difficult to make out in the
pictures. From that and your description I will say all is fine
with the tank. > Ps -- my LFS said they didn't think this
was a problem at all considering its size and location. They
thought it would be more of a cosmetic issue over anything else.
<Agreed.> Kevan M. Farley <Best regards, Scott V.>
Re: Question about a Chip in my Tank 4/16/08
Scott, one more quick question. <OK> I noticed you cropped
the pictures I sent, but it doesn't show the chip that I
found on the tank. The chip is about an inch or so below the tape
you see on the tank. Just want to make sure you were looking at
the same thing. Thanks! <Oh yes. I still have the originals in
my download box, we are looking at the same thing. The pics get
cropped for reasons of format and download speed for others. No
worries, your tank is fine.><<RMF apologizes for the

Cracked 150 4/12/08 Hi Crew, I
have to start off by saying what a great site! You have helped me in so
many ways as I have only been in the saltwater hobby for about 4
months. <Hello, it is good to hear the site has helped you so
much!> I have a problem. I purchased a 150 gallon tall tank being
72"x18.5"x 29" used. I took it to my LFS and had it torn
apart and resealed. I waited a week before filling it to make sure the
sealants had cured. During that time I constructed my stand. I used 4x4
post one in each corner and then I used 2x6 yellow pine #2 doubled up
for the front middle and rear beams. I used a single 2x6 for the sides
and used Simpson hangers to help support the beams. Next I put a layer
of 3/4 plywood that I liquid nailed and screwed to the top. Everything
was screwed together and I feel I may have been a little screw happy
but better safe than sorry! <Yes, for certain. The structure of the
stand sounds fine.> I cut the carpet so the stand would be in direct
contact with the slab. <Even better.> I test filled my tank and
all seemed to be ok. So I went for my permanent installation. I had
custom cabinets built to make this look like the tank is in the wall.
<Nice.> I did put a double layer of underlayment foam under the
tank. This is the same foam underneath wood floors. The tank is drilled
with one overflow box in the left corner. Also the tank has a middle
glass support at the top. The tank has been up and running since
December 23 of 2007. Now for my problem. I recently checked to make
sure my tank was still level and that the stand had not compressed or
settled in any bad ways. Well I was horrified to find out my tank was
leaning to the back, 1/16" on the right side and 1/8" on the
left!! Left to right was level still however. I quickly asked multiple
LFS if this was a problem. Only one said to drain it and put foam under
the tank. Before I could get home to drain it, you guessed it, it had a
six inch crack on the left side in the middle stretching out to the
center. <Yikes, not good.> Luckily no water had started to leak.
I quickly called my neighbor who has a 125 gallon and we drained the
tank and saved all coral, live rock and fish. <Great!> I am about
to pick up a brand new 150 tall but am worried about what I did wrong.
I don't want to come home to a flooded house. What should I do?
Will foam take care of the fact that the stand settled 1/16 and 1/8?
<You are better off shimming between the stand and slab to level
things out, with a continuous piece between the shims and the stand. It
is possible the slab settled somewhat. However, I do also suspect the
stand is no longer planar, likely more than 1/8' off to crack the
tank. With the foam you already had underneath it the 1/8' is just
what showed. You will need to put the stand in place, shim it level and
then check to make sure the top is planar. A simple level/straight edge
can tell you much here. Slight variations can be accommodated with
Styrofoam, a ½-3/4' thick piece. If the stand is too far
out of whack you will need to either remake it or look into alternative
leveling techniques, such as epoxies.> Please advise before I resume
my project. Thanks again for all the help! PB <Welcome, a few
pertinent links below. Good luck, Scott V.>
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/aqstdleveling.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/aqstdfloors.htm
Chipped Corner 3/31/08 Hi, first time
writing to WWM. <Hello, welcome to WWM.> I got an aquarium
yesterday, 36x24x24 marine. <Nice shaped tank.> Apparently,
one of the edges was chipped in shipping. It's not like the
other chips you had pictured on the site so I thought I'd write
in with a picture. <Good pictures.> I was told to just seal
it with an epoxy like you would on a car windscreen, so I did. But,
now that I've read your site, I'm a bit worried. As you can
see from the picture (2098), the glass of the bottom panel is
chipped on the edge, but it doesn't extend very far in except
at one point. <Looks like nothing to worry about in this
picture.> Also, it appears that there is still a layer of glass
in the panel that is intact above where the glass chipped out.
I've since sealed this with an epoxy in hopes that it would
strengthen the joint and it would be ok (picture 2106). <This
picture appears to show a little more destruction, but still
nothing I would worry about.> No, the glass isn't that
scratched up, its just dirty and it shows under the flash :-)
<The story of photographing glass, and through it too!>
What's your opinion? If this was an ordinary tank, I
wouldn't be too fussed to try to replace the bottom panel, but
it was drilled out for me and everything and includes a weir
that's firmly attached which would pose a problem. <I think
all is fine here as far as using the tank. Consider contacting the
manufacturer/shipper regarding the damage. It is likely too late to
do anything about it, but I assume you did not buy a damaged tank!
Best regards, Scott V.> |

Chipped Tank 3/19/08 Hello WWM
crew! <Hello.> I have an Oceanic 58 glass aquarium that my wife
got for free when she worked at PetSmart. Problem is, it has a chip at
the corner that extends all the way into the silicone (The little piece
of glass is still there). <Not good.> I filled it with water
outside and let it sit for a few days, and it did not leak. I would
really like to turn this into a display tank, rather than just relegate
it to my basement fish room. If I silicone a couple pieces of
¼ glass to the corner in order to cover up the chip, will
this function to keep the water where it is supposed to be (not all
over my floors)? Or do I have to replace the entire panel? I know
it's better to replace the panel, but I'm cheap and if I
don't have to then all the better! <The patch will work to keep
the water in place and reinforce the damaged area. If you price a pane
of glass you will likely find it is not too terribly expensive to
replace the whole pane. It is just a lot of work!> Thank you!
<Welcome, good luck, Scott V.>
Used Tank, Chip/Scratches/Recaulk 3/1/08 Hi
guys & gals - <Hello Jim.> I recently obtained a 280gal
used tank, and I'd like to think that I got a great deal on it,
but there's a few things keeping me up at night: <OK> 1.
There is a large chip in one corner about halfway up. Using a
Dremel tool I ground it out to remove all cracks, but the resulting
divot is large, being about 3/4" long and about half the width
of the glass pane (see attached pics). After looking over similar
posts on your website, and since the chip is not anywhere near the
seam, I think this is safe - would you agree? <In this case,
yes, I think this is fine.> 2. The bottom glass pane has a dense
network of scratches. Apparently the previous occupant was a 3 foot
gator, and I imagine he scratched up the bottom while pawing at the
sand. Since I want the tank 100% filled with water for fish, is
there a danger that the scratches will weaken the tank? None of the
scratches are deep and I am sure they aren't cracks. <I
wouldn't worry about this.> 3. Since the silicone caulking
was damaged in some spots, I decided to scrape it all out and
recaulk the whole inside of tank. I followed the advice on this
(this was before I found your excellent web page). I was careful to
scrape out all the old stuff and clean it out well with alcohol
before recaulking. After 4 days drying I refilled the tank and it
has held water for two days now. But here is my concern: the
original caulk was about 1/4" at the corner, but the stuff I
put in was only 1/16"-1/8" deep. I've heard that
"less is more" with this kind of job, but I can't
help worrying when I see that every other tank out there seems to
have thicker caulking than mine. Am I running the risk of leaking
in the future? <No, not really.> Should I redo it with
thicker caulk while it's still in my garage? <I would not,
it sounds like you did a nice job. The real structure of the tank
comes from the silicone directly between the panes of glass. The
excess globbed into the corners is just for extra leak prevention.
It is a good idea, but not wholly necessary. What you have sounds
fine.> Thanks for any help you can offer -Jim <You are
welcome Jim, all sounds and looks OK here. Have fun, Scott
V.> |
.jpg) |
Glass Tank Damage 2/18/08 Hello Crew!
<Hello Elizabeth.> First, I'd like to take this
opportunity to thank you all so very much for making available such
a wealth of knowledge to plebes such as myself through your
marvelous website... <Welcome, it is a pleasure to take part in
and thank you for the kind words.> I am sorry to bother you on a
holiday, but I've encountered a bit of a problem in
moving my 220 gal tank and would be so thankful if you could point
me in the right direction. <OK> I've skimmed the FAQ and
have come to the conclusion that this *may *not be as big of a
problem as I first suspected, but again, allow me to put this to
you to decide. Whilst moving said tank it happened to find itself
on a collision course with an unsuspecting countertop.
<Uh-Oh.> The result? A chip on the bottom corner/edge of the
tank I lack a camera to provide you with a picture, I have included
a small diagram which will hopefully help a little. ( Also, I find
a suitable similarity to picture #2 for the FAQ *Tank Edge Chips
12/7/07* only the chip is singular and larger). Now, the glass is
tempered (if that makes any difference) The chip itself is
approximately 1/3 up the height of the tank and a far as I can see
it was a clean break, the chip is loose but not lost and I
can't seem to see any cracks that came from the impact. Seeing
as it's such a large tank, my concern is that the structural
integrity of the tank might be compromised based on the location of
this chip or its presence at all. <Me too.> I am having
trouble telling myself this is something I can turn a blind eye to
without checking in with you folks first. <This falls into the
'test outside, in a safe place' category.> So is this
damage negligible? <It does not appear to be. From your diagram
(I may be seeing it wrong) it appears the chip is through the
entire silicone seam.> Is there anything I can or should to
structurally support it? Fix it? <I would just replace the pane
of glass if the silicone bond in the area is lost. It is a lot of
work to replace a pane, but it is cheap compared to a tank
bursting, not to mention dangerous. And the tempered glass will do
just that if it fails, burst and not crack. Otherwise, do test it
outside for a few days, if the glass is tempered it is likely
structurally fine.> Thank you very much for all your time and
everything you do. And a happy presidents day to all of you.
-Elizabeth <Welcome and you have a good holiday also. By the
way, nicely done diagram. Best of luck, Scott V.> |

Another Pit In Glass Question 2/1/08 Dear
WWM Staff, Wow, I stumbled upon this site the other day and have
been fascinated by all the information available regarding tank
repair! Very impressive. <Thank you, the site has many years of
combined experience and input.> Like others, I was hoping you
give me some much needed advice/direction, at the same time
possibly easing my mind a little. As recommended, I first searched
WWM for questions/advice <Thank you.> relating to a tiny pit
in the glass and found 3 related entries, but after reading through
them I was a little unclear about a few of the suggestions made by
WWM. I was hoping you could provide a little more clarification,
based on my situation. In my case, the tiny pit I found was
probably made by a rock bumping into the glass wall at some point
in time. For reference purposes, I have a 110 gallon, 48" x
18" x 30" glass aquarium which is about 1-1/2 years old.
Pit is located approximately 12" from one end and 13"
from bottom. Currently, the tank is only filled about 24" high
because it is used for aquatic turtles so figure around 70 gallons
of actual water, however, in the event I do use this for fish one
day, I guess I'd also like to know how it would fare if filled
close to its capacity. I have included several photos but I'm
not sure whether they give the illusion the size and depth of the
pit is smaller or bigger than it actually is. I found the following
FAQs: (1) In aqrepairfaqs.htm, "Aquarium Repair - 55
gallon" the person described having a "small chip on the
INSIDE of the long front glass... about 1/2 way down and front and
center" to which WWM Steven Pro suggested to give the tank a
test fill somewhere easy to clean up, like on the porch or garage
before bringing it inside. My question is, how long should I let
the water sit before I can conclude that the tank is safe? <As
far as integrity to hold water, just filling it will do, maybe let
it sit for a few hours.> If a pit will cause a failure, will
this be exhibited rather quickly after filling, or could it take
weeks or longer? <It should be evident quickly, over time if the
chip were to grow. You have nothing to worry about in your
case.> As an alternative, Steven suggested discarding the tank
and buying a new one but if this 110 gallon tank is salvageable,
I'd rather not have to go that route. (2) In glsaqcracks.htm,
"Chips in tank 5/28/06" the person described having
multiple chips/nicks the size of a ball-point pen tip, which is
about the size of my pit (I have included a few photos). Bob Fenner
replied "likely no problem" so I'm wondering, given
my tank dimensions, whether my pit should be a concern. <No.>
(3) In glstkscratches.htm, "Small chip in 75 gal --
06/14/07" the writer describes a "very small (pinhole
size) chip on the center of the outside front glass" yet this
time Bob Fenner replied there could be a little to worry about and
"...if it bothered me much, I'd return and exchange this
tank," <Yes, it appears he was referring to aesthetics.>
and when asked if there was anything he could do to fill it in so
it couldn't be seen, Mr. Fenner replied "Could try, or
have it ground down." Could you provide more specifics
regarding what could be used to fill it, and is filling it an
option if the pit is on the inside surface rather than outside?
<Filling it will still leave some distortion, grinding down as
mentioned in Bob's response is an option if you wish to repair.
> I also saw the reference to DIY'er grinding a pit using a
Dremel, but would this be an option for me considering the location
of my pit? <I wouldn't, it will likely look worse.> Would
smoothing it out decrease the chance of failure, or would it be
more for cosmetic reasons? <Cosmetic.> Is this sort of thing
costly to have done professionally (my tank is dry right now so I
could even lug it to a shop to have done rather than have them pay
me a visit)? <I don't imagine it could cost too much, call
and shop around.> Finally, how is a tiny pit different from say,
a scratch, as far as the integrity of the glass is concerned?
<There is very little difference unless either is fairly
severe/deep.> As a last resort, can a small plate of glass, say
4" square (or however large you suggest?), be siliconed on top
of the pit on the inside face to maintain structural integrity?
<No need for this.> In my case, I can always reverse the tank
so that what's currently the front face can easily become the
back, so if adhering a glass plate would do the trick, then that
might not be so bad. If this is feasible, where would I apply the
silicone, would I fill the pit with silicone and then along the
perimeter of the glass piece, press it to the aquarium, and then
seal along the edges, or should the silicone be spread evenly
across the entire face of the glass plate being applied? Thanks for
your time, I really appreciate it. Wonderful site! <Very
welcome. You have nothing to worry about, just flip the tank around
and enjoy the view through the other pane. Your chip is very minor.
Thank you for such a clear well written email on a subject you
obviously researched first and the great pictures you included.
Best regards, Scott V.> |

suddenly crack open in the middle
of the night. If you can, and it isn't too expensive to do so,
consider replacing the tank. The "cracked" tank would be
perfectly useful for someone keeping reptiles or small mammals, so you
might well be able to sell it on, reducing your losses. Alternatively,
remove the cracked pane of glass and install a new one (there are
instructions on repairing tanks at: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/aqrepairfaqs.htm and elsewhere.
Hope this helps, Neale>