Related FAQs: Merulinids 1, Merulinids 2, & FAQs on: Merulinid Identification, Merulinid Behavior, Merulinid Compatibility, Merulinid Selection, Merulinid Systems, Merulinid Feeding, Merulinid Disease, Merulinid Reproduction/Propagation,
& Stony/True Coral,
Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior, SPS Identification, SPS Behavior, SPS
Compatibility, SPS Selection,
SPS Systems, SPS Feeding, SPS
Disease, SPS
Related Articles: Small
Polyp Stony Corals, Stony or True Corals,
Order Scleractinia, Dyed Corals,
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Corals of the Family
Merulinidae, Part 3
Part 1: To Echinopora
Part 2: Genus Hydnophora
Part 4: To Genus Paramontastrea
Part 5: Genus Pectinia
Bob Fenner
Genus Merulina Ehrenberg 1834, Lettuce/Cabbage,
Ruffled/Ridged Coral. Valleys are short, narrow, broadening before
widening, fanning out at edges. Wandering plates to rising branches,
often on the same colony. Not easy to keep in captivity. /WA Corals:
laminar with upright branches • valleys spread like a fan
Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander
1786). Colonies generally laminar, but may be tree-like.
Aquarium photo. |

Merulina scabricula Dana 1846
Characters: Colonies
are laminar or subarborescent, with these different growth-forms
characteristically occurring together in large colonies. Valleys are short,
straight, and spread in a fan before dividing. They radiate from the colony
centre on flat surfaces, but are highly contorted on branches. Flat surfaces
often have concentric growth lines. Tentacles are extended only at night. Well
developed colonies always have some branch development.
Colour: Blue
or pale brown with blue margins (which may photograph pink). Tentacles are
extended only at night.
Similar Species: Merulina
ampliata, which has thicker and coarser skeletal structures. (COTW)
NSUL 2005. |
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