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Hydnophora rigida (Dana 1846). Thin, flattened, pointed branches.
Fiji 2017. |
Merulina scabricula Dana 1846
Characters: Colonies
are laminar or subarborescent, with these different growth-forms
characteristically occurring together in large colonies. Valleys are short,
straight, and spread in a fan before dividing. They radiate from the colony
centre on flat surfaces, but are highly contorted on branches. Flat surfaces
often have concentric growth lines. Tentacles are extended only at night. Well
developed colonies always have some branch development.
Colour: Blue
or pale brown with blue margins (which may photograph pink). Tentacles are
extended only at night.
Similar Species: Merulina
ampliata, which has thicker and coarser skeletal structures. (COTW)
NSUL 2005.
.JPG) |
Out last March diving; well, snorkeling here; in Huahine. Wondered what
this is... Have dived (several times) the type locality... this could be
an example of the at-times high polymorphism of stony corals... vis a
vis local conditions of light, current, food availability.... on p. 136
of "guide: des recifs coralliens de Tahiti et ses iles" and
appears to be Porites rus Forsskal 1775, Plate and Pillar Coral.
Variable in shape as its common name points to. Upright columns more
shallow to gorgeous plates deeper, more calm waters. Gray to brown in
color, often with yellow polyps that have wider spaced calyces, raised
areas between polyps. What say you? 2018 |

Acropora maryae possibly Veron 2000, /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are usually upright compact bushes, but may form thick plates. Branches are
short and sub-branches are frequent. Axial and incipient axial corallites are
large and dome-shaped, with thick walls. They may become long and tubular.
Radial corallites are small and inconspicuous. All corallites are smooth and
rounded. The coenosteum is smooth.Colour: Usually
uniform blue (which may photograph pink) or cream.Similar Species: Acropora
loripes, which has more exsert (pocket-like) radial corallites and is
not uniformly coloured. See also A. rosaria and A. squarrosa.Habitat: Upper
reef slopes.Abundance: Common.
Sinai 2019