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Tridacna maxima (Roding 1798), the Large Giant Clam. Has
well-developed concentric growth folds. South Africa to the Red Sea out
to the Line Islands, but not in Hawai'i. Common in its range. To about
sixteen inches in diameter. Characterized by elongate, triagonal
shells, dense, narrow-spaced folds on the shells (wavy appearance). Red
Sea juvenile 2019. |

Crella cyathophora Carter 1869. W. C. Pacific... Here in the Red
Sea 2019. |

Mycale fistulifera (Row 1911). Red Sea, Sudan, Indian Ocean. Here
in the Red Sea in 2019, infested w/ the hydrozoan Nausithoe punctata.
Cliona vastifica Boring Sponges. Widely
distributed. About 165 described species. Here in the Red
Sea 2019. |