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Macrorhynchia philippina
Kirchenpauer 1872. Fire or Stinging Hydroid. Branching feathers of equal
length up to 15 cm. long. Dark stems w/ contrasting polyps. Very painful
to touch. Circumtropical. Here in the upper Red Sea 2019. |
Nausithoe punctata Kolliker 1853. "0.9
to 1.5 cm. wide, discodial, central disk thick, without radiating furrows,
finely punctured; gastral filaments not grouped in clusters; large gonads."
"Members of the class Scyphozoa are gonochoric. Life cycle: Egg is laid by
the adult medusa which later develops into a free-living planula, then to a
scyphistoma to a strobila, and lastly to a free-living young medusa " Here
scyphistomes are infesting a sponge in the Red Sea 2019. |
Astreopora myriophthalma (Lamarck 1816).
Smooth, hemispherical colonies. Evenly spaced corallites that are exsert
(pointed out) with rounded openings. Most common species. Red Sea 2019.
Echinopora fructiculosa (Ehrenberg 1834). Dome shaped
colonies of interlocking branches. Branches are single tubular corallites
with lateral budding. Corallites 5-8 mm. Color pinkish brown w/ light
colored ends. Red Sea 2019.