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Freshwater Pic
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Acanthastrea echinata (Dana 1846) Pineapple Coral. Circular
colonies tat are typically boulder-like. Septa with long, pointed teeth
(most easily seen in live specimens). Brown, green to brightly colored.
Red Sea 2019. |
Coscinaraea monile (Forskal 1775),
colonies encrusting or dome-shaped. calices monocentric, to 7mm. in
diameter. Septa are very even, finely serrated. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are usually encrusting or dome-shaped. Calices are monocentric, up to 7
millimetres diameter, or form short valleys. Septa are even and finely
serrated, giving colonies a smooth surface.
Colour: Usually
uniformly grey, sometimes tan, brown, or mottled colours.
Species: Distinctive and unlike other Coscinaraea.
Habitat: Most
reef environments.
Abundance: Common
in the western Indian Ocean, uncommon in the central Indo-Pacific.
Sinai 2019. Red Sea 2019. |
Genus Stylophora: Schweigger 1819, Finger, Cluster, Brush,
Club Coral. Thick branches with rounded ends; conspicuous corallites all over,
with septa and columella. This genus' skeleton
(coenosteum) has peculiar small spines (spinules) and hooding on the
distal (far end) of the corallites that give the whole a fuzzy
appearance. Occur as brownish with pale ends, or pink to purplish with white
tips. Wakatobi (S. Sulawesi), Indo. 2006. |

Stylophora pistillata Exper 1797. Low
growing, thick round branches with blunted rounded ends that enlarge, are
submassive. Corallites immersed, hooded or spiny. Colored light brown to
cream to pink, green... Indo-Mid Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa to S.
Japan, Tuamotus. Red Sea 2019.