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Freshwater Pic
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Podabacia crustacea (Pallas 1776); confluent
dentate (toothed) septae and costae. Laminar to bowl like, corallites
exsert, facing outward toward the growing edge. Usually brownish with
lighter margins. Red Sea 2019.
Podabacia crustacea (Pallas 1776); confluent
dentate (toothed) septae and costae. Laminar to bowl like, corallites
exsert, facing outward toward the growing edge. Usually brownish with
lighter margins. Red Sea 2019.
Lobophyllia corymbosa (Forsskal 1775).
Colonies flat to hemispherical, large in the Red Sea (up to six
feet in diameter). Usually singular corallites, but may have 2, 3
joined together on occasion. Well separated calices. High, blunt septal
teeth. Colors are generally greenish or brown, gray, with lighter oral
discs; look spiny. A broken colony in the upper Red Sea (Eilat) 2001.

Lobophyllia corymbosa (Forsskal 1775). Colonies flat to
hemispherical, large in the Red Sea (up to six feet in diameter).
Usually singular corallites, but may have 2, 3 joined together on
occasion. Well separated calices. High, blunt septal teeth. Colors are
generally greenish or brown, gray, with lighter oral discs; look spiny.
Red Sea 2019.