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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Stylophora wellsi Scheer 1964. Clumps of short, knobby
branches. |

Seriatopora hystrix Dana 1846, the most common Bird's Nest Coral.
Needle like endings on variably thick, twisted branches. Bird's Nest
Coral in off Heron Island, Australia's Great Barrier Reef in 2002. The
white hands like ends are . crab modified homes... the decapods making
them as safe places to live (and yes, feeding, reproducing from...) "Daniel
Knop Hapalocarcinus
marsupialis crabs, the female lives inside the coral branch cages, the
smaller male lives outside on the coral" |

Seriatopora hystrix Dana 1846, the most common Bird's Nest Coral.
Needle like endings on variably thick, twisted branches. Bird's Nest
Coral in off Heron Island, Australia's Great Barrier Reef in 2002. This
colony sporting some bivalve hitchhikers.
Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus 1758),
Cauliflower Coral. The most common member of the family offered to
the aquarium trade. Compact clumps of up to a few meters height.
Verrucae and branches blend together; branches roundish in cross section (vs
P. verrucosa which are flattened). Of varying branch thickness
(thinner in greater depths, less water motion areas). Several
colors: overall brown, pink cream, purple, greenish. Red Sea 2019. |