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Pseudochromis olivaceus Ruppell 1835. Olive Dottyback. W. I.O.,
Red Sea. To 9 cm. Red Sea 2019. |
Parupeneus macronemus Band-dot or Long-barbel Goatfish.
Grey-white to red in color with a body band anteriorly, dot near the
caudal peduncle. Indo-West Pacific and Red Sea. To 14 inches. Red Sea

Anampses twistii Bleeker 1856, the Yellow-Breasted or Twist's
Wrasse. From the Pacific and Indian Oceans, but best out of the Red Sea
from which it still rates a dismal. A couple inch juv. in the upper Red
Sea 2019. |
Bodianus diana (Lacepede 1801), my wife's namesake-favorite,
Diana's Hogfish (1). Well-named after mythology's Goddess of the Hunt,
this species can become belligerent toward its tankmates beyond it's ten
inch size. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea, where the adult picture
was shot in 2019.