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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskal 1775), the Greasy Grouper.
Indo-west Pacific, including the Red Sea. To three feet in length.
Another "accidental", "miscellaneous" bass/grouper import at times. A 14
inch adult in the Red Sea 2019. |
Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskal 1775), the Greasy Grouper.
Indo-west Pacific, including the Red Sea. To three feet in length.
Another "accidental", "miscellaneous" bass/grouper import at times. An
eight inch subadult in the Red Sea 2019. |
auriga Forsskal 1775, the Threadfin Butterflyfish. A great beauty and
hardy aquarium specimen, though it will eat coral polyps and anemones.
See other materials on this species by clicking on name. Widespread
Indo-Pacific. Chaetodon auriga throughout its
Indo-Pacific range: Note the absence of the near top dorsal
"eyespot" prominent on all but the Red Sea
specimens. Sinai 2019. |
Chaetodon austriacus
Ruppell 1835, the Red Sea Melon or Exquisite Butterflyfish. A Red
Sea and Gulf of Aden endemic. Never lives in captivity, unlike so
many of the other fishes hailing from this area. A feeder on live
corals, anemones and snail eggs. Pix from the Red Sea 2019. |