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Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus (Bleeker 1859), the SIngle-Bar Devil. Indo-Pacific, eastern Africa and Red Sea to the
Marshall, Pitcairn Islands. One in N. Red Sea, 2019. |

Pomacentrus trichrourus Gunther
1867, the Rale-Tail Damsel. Western Indian Ocean, including the Red
Sea; E. Africa. To 11 cm.s overall length. This one in N. Red Sea 2019. |
Pseudochromis fridmani Klausewitz 1968, the
Orchid Dottyback. Known only from the Red Sea, but cultured in
commercial numbers. To three inches in length. This photo taken in
Sharm, Red Sea 2019. |

Pseudochromis springeri Lubbock 1975, the Bluestriped Dottyback. Red Sea
endemic, though most specimens offered are produced in captivity. To
three inches in length. One in the Red Sea 2019; amongst a Seriatopora
corals branches. |