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Porites solida (Forsskal 1775). Massive, generally hemispherical
boulders of up to meters across. Smooth to undulating surface
appearance. Large polyps for the genus. Very common in the Red Sea,
brown to greenish yellow; so much so that in calmer waters the reef
crest is often termed the "Porites Zone" of this species. Sinai 2019. |
Porites solida (Forsskal 1775). Massive, generally hemispherical
boulders of up to meters across. Smooth to undulating surface
appearance. Large polyps for the genus. Very common in the Red Sea,
brown to greenish yellow; so much so that in calmer waters the reef
crest is often termed the "Porites Zone" of this species. Sinai 2019. |
Porites nodifera Klunzinger 1879, Colonies comprised
of compressed columns; usually squared off on top.
Pale brown in color. Sinai 2019. |
Porites nodifera Klunzinger 1879, Colonies comprised
of compressed columns; usually squared off on top.
Pale brown in color. Sinai 2019.