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Alpheus armatus Distinctive red/white banded antennae. Body can
be red, orange to brown. Two different size claws. Live with corkscrew
anemones. A pair here in Cozumel 2019. |

Pseudocerasina crassa (Hyatt 1875)(now:
Aiolochroia crassa (Hyatt, 1875). Branching Tube Sponge. Occurs
in purples, yellows... Cozumel 2019. |
Xestospongia muta, the Giant Barrel Sponge.
To six feet in height. Rough, jagged, very hard exterior. Cozumel 2019. |

Iotrochota birotulata, the Green Finger Sponge. Made up of
finger-like branches, often covered with Golden Zoanthids (as shown).
Cozumel 2019.