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Agaricia agaricites forma danai (Linnaeus 1758). Form
complex relatively thick layers of connected bifacial fronds.
Upright or encrusting/horizontal. Often with algae growing at base. One "forma danai"
in Cozumel 2019.
Agaricia agaricites forma carinata (Linnaeus 1758).
Form thick plates of connected bifacial fronds.
Upright. A colony in Cozumel 2017.

Genus Agaricia Lamarck 1801. Species are mostly thin vertical
plates (sometimes horizontal). Only found in the Atlantic. A mix of species here
in Cozumel 2019. |

Agaricia tenuifolia Dana 1848. Thin, fragile upright bifacial colonies,
joined at angles at their base. Corallites in valleys, arranged
concentrically with low ridges. Cozumel 2019.