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Coscinaraea monile (Forskal 1775), colonies encrusting
or dome-shaped. calices monocentric, to 7mm. in diameter. Septa are very
even, finely serrated. Sinai 2019. |
The genus
Tubipora has four nominal species;
though according to Veron, these all
probably represent only one
valid species, T. musica.
Organ pipe coral is also a massive
colonial animal, readily recognized
by its blood-red cemented parallel
tubes interconnected by horizontal
platforms. As per the Subclass
(Octocorallia) bearing, Tubipora
polyps have eight tentacles, arrayed
like feathery palms when exposed.
Organ Pipe "coral" is used extensively
in jewelry and as ornament, and I can
testify, is very often overlooked
underwater for being what it is. Sinai
2019. |
The genus
Tubipora has four nominal species;
though according to Veron, these all
probably represent only one
valid species, T. musica.
Organ pipe coral is also a massive
colonial animal, readily recognized
by its blood-red cemented parallel
tubes interconnected by horizontal
platforms. As per the Subclass
(Octocorallia) bearing, Tubipora
polyps have eight tentacles, arrayed
like feathery palms when exposed.
Organ Pipe "coral" is used extensively
in jewelry and as ornament, and I can
testify, is very often overlooked
underwater for being what it is. Sinai
2019. |
The genus
Tubipora has four nominal species;
though according to Veron, these all
probably represent only one
valid species, T. musica.
Organ pipe coral is also a massive
colonial animal, readily recognized
by its blood-red cemented parallel
tubes interconnected by horizontal
platforms. As per the Subclass
(Octocorallia) bearing, Tubipora
polyps have eight tentacles, arrayed
like feathery palms when exposed.
Organ Pipe "coral" is used extensively
in jewelry and as ornament, and I can
testify, is very often overlooked
underwater for being what it is. Sinai