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Stylophora danae Milne Edwards & Haime 1850. Low lying flattened
branches that irregularly cross-fuse. Red Sea 2019. |
Stylophora pistillata Exper 1797. Low
growing, thick round branches with blunted rounded ends that enlarge, are
submassive. Corallites immersed, hooded or spiny. Colored light
brown to cream to pink, green... Indo-Mid Pacific; Red Sea, East
Africa to S. Japan, Tuamotus. Here a close up of a colony in the Red Sea
showing the "little hoods" over each polyp, 2008. |
Stylophora subseriata (Ehrenberg 1834). Thin (down to 5
mm.) blunt branches, often anastomizing. Cone-shaped columella; spiny
coenosteum. Tentacles evident during the day usually.
Here in its range in the Red Sea 2019. |
Stylophora subseriata (Ehrenberg 1834). Thin (down to 5
mm.) blunt branches, often anastomizing. Cone-shaped columella; spiny
coenosteum. Tentacles evident during the day usually.
Here in its range in the Red Sea 2019. |