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Pectinia alcicornis (Saville-Kent 1871). Colonies are formed of
irregular upright elements which on microscopic inspection have ridges
that are minutely toothed. Usually mottled brown or green in color. N.
Sulawesi 2009 |
Coscinaraea (Cycloseris) wellsi Veron & Pichon 1980. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies are thin, often
overlapping laminae, with lobed margins. Corallites are irregularly
distributed with deep seated columellae and thick, granulated
Colour: Green,
brown or red-brown, with white perimeters.
Species: Psammocora
explanulata, which has smaller corallites and petaloid
septo-costae. See also Leptoseris
Habitat: Usually
found encrusting vertical or overhung faces.
Abundance: Uncommon.
Note: Placed in genus Cycloseris by Benzoni,
Arrigoni, Stefani et al. (2012) based mainly on
genetic evidence. It is retained here as a Coscinaraea because
it does not match the distinctive genus-level characters of Cycloseris,
which represent predominantly solitary, unattached mushroom corals.
Wakatobi, Indo. 2006 |
Pectinia lactuca (Pallas 1766) Lettuce,
Plate Coral. Indo-Pacific; Madagascar to Fiji. Colonies form
submassive plates that may be up t a meter across, with valleys
that generally can be traced to the center. All brown, grey or
green in color. Aquarium (common swollen appearance) and
Waktobi/Sulawesi/Indonesia image. |
Pectinia lactuca (Pallas 1766) Lettuce,
Plate Coral. Indo-Pacific; Madagascar to Fiji. Colonies form
submassive plates that may be up t a meter across, with valleys
that generally can be traced to the center. All brown, grey or
green in color. Aquarium (common swollen appearance) and
Waktobi/Sulawesi/Indonesia image. |