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The familiar encrusting and tubular B. asbestinum of the
Caribbean is mirrored in habitat in many locations in the Pacific by
B. stechel. Both are highly photosynthetic and easy to care for in
captive systems. In fact, you should take care to limit the area your
colony can spread (best by isolating on a rocky bommie) to assure it
doesn’t grow out of control. Most any water current, light conditions
will do, this genus even tolerating less than ideal water quality. Here
is a colony of B. stechel in S. Sulawesi, Indonesia. |

Diodogorgia nodulifera, Colorful Sea Rod. Occurs as branched and
rod forms. Polyps in cone-shaped calyces on red to orange rinds/stalks.
Polyps white. Roatan pic.

Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting Gorgonian. Tropical west
Atlantic. Fine polyps covering brownish soft tissue. Partially
open/closed most of the time. Jamaica 2006.