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Montipora mollis
Bernard 1897. "Colonies
are irregular clumps, columns and plates. Corallites are mostly
immersed, with fine but distinct walls. The coenosteum is coarse. Low
tuberculae are sometimes present." Corallites under (on both sides) of
plates. Tentative ID, Mauritius 2016.

Hydnophora exesa (Pallas 1766), Occurs as both encrusting and
branching forms. DiF pic Mauritius 2016. |

Lobophytum spp. Common throughout its range
in the Indo-Pacific. Feed via photosynthesis and plankton. Grow in
folds or finger-like projections by folding coenenchyme.
Genus Lobophytum Marenzeller 1886: Finger Leather, Soft
Coral. Colonies up to 2 meters across. Usually low, creeping...
lumps/folds/ridges, lobes... and vary in color... I may very well confuse this
soft coral genus w/ Sinularia, others. Surface covered with TWO dissimilar
(dimorphic) polyps that are retractable: Larger (0.5 mm) ones called autozooids
and tinier siphonozoids that lack tentacles (and dot the surface)
A close up of a colony in Mauritius 2016. |
Pavona varians Verrill 1864. Colonies
encrusting to laminar, showing short, irregular valleys.
Characters: Colonies
are submassive, laminar or encrusting or various combinations of these.
Corallites are in short irregular valleys, or are aligned between ridges
perpendicular to margins, or are irregularly distributed on flat surfaces.
Septo-costae are in alternating orders.
Colour: Yellow,
green or brown.
Similar Species: Pavona
venosa, which has similar corallites but walls between valleys
(collines) are acute, septa are generally in three orders, columellae are
less developed and septa more widely spaced.
Habitat: Most
reef environments.
Abundance: Common.
Mauritius 2016