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Holacanthus tricolor
(Bloch 1795), the (Atlantic) Rock Beauty (3). The one "stinker" in the
bunch that are regularly offered. Most specimens die "mysteriously" from
the effects of capture and lack of nutrition... place yours in an
established live rock tank, and get it to feed immediately. A four inch
one in Cozumel, 2019. |
Haemulon melanurum Linnaeus 1758, the Cottonwick Grunt. Tropical
West Atlantic. To thirteen inches in length. Cozumel 2019. |

Lutjanus apodus (Walbaum 1792), the Schoolmaster Snapper. Silver
to pinkish to gray body color, bars apparent or no; yellow fins. Western
Atlantic; Massachusetts to Brazil and the Eastern Atlantic; Core
d'Ivoire to Guinea. To nearly twenty seven inches total length. Cozumel
2019. |
Halichoeres radiatus (Linnaeus 1758), the Puddingwife Wrasse (2),
is another old standard from the tropical west Atlantic. Good looking
when young, keep in mind this fish grows to twenty inches in the wild.
An initial phase one in Cozumel 2019.