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Heteractis magnifica (Quoy & Gaimard 1833), the
Magnificent Anemone. To thirty some inches across (a meter).
Tentacles and oral disc of the same color, with a base/pedicle
also colored... Typically purplish, but may be red, white/tan,
brown, green or blue. Previously and in older literature often
labeled as Radianthus ritteri (Hence this species is also
often referred to as Ritter's or the Ritteri Anemone). Found
widely in the Indo-Mid Pacific; East Africa and the Red Sea to
Australia, S. Japan, to the Tuamotu Archipelago (French
An aberrant-appearing one photographed by RobB in Lembeh Str., N.E.
Sulawesi 2019.
Heteractis malu (Haddon & Shackleton 1893), the Delicate Sea
Anemone. Narrow, buried column of pale cream, yellow, orange to red
color, sometimes with some yellow or orange splotching. Upper part with
adhesive verrucae in rows. Sparse tentacles of stubby appearance,
variable length, usually magenta tipped, with radial markings. Found in
sediment in shallow, still water. Here off of KBR (Kungangan Bay
Resort), Lembeh, N.E. Sulawesi, Indo. 2008.
Heteractis malu (Haddon & Shackleton 1893), the Delicate Sea
Anemone. Narrow, buried column of pale cream, yellow, orange to red
color, sometimes with some yellow or orange splotching. Upper part with
adhesive verrucae in rows. Sparse tentacles of stubby appearance,
variable length, usually magenta tipped, with radial markings. Found in
sediment in shallow, still water. Here off of KBR (Kungangan Bay
Resort), Lembeh, N.E. Sulawesi, Indo. 2008.

Edwardsiana pudica (Klunzinger 1877) poss. TiffB pic, Bali