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Rhodactis inchoata, Carlgren 1943. This one in
Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi, Indo.

Podabacia crustacea (Pallas 1776); confluent
dentate (toothed) septae and costae. Laminar to bowl like, corallites
exsert, facing outward toward the growing edge. Usually brownish with
lighter margins. N. Sulawesi 2005. |

Genus Merulina Ehrenberg 1834, Lettuce/Cabbage,
Ruffled/Ridged Coral. Valleys are short, narrow, broadening before
widening, fanning out at edges. Wandering plates to rising branches,
often on the same colony. Not easy to keep in captivity.
Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander 1786). Colonies generally
laminar, but may be tree-like. N. Sulawesi 2005. |
Porites rus Forsskal 1775, Plate and Pillar Coral. Variable in
shape as its common name points to. Upright columns more shallow to
gorgeous plates deeper, more calm waters. Gray to brown in color, often
with yellow polyps that have wider spaced calyces, raised areas between
polyps. Mauritius 2016.