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Gorgonia flabellum, the Venus Sea Fan.
Large fans to four feet, of one plane whose branches are interlaced and roundish
to squared off at angles to the fans surface in profile, and ragged
appearing on their edges; i.e. have non-unifacial elements.
Providenciales, Turks and Caicos. |
Plexaurella nutans, Giant Slit-Pore Sea Rod.
Tall colonies with thick stalks, not much branching. When closed,
polyp openings like small open, raised slit-like openings. Roatan 2009. |
Plexaurella nutans, Giant Slit-Pore Sea Rod.
Tall colonies with thick stalks, not much branching. When closed,
polyp openings like small open, raised slit-like openings. Roatan 2016. |

Halimeda opuntia, Cactus Coralline Algae.
Kidney shaped w/ a raised mid-rib. Batches to about 15 cm. in width.
Most widespread species in the genus. Kailua, Kona 2019. |