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Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen 1790), (Spotted) Eagle Ray. Widely
distributed in tropical seas (see To 8-9 feet across. A
16" across juvenile just south of King Kam., Kailua, Kona 2019. |
Gardinoseris planulata (Dana 1846). Massive to encrusting.
Corallites separated by high walls, columellae present, septa-costae
fine, even. Red Sea, East Africa to Hawai'i, Polynesia and tropical east
Pacific coast. Two step, Kona, HI 2019. |
Porites lobata Dana 1846, Lobe Coral. The
most common coral species in Hawai'i. Found as encrusting
colonies in high wave action areas to fifteen foot high mounds in
protected areas. Yellow, tan to greenish in color. Two step, Kona, HI 2019. |

Canthigaster janthinoptera (Bleeker 1855), the
Honeycomb Toby. Indo-Pacific, east African coast. To three inches in length.
Galapagos 2005 |