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Freshwater Pic
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Pomacentrus caeruleus Quoy & Gaimard 1825, the
Caerulean Damsel. Western Indian Ocean, eastern Africa to the Maldives.
To four inches maximum. A Damselfish beauty that deserves to be imported
much more frequently. A juvenile in Mauritius |

Chrysiptera starcki (Allen
1973), Starck's Demoiselle. Western Pacific; Noumea to
Queensland to Japan. To nearly two and a half inches. A beautiful
reef-associated Damsel, best kept one to a tank. Aquarium
photo. |
%20MD.JPG) |
Pavona frondifera Lamarck 1816. /COTW
Characters: Colonies
are thin plates and/or contorted fronds with narrow bases and which
divide irregularly. Plates usually have radiating ridges which
intergrade with fronds. Corallites are aligned in irregular shallow
valleys roughly parallel to plate or frond margins.
Colour: Pale
or dark brown.
Species: Pavona
danai, which has less development of fronds and larger, deeper
corallites which tend to align vertically, not parallel to margins. Pavona
cactus has smaller, shallower corallites.
Habitat: Shallow
reef environments.
Abundance: Generally
common. Costa Rica (Pac.) 2011
Pavona frondifera Lamarck 1816. /COTW
Characters: Colonies
are thin plates and/or contorted fronds with narrow bases and which
divide irregularly. Plates usually have radiating ridges which
intergrade with fronds. Corallites are aligned in irregular shallow
valleys roughly parallel to plate or frond margins.
Colour: Pale
or dark brown.
Species: Pavona
danai, which has less development of fronds and larger, deeper
corallites which tend to align vertically, not parallel to margins. Pavona
cactus has smaller, shallower corallites.
Habitat: Shallow
reef environments.
Abundance: Generally
common. Costa Rica (Pac.) 2011