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Acropora hyacinthus
(Dana 1846). Colonies as wide, flat plates, possibly tiered.
Branches fine in low wave action environments, fused in brisk ones.
Branchlets are fine, upward facing. Axial corallites not exsert,
but distinct; radial corallites are cup-shaped. Red Sea
images. /COTW
Characters: Colonies
are wide flat plates and tables or tiered aggregations of small plates.
Branchlets are thin and finely structured except where exposed to wave
action, when they become closely fused. Branchlets are fine and
upward-projecting. Axial corallites are distinct but not exsert. Radial
corallites are cup-shaped and form rosettes.
Colour: Uniform
cream, brown, grey or green with or without blue (which may photograph pink)
growing margins.
Similar Species: See Acropora
cytherea, A.
tanegashimensis and A.
Habitat: Upper
reef slopes and outer reef flats.
Abundance: One
of the most abundant corals of exposed outer reef slopes of much of the
western Pacific. Red Sea 2019

Stylocoeniella armata (Ehrenberg 1834) /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are encrusting. Corallites are widely spaced and form excavations in the
coenosteum. Septa are in two equal or subequal cycles. Each corallite has a
prominent coenosteum style.
Colour: Dark
or bright red, brown or green.
Similar Species: Stylocoeniella
guentheri, which has smaller corallites with less prominent coenosteum
styles. See also Madracis
kirbyi and Poritipora
Habitat: Shallow
reef environments.
Abundance: Rare,
cryptic. N. Sulawesi 2005 |

The genus
Tubipora has four nominal species;
though according to Veron, these all
probably represent only one
valid species, T. musica.;
and to others... six, sixteen... Organ pipe coral is also a massive
colonial animal, readily recognized
by its blood-red cemented parallel
tubes interconnected by horizontal
platforms. As per the Subclass
(Octocorallia) bearing, Tubipora
polyps have eight tentacles, arrayed
like feathery palms when exposed.
Organ Pipe "coral" is used extensively as ornament
as curios and aquarium decor, and I can
testify, is very often overlooked
underwater for being what it is.
Sipadan, Saba, Malaysia 2008 |

The genus
Tubipora has four nominal species;
though according to Veron, these all
probably represent only one
valid species, T. musica.;
and to others... six, sixteen... Organ pipe coral is also a massive
colonial animal, readily recognized
by its blood-red cemented parallel
tubes interconnected by horizontal
platforms. As per the Subclass
(Octocorallia) bearing, Tubipora
polyps have eight tentacles, arrayed
like feathery palms when exposed.
Organ Pipe "coral" is used extensively as ornament
as curios and aquarium decor, and I can
testify, is very often overlooked
underwater for being what it is. N.
Sulawesi, Indo. 2005.