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Freshwater Pic
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baillouviana (S.G.Gmelin)
Montagne in Barker-Webb & Berthelot 1841.
Cozumel. |

Fungia or Heliofungia fralinae
Gittenberger, Reijnen and Hoeksema (2011) /COTW:
Characters: Polyps are circular. Septa are in
two distinct orders, those of the first order being very exsert,
straight and thin. All septa have fine teeth. Tentacles, which are
sometimes bifurcated, are commonly extended during the day.
Colour: Usually
olive-green with tiny but conspicuous violet tentacle tips.
Species: The exsert alternating septa with
fine teeth are distinctive.
Habitat: Reef
slopes and lagoons.
Abundance: Uncommon.
Taxonomic Note: Called Heliofungia
fralinae by Gittenberger,
Reijnen and Hoeksema (2011) from molecular data,
but this species has little in common with Heliofungia
actiniformis. Heliofungia is
distinctively monospecific.
Favia matthai Vaughan 1918. Small, massive colonies. Corallites
circular, rounded with regular, thick septal teeth. Crown-like paliform
lobing between the corallites. Usually brown or grey w/ contrasting
walls. Northern Sulawesi 2005. |
Favites halicora (Ehrenberg, 1834). Typically made up
of irregular massive shapes. Corallites 11-13 mm in diameter. Yellow-tan to
greenish color. Here in Fiji. |