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Agelas clathrodes, the aptly named Elephant Ear
Sponge, right size (to a meter and a half across). Flattish, like an ear. This pachyderm dimension specimen in Bonaire
/The Sponge Guide:
Orange, fan- or ridge-shaped, riddled with round and elongated-contorted
holes. Often the surface which is cryptic or located downcurrent is
smoother, having predominantly rounded orifices. Sometimes the fan conforms
a partial vase. The outer, exposed side does not have round oscules with a
dermis collar, as does Agelas sventres Lehnert
& van Soest, 1996, with which this species may be confused. The latter fills
crevices and forms lobes but never fans. Large specimens can adopt an
elaborate shape combining fan, encrusted, massive and tube-like portions.
Fan-shaped specimens may be confused with Agelas citrina Alcolado,
1987. Where they co-exist, usually A. citrina has
a different color, either more milky orange-yellow or pinkish. Spicules are
Author Reference: (Schmidt,
Link: World
Porifera Database, Key Largo, FLA pic.
Acropora loripes (Brook 1892) /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
have many shapes varying from upright bushes to thick plates. There is a
continuous range of shape and size between axial and radial corallites;
both may be tubular to nearly spherical, with very thick walls. Tubular
axial corallites often have no radial corallites on one side and
pocket-like radial corallites on the other. All corallites are smooth and
Colour: Usually
pale blue (which may photograph pink) or brown. Axial corallites are
usually whitish.
Similar Species: Acropora
rosaria and A.
appressa. Acropora
caroliniana and A.
granulosa have more elongate axial corallites. See
also A.
Habitat: Upper
reef slopes but occurs in a wide range of environments.
Abundance: Common
in the central Indo-Pacific.
Bali, Indo. 2014