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Favites halicora (Ehrenberg, 1834). Typically made up
of irregular massive shapes. Corallites 11-13 mm in diameter. Yellow-tan to
greenish color. Here in Fiji. |
Pavona decussata (Dana 1846). Thick, interconnected upright
plates that tend to flare out on upper margins. Individual polyps in
small depressions, along irregular parallel lines. Indo-West Pacific;
Red Sea to Australia. Red Sea 2019. Close-up in Cebu, Philippines |

Possibly Acropora willisae Veron & Wallace 1984, /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are corymbose plates up to approximately one metre across, with short,
uniform, evenly spaced, non-tapered branchlets bearing numerous axial
corallites. There is usually more than one axial corallite per
branchlet. Radial corallites near branchlet tips are tubular and
Colour: Grey,
cream, blue (which may photograph pink) or brown.
Species: Acropora
desalwii. Acropora
granulosa has long axial corallites and is not
corymbose. See also A.
Habitat: A
wide range of environments from lower reef slopes to lagoons.
Abundance: Common
in Western Australia, rarely common elsewhere. Here in N. Sulawesi.
Pomacanthus arcuatus
Gray 1831, the Gray Angelfish (1). A beauty as a juvenile
(shown). Tropical west Atlantic, Bahamas to Brazil. To a foot and
a half in length, friendly and long-lived in captivity. Juvenile (with
square edged caudal fins as opposed to similar P. paru, French Angels)
in Roatan 2016.