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Porites stephensoni Crossland 1952. Small
(less than 0.1 meter across, colonies that are encrusting, laminar.
Close up showing corallite arrangement. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies are encrusting,
hemispherical or columnar and are usually less than 0.5 metres
Colour: Cream
or brown.
Species: Porites
Habitat: Reef
Abundance: Uncommon.
Note: Poorly differentiated from other massive Porites.
Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi pic.
Genus Cyphastrea Red Sea 08 |
%20MD.JPG) |
Acropora humilis
(Dana 1846). Finger like colonies whose branches are thick, tapering to a
dome. Larger branches intermingled with smaller. Radial corallites of two
sizes; larger ones in rows slightly enlarged toward base. /COTW
Characters: Colonies
are digitate. Branches are thick, gradually tapering to large
dome-shaped axial corallites. Small branchlets or incipient axial
corallites usually occur at the base of main branches. Radial corallites
are of two sizes, the larger are usually in rows, have thick walls and
only increase slightly down the sides of branches.
Colour: Many
colours, but most usually cream, brown, purple or blue (which may
photograph purple) with blue or cream tips.
Species: Acropora
gemmifera, which has small axial corallites and radial
corallites increasing in length down branches. See also A.
monticulosa and A.
Habitat: Exposed
upper reef slopes and reef flats.
Abundance: Usually
common, and sometimes a dominant species.
Red Sea image |

Pachyseris speciosa (Dana 1846). One sided colony faces, with
regular ridging. Most common member of the genus. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are unifacial laminae, usually horizontal, which may develop upright
ridges . They commonly form stands several metres across. More than one
row of corallites may occur between ridges. Columellae are absent.
Colour: Pale
brown to deep grey, often with pale margins.
Species: Pachyseris
Habitat: All
reef habitats but most common on lower reef slopes.
Abundance: Common.
KBR; Lembeh, N.E. Sulawesi, Indo.