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Lactophrys trigueter
(Linnaeus 1758), the Smooth Cowfish. Tropical west Atlantic. To
about eighteen inches in length. A juvenile in Bonaire
8/09 |
Lactophrys trigueter
(Linnaeus 1758), the Smooth Cowfish. Tropical west Atlantic. To
about eighteen inches in length. A juvenile in Bonaire
8/09 |
Lebrunia neglecta (nee danae)
(Duchassaing &
Michelotti, 1860), the Branching Anemone. Has
finger like and stubby, branching "pseudotentacles" (true, longer
tentacles are usually only extended at night). Typically brownish to gray in
color, a few bluish to green. Common in the tropical West Atlantic. Able to
quickly withdraw into its closed space. Will easily sting other livestock,
aquarists, divers exposed skin. Bonaire 8/09 |
Lutjanus mahogani
(Cuvier 1822), the Mahogany Snapper. Tropical West Atlantic; N.
Carolina to Venezuela. To 19 inches in length (most much smaller).
A group off Bonaire. |