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Montastrea cavernosa Great or Large Star
Coral. Colonies as boulder shaped domes. Distinctive
blister/cone-like corallites of larger than other TWA species
(about 9mm in diameter). Bonaire 8/09 |

Mulloidichthys martinicus (Cuvier 1829),
the Yellow Goatfish. Tropical west Atlantic. To sixteen inches in
length. Bonaire 8/09 |
Mycetophyllia danaana, Low Ridge Cactus
Coral. Colonies as flat plates, mounds, domes. Ridges about edge
turn to the inside, often crossing center, intertwine (definitive
differences from M. lamarckiana in the same area). Occurs in
green, brown, gray. Six to fifteen inches across. Bonaire
8/09 |
Myrichthys breviceps (Richardson 1844),
the Sharptail Snake Eel. Tropical West Atlantic. To a bit over
three feet in length. Rarely survives for any period of time in
captivity due to a lack of feeding, collateral damage from
collection, handling. Needs large, sandy-bottomed quarters, ghost
shrimp, small crabs for food. May eat mouth-size or smaller fish
tankmates. Bonaire 8/09 |