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Gymnothorax moringa Cuvier
1829, the Spotted Moray Eel. Tropical eastern and western Atlantic
coasts. To four feet in length. Common in the wild. An easy-going
species for aquarium use. Bonaire 8/09 |

Holacanthus ciliaris
(Linnaeus 1758), the Queen Angelfish (1). A true queen of fishes.
To seventeen inches in the wild. Florida to Brazil in the tropical
west Atlantic. Bonaire 8/09 |
Hermodice canunculata, a larger species of
"Bristleworm". Large pleated structures (caruncle) on all
segments denote this too common, out and about species in the
tropical West Atlantic. Family Amphinomidae. Four to six inches
total length. Often found feeding on gorgonians, anemones, hard
corals. Bonaire 8/09 |
Hippocampus erectus
Perry, 1810, the Lined Seahorse. To 19 cm. in height. Numerous
lines on head, possibly down nape, body. Western Atlantic: Nova
Scotia to Panama. Found in Zostera beds and on gorgonians, even
floating Sargassum. Bonaire 8/09 |