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Centropyge acanthops
(Norman 1922), even more orange than the sympatric Centropyge
argi and Centropyge aurantonotus, the African Pygmy
Angel (1) can be easily discerned as the only one of the three with
a light colored, yellow-transparent caudal fin. Interzoo
2010. |
Chaetodon austriacus
Ruppell 1835, the Red Sea Melon or Exquisite Butterflyfish. A Red
Sea and Gulf of Aden endemic. Never lives in captivity, unlike so
many of the other fishes hailing from this area. A feeder on live
corals, anemones and snail eggs. Pix from the Red Sea.
Cirrhilabrus jordani Snyder 1904, the Flame
Wrasse. Hawaiian endemic. To four inches in length. One of the
hardiest and most beautiful of the genus. Male at Interzoo
2010 |
Chaetodon semilarvatus
Cuvier, 1831, the Golden, or Blue Mask Butterflyfish. A fabulous
fish for beauty, swimming grace and hardiness. A large species (to
plate size) that accepts all types of foods in captivity, feeding
mainly on polyps of hard and soft corals in the wild. A Red Sea,
Gulf of Aden endemic species. |