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Spirobranchus giganteus, the Christmas Tree
Worm, family Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Two spiral crowned groups
of radioles with a double horned operculum between them that bears
a sharp spine. Tropical West Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Bonaire
pic 8/09. |
Spirobranchus giganteus, the Christmas Tree
Worm, family Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Two spiral crowned groups
of radioles with a double horned operculum between them that bears
a sharp spine. Tropical West Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Bonaire
pic 8/09. |
Spirobranchus giganteus, the Christmas Tree
Worm, family Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Two spiral crowned groups
of radioles with a double horned operculum between them that bears
a sharp spine. Tropical West Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Bonaire
pic 8/09. |
Stegastes diencaeus (Jordan & Rutter
1897), the Longfin Damsel. Tropical west Atlantic. To five inches
in length. Occasionally imported and sold as juveniles. Adults an
overall brown with dark margins on all scales. Juvenile Bonaire
8/09. |