Related FAQs: Poritids, FAQs 2, FAQs 3, Poritid Identification, Poritid Behavior, Poritid Compatibility, Poritid Selection, Poritid Systems, Poritid Feeding, Poritid Health, Poritid Reproduction/Propagation,
Stony/True Coral, Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior, SPS Identification, SPS Behavior, SPS
Compatibility, SPS Selection,
SPS Systems, SPS Feeding, SPS
Disease, SPS
Related Articles: Poritid Corals, Stony or True Corals, Order
Genera Coverage: Alveopora, Goniopora,
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Genus Porites, Family
Part 3 of 4
To: Porites 1, Porites 2,
Porites 4,
By Bob Fenner
Porites lichen Dana 1846. Colonies as flat
plates with fused nodules, columns. Corallites in irregular rows
with slightly raised ridges between. Typically yellow in color.
Common to dominant species on reef slopes. Red Sea
image. |

Porites lobata Dana 1846, Lobe Coral. The
most common coral species in Hawai'i. Found as encrusting
colonies in high wave action areas to fifteen foot high mounds in
protected areas. Yellow, tan to greenish in color. Often with grooves
caused by the Snapping Shrimp Alpheus deuteropus. Below:
close up of an encrusting colony, one showing shrimp space parasite
marking (both Hawai'i) and a huge colony (grow about an inch
tall per year) in the Maldives. At right, Hawaiian specimen with
pink worm parasites (Trematode, flatworm) that Butterflyfishes pick
at, consume, continuing the life cycle. |

Porites nodifera Klunzinger 1879, Colonies comprised
of compressed columns; usually squared off on top.
Pale brown in color. Sinai 2019. |
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The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Porites porites (Pallas 1776), Finger
Coral. Smooth appearing branches with embedded polyps.
Generally tannish to brown in color but may be blue, purple. A
close up below and a very small colony in an Eelgrass bed in Belize
and an larger colony in the Bahamas. |
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linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
%20MD.JPG) |
To: Porites 1, Porites 2,
Porites 4,