FAQs about Red
Algae/Rhodophyte Identification
Related Articles:
Red Algae in General, Coralline Marine Algae, Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Algae, Algae as
Food,Related FAQs: Red Algae
ID 1, Red Algae ID 2, Red Algae ID 3, Red
Algae ID 4, Red Algae ID5,
Red Algae ID 6, Red Algae ID 7, Red Algae ID 9,
Red Algae ID 10,
Red Algae ID 11, Red Algae ID 12,
& Red Algae 1, Red
Algae 2, Red Algae 3, Red Algae in General, Red Algae 2, Red Algae 3, Red
Algae Behavior, Red Algae
Compatibility, Red Algae
Selection, Red Algae Systems,
Red Algae Nutrition, Red Algae Disease, Red Algae Reproduction/Propagation,
Algae, Marine Macro-Algae, Use
in Aquariums, Algae as Food,
Marine Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2, Marine Algae Control FAQs II, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom Algae,

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Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Re: Red tipped macro algae ID 6/4/19
Hi Crew!
< Hi Dani! >
I know this thread is old but the unidentified Rhodophyte ended up actually
being Fauchea! ☺️
<Great ! looks that it is thriving.>
<Thanks for the update! Cheers. Wil.>
Unknown Red Macro 5/23/11
Hello Crew,
<Howdy Kris>
I recently received a small clump of a unknown red macro from a
fellow reefer.
<Very nice>
He sent this to me because I have a pretty extensive macro algae
collection to compare it against. We were thinking possibly
Gracilaria hayi
<Mmm, maybe G. mammillaris>
however this is nothing like it. This macro is much more maroon
in color and is way more compact then hayi. Another person had
mentioned possibly red titan but this is nothing like my titan
either. Not sure what it is.
From my understanding it grows relatively slow. It is super
compact and super hardy. This was in transit to me for 10 days
from Canada to Colorado and there was 0 die off.
<Most Rhodophytes ship very well... Reds do live on very
little light at times...>
Never seen that before, unless overnight shipping. Wish all
macros shipped that well! Kind of reminds me of Dictyota
to be honest. Any help appreciated, pictures attached (taken out
of the water) Thanks!
<I think this is likely a Fauchea species. Do see the Net re
this genus.
Bob Fenner>

Re: Unknown Red Macro 5/23/11
Thank you for your time Bob. I am actually getting Fauchea in on
a order tomorrow. I will compare the 2 and see what I find out.
Thanks again you guys are wonderful!
<There are many beautiful members (and diverse!) in the
Rhodymeniales. I may see/photograph some ones new to me on the
morrow. Am down in Guanacaste, Costa Rica diving.
Red Macro 5/24/11
Hey everyone. Bob, I hope Costa Rica is treating you
<Ah yes, thanks>
I saw the post on the red macro algae, and immediately
thought of this stuff
I have in my tank. It first showed up a few months ago, as
very small "petals", but it's been growing
very very slowly. Could it be the same stuff?
<Could be; or something closely related... perhaps of
the same genus>
I "adopted" 70 of my 110 pounds of live rock, so
I don't know a lot about it. The biggest
"petal" is a tad smaller than a quarter, and the
"leaves" are a bit leathery to the touch (a bit
thinner and also bigger in diameter than Halimeda).
Searches for it haven't turned up much, but I'm
still a noob.
Whatever it is, as long as it's peaceful, I like it
where it is.
<Thanks for sending this along. Bob Fenner>

Coral ID Help 5/17/11
I'm trying to get an ID on this coral. This coral started
growing out of my rock recently. I really like the orange and
almost blue tint the coral.
It looks like a mushroom, but seems to have a harder skeleton
than most mushrooms.
<Mmm, well the reddish material near the bottom appears to be
a Rhodophyte (a Red Algae), the top area... a Corallimorph of
some sort, and these don't have skeletons. If you could send
along a better image... Bob Fenner>

Red Macro Algae ID 1/24/11
<Hi there>
What is this algae?
<As you state... a Rhodophyte...>
A store owner gave it to me for free when I bought some snails
over a month ago. It's grown a little since, and it has hardy
tissue that seems to adhere to rocks. Some of the
"leave" tips have white dots on them. If this photo is
not sufficient I can take more. Thanks!
<Is a beauty. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>

New red mushroom or algae 12/6/10
You guys have been great in the past helping me identify new and
interesting life in my tank. Can u take a look at the attached
pic and give any insight?
<Is a Rhodophyte, red algae of some sort. See WWM:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: New red mushroom or algae
Is it invasive?
<Mmm, not "very">
Should I do something to head it off & or so what
<I'd harvest a bit every maintenance period... when/while
you're already in the tank... Reds are by and large
slow-growers, not really competitors w/ other
Again, thanks for you help and quick response.
<Certainly welcome. BobF> |
red macroalgae? -- 10/11/10
Dear WMM Crew,
As always, thank you so much for your service to the aquarium
You do an awesome job!
I have been searching for months, trying to identify this
seemingly red macroalgae, which is now a regular occurrence in my
little reef (please see attached pic). I have looked all over the
place for an ID, to no avail.
It grows in tight clumps, such as the one in the picture, and
although it does not seem to be too invasive, I have to remove it
from time to time.
It feels very slimy to the touch, and indeed, when I split it, it
seems to release mucus-like material. Of note is also the fact
that the top of the globular structures that compose this being
have an iridescent appearance, and this iridescence intensifies
under strong light. I have one such clumps under MH lights and
that clump has turned totally golden on top. Finally, a sort of
tiny white brittle stars love to live in the clumps.
I hope you can help me with the ID.
grateful for your help,
<Mmm, likely Botryocladia sp. Please see/read here:
Bob Fenner>
Red Macro Algae ID 8/24/10
I have a query about the ID of a red macro algae.
The algae is slimy, quite flattened and translucent to
transparent. And it is attached to a rock.
The LFS didn't knew what it was & as I don't have any
corals or herbivores I just took it home.
Its in a 20G FOWLR under 2x30W of PC daylights(the bulbs are 5
days old). And placed high up on the rocks as I don't know
anything about it.
Any advice on keeping it thriving ll be greatly appreciated.
<Oh bejesus, there are so many different types of macroalgae
that it can be difficult to accurately ID. My best guess is that
what you have is a genus of Rhodophyta, and likely a specie of
Gracilaria. Your input Bob/Crew?
James (Salty Dog)>
<<Def. a Rhodophyte... See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm
and the linked files above. B>>
What is this algae and will a Flame Angelfish eat it?
Hi Crew,
I attach a photo of some red macro-algae that has been growing
slowly in one of my tanks. Presumably, this algae came in with
the Florida live rock I bought several years ago, even though I
did not become aware of it until
about 18 months ago, when the rock got moved into a relatively
dark corner of a relatively low light FOWLR tank. This algae is
really pretty, and I am fond of it.
<Kind of just looks like some kind of blue/green algae to
me... but maybe could be Fauchea sp. red algae? <<Is a
Rhodophyte. RMF>> Unfortunately, I don't know that
there are too many, if any, full-color photo illustrative guides
to aquarium algae identification -- perhaps it's the narrow
audience or minute consumer market for such a thing? It's too
bad really... I mean, after all, who isn't, at some point in
his/her life, haunted by a mysterious, unidentified, nearly
amorphic autotrophic growth in their marine aquarium?>
So question 1 is can you identify this algae for me?
<Not really, no... but since it lacks an obvious underlying
"structure" I'd wager that it's a blue-green
algae of some sort.>
Question 2 is do you think that a Flame Angelfish will devour
this algae if I introduce one to this tank?
<Hard to say... after all, if you put a plate of anchovies in
front of a class of 6 year olds, chances are that at least one of
them will venture a bite on a dare. But you're putting what
we might assume (albeit perhaps for no good reason since the
algae could have theoretically come from anywhere) Atlantic algae
in front of one individual Indo-Pacific fish... so I guess
you'll just have to wait and see!>
<De nada,
Sara M.>
Unknown species.. Rhodophyte.. gorgeous
Hey guys,
<Hey Jason>
I have attached two pictures showing a hitchhiker macro algae
(assuming but not sure).
<I think you are right!>
It is purple in color and I cannot find any information on what
type it is.
<This is a Rhodophyte, but the species I am not sure.. there
are thousands.
It came attached to Bali live rock from my LFS.
<It is a very beautiful algae>
Any help you can offer is always appreciated.
<Have a trawl through the many different I.D sites for these
on the web and you might stumble on something>
<No problem>
Identification of this Algae... 3/9/10
Hey Guys,
I have a quick question about this algae growth that seemed to
just up and appear one day. It started off as a small
unnoticeable growth and now as you can see has turned in to a
bush! I really like it, I really just want to know what it is. I
am hoping you can help me with that?
A few specs about my tank. I know it sounds bad, but I have no
idea the param.s of my tank for the most part. I do water changes
on my tank every weekend so, everything seems to remain healthy.
I do know the PH is right at 8.2 (Salifert test kit) and I know
the salinity is right between 1.024-1.025 (calibrated
refractometer). As far as the ALK, CA, Nitrate, Nitrite levels, I
am not really sure. The tank is a custom made 75g tank with a
built in filter in the back, skimmer, halide lights... It has
been established for over 3 years and all is healthy minus the
usual reef die off.
Michael Seybert
<Is a nice Rhodophyte of some sort. See here:
and the linked files above, particularly Red Algae ID FAQs. Enjoy
this life, Bob Fenner>
crop |
Re Identification of this Algae...
Bob, thanks for all your help! I have been scouring the web
looking for this species, it almost has orange around the edges
and then the middle of the leafs are pink! Anywho, thanks again
for all your help!
<Is a beauty Mike. If you could culture it in quantity, this
would be worth selling to stores, over the Net. BobF>
Re: Identification of this Algae... 3/9/10
Thanks, I will try and cut a piece off and then grow it on a frag
See what happens!
<Sounds good. B>
Sponge? (Mmm, Rhodophyta maybe) --
<<Howdy Dan>>
Can't find a picture like this on your site so far, so I
attached a photo from my tank.
<<I see this>>
I have 10-12 of these little red dudes attached to live rock, all
within 3-4" of the substrate, and none bigger than
¼" in diameter. They look like a semicircular
portion of a red mushroom and only started showing up about two
months ago. My tank is about 13 months old, and has numerous
corals and other inverts. Could they be some sort of sponge?
<<A possibility, or maybe even a tunicate 'but
studying the photo, I'm inclined to think this is a
Rhodophyta (red algae)'¦with some 6,000 or more species
to choose from>>
<<Happy to share'¦ EricR>>
a new algae? 2/11/10
Hello Bob,
<Miss T>
Do you recognize this algae? Also from Sulawesi....
I have two photo's more but this one is the most nice
Hope to hear from you
<Don't know, but is a gorgeous Rhodophyte of some sort.
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner