FAQs on Reef Set-Up 15
Related Articles: Reef
Systems, Reef Set-Up, Being
Conscientious Save money and the
reefs By Jennifer Smith,
Refugiums, Reef Filtration, Marine System Plumbing, Marine Aquarium
Set-Up, Fish-Only Marine Set-up,
FOWLR/Fish and Invertebrate
Systems, Coldwater Systems, Small Systems, Large
Systems, Refugiums, Marine Biotope, Marine
Landscaping, Fishwatcher's
Related FAQs: Reef Set-Up
1, Reef Set-Up 2, Reef Set-Up 3, Reef Set-Up 4, Reef Set-Up 5, Reef
Set-Up 6, Reef Set-Up 7,
Reef Set-Up 8, Reef Set-Up 9, Reef Set-Up 10, Reef Set-Up 11, Reef Set-Up 12, Reef Set-Up 13, Reef Set-Up 14, & Reef Tanks, Reef Lighting, Reef Lighting 2, Reef Filtration,
& Reef Livestocking,
Reef Livestocking
2, Reef Feeding,
Reef Disease, Reef Maintenance, Marine System Plumbing, Marine Aquarium Set-Up, Live Rock, Live Sand,
Fish-Only Marine
Set-ups, FOWLR/Fish and Invertebrate Systems,
Coldwater Systems, Small Systems, Large
Systems, Reef Maintenance,
presentations, Algal Filtration in General, Mud Filtration 1,
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2: Fishes
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eBook on Amazon: by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums Book 3: Systems
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Re: Hi there from a fan, setting up my first saltwater reef
aquarium. 5/5/20
Hi Bob. I hope everything’s well. I’m still unable to return home due to
the mainland having shut its borders (though restrictions are loosening
up in some places), so it’s not been great for me.
<Sorry to realize>
Some more good news for me. After calculating how much space I’ve got,
I’m actually able to do, guess what, a six-foot tank. It will be 155
gallons, 10 gallons less than my plan for a 5-foot tank but more
swimming space is always good for the fish. :)
<As stated previously, "bigger is better"... for 'scaping,
I feel as if these constant delays to me getting my tank up and running
are subtly benefiting me. More time for the live rock at my LFS to
mature with algae. My LFS told me they’ve got a special tank dedicated
to cultivating live rock, and that once their live rock is in my tank my
tank will be ready for some organisms within 2 days. Are they being
<Could be... IF the rock is very/well-cured, transported/moved well into
new setting>
I had another look at WWM at marine angelfish, and I have decided I’d
really like to get a single Lamarck’s or a pair of the smaller species
(Bellus, Watanabei, Spotbreast) once my tank’s been running for around
six months. If I cannot find a male from these species, I’d mix two
females of different species or one male one female of two species but
I’m not sure if that’s safe.
Heard they’re the only completely reef-safe genus of angels as they’re
planktivores. How would you rate the hardiness and disease resistance of
each Genicanthus species out of 10 (when it comes to angels and when it
comes to marine fish in general). I know they’re pretty peaceful as far
as marine fish go.
I’m also looking at the Xanthurus Cream Angelfish, from what I know it’s
the hardiest of its genus. How would you rate its overall hardiness and
disease resistance? What about aggression?
<.... not interested in chatting this over>
Would you say some among the Genicanthus angels and the Xanthurus Cream
/ Indian Yellowtail make good beginner fish as far as angels go?
Other than that, my other plans remain the same. I’ve given up on a
Heniochus butterfly as I thought they’d probably do better in a 7’ tank,
which is impossible for me and will be impossible for me for many years
come. Also thought I’m not confident enough to try any Butterflyfish.
The Stripeys I thought I’d rather collect my own. The dealer who sells
them uses natural seawater, which I heard can introduce harmful
pathogens. As a beginner I’d rather buy only from my LFS, collect fish
on my own, or at
most order online with a wholesaler from the same city.
I plan to feed my fish a mix of frozen, dry, and fresh foods. Live foods
aren’t an option and I read from WWM they’re often more harm than good,
so I won’t go down that route.
Also, for lighting, I plan to have my lights on 12 hours a day.
Feeding I plan to feed 3-4 times a day, and I will vary the foods I
What is your opinion of refugiums?
<Am a huge fan>
Sorry to bother you with so many questions again. I just want to gather
as much knowledge as possible before I can take the plunge.
<As gone over before, first things first... fun to speculate re biota,
better to just work on the system at this point. B>
150gal reef setup
Good afternoon,
<Howdy Mike>
I greatly appreciate the information contained on WetWebMedia and have
found it a useful resource for many years. I would be grateful for a
second opinion on a proposed reef setup before I begin to part with my
hard earned pennies.
The display will be a 5x2x2’ (150g) aquarium, 100lbs of live rock,
0.5-1” deep substrate of sugar fine aragonite sand and a central combed
weir with ‘Herbie’ overflow. I had intended this to be open top for
aesthetics and to avoid compromising the lighting but on reflection I
may use a screen top to prevent any jumpers.
<Depending on fish livestock... a very good idea>
I have not completely decided on the display lighting but will likely be
either a couple of Radion XR30w G4s or Aqua Illumination Hydra 52HDs.
Flow will be provided by two Vortech MP40w Quiet-Drive circulation pumps
(4,500gph each).
<Nice gear; though I'm still a fan of adding T-5s to LEDs... or adding
Metal Halides for deeper systems for systems that seek to maintain,
drive high light intensity photosynthetic life.>
The display will drain into a four chambered sump. The first chamber
will contain the skimmer (NYOS Quantum 160); the second probably a two
chamber reactor (Nyos TORQ 1.0 Litre) with Seachem Matrix and Purigen;
and the third sump chamber will house the return pump (EcoTech Vectra
S2, 1,400gph max). These three chambers of the ‘sump proper’ will hold
around 10-12gal. A fourth chamber will be separate and hold 8gal RO
water with an auto top up device (Tunze Osmolator).
I will also add a stand alone 18” cube/25g refugium. 6-8” deep sand bed
- I may top this with a slightly larger grade (1-2mm grain) to encourage
larger copepod production.
<Just an inch or so of the latter>
There will also be more live rock, though it will be raised off the sand
on an eggcrate shelf (supported by glass brackets either end). Refugium
will be fed from a teed line from the overflow and drain into chamber
three of the sump. It will be reverse lit (TMC AquaBeam 1000HD LED tile
- probably not my first choice but I have one to hand and would like to
make use of it).
<Should be fine here, for the RDP purpose>
Invertebrate stocking will be mostly corals of the genus Acropora and
Montipora, perhaps with one or two Favia and Caulastrea. Emphasis on
growing larger specimens of a few species. I may also look to add a
dozen or so small hermits (Clibanarius sp.) and snails (Trochus sp.) to
provide some grazing pressure in the earlier days of the system (before
the herbivorous fish are added).
<Okay... again, do look into, re my note re adding T-5s>
In terms of fish I have tried to compile a list of large showpiece
specimens, smaller behaviourally interesting animals and a backdrop of
planktivorous shoalers; not just for aesthetics and interest but also to
try to minimise competition for particular niches.
Single specimens:
* Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)
* Indian Cherub Angelfish (Centropyge acanthops)
* Long Nose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus)
* Sixline Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
* Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
<Good choices>
Some selection and/or grouping of the following, likely half a dozen to
a dozen total:
* Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
* Chocolate Dip Chromis (Chromis dimidiata)
* Blue Green Reef Chromis (Chromis viridis)
<DO put the screen on top>
I may need to see this first hand. See what ‘works’, looks ‘full’ or too
much antagonistic behaviour.
<Sure; I give you very good odds of all this getting along. The Green
Chromis may diminish in shoal size over time>
Feeding will need to be several times a day for the zooplankton feeders
- I have experience of culturing phytoplankton and copepods, but will
also look to some high quality (Spectrum?)
<This and Hikari are my faves>
pellets and auto-feeders. Planned water changes of 10% plus each week
and media changed/re-charged as needed to maintain water quality.
Phew that was longer than I anticipated! First general question: does
this look workable? Any glaring errors or inappropriate risks?
<No errors as far as I can see>
Would it be worth the use of filter socks for the drains to sump and
<Mmm, maybe... IF easy to fit, I'd try them out... need to be cleaned
VERY often... likely daily, every few days>
I’m considering removing the media reactor and replacing it with a
rolling mat (Clarisea). I probably already have sufficient biological
filtration with the rock and sand without the Matrix media; and I could
still use the Purigen (if needed) in another part of the sump (albeit
less efficiently). I like the roller mat for actually removing ‘stuff’
from the system as opposed to simply binding it, but this still appears
to be fairly new tech - at least in hobbyist applications.
<Mmm; to each their own. I am not a fan personally. Too much expense for
the gain>
The tang will need to be added last, any thoughts on whether the
penultimate fish should be the angel or wrasse? Both are small and
<In this size system, with the rock... not a problem in terms of order
of introduction of all>
Finally, the ethics of live rock... there appears to be a great deal of
concern on the ecological impact of its harvesting, which is a shame
since this should be a renewable/manageable resource.
<I do agree... such concerns are nonsense. FAR more harm from sewage,
run-off, 'cides... the rock is made in vast quantities continuously. The
alternative; man-made is a greater source of pollution than just
gathering the wild; which is far superior in functionality.>
Nonetheless it may be necessary to use a cultured if not artificial
alternative like ‘Real Reef Rock’. It will obviously need to be seeded
with life, but would such a substitute cripple this proposed setups
ability to process waste?
<Again, I find the non-wild collected or conditioned to be an expensive
poor substitute>
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kind regards,
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Planted macroalgae display/ Mangrove tidepool ...
Hi WWM crew! I promise I've been through dozens and dozens of pages of
forum to get the answers I need but I'm only getting bits and pieces
because I guess my idea is a bit odd. I'm currently setting up a 100
gallon rimless display tank (48"x24"x20"). This is what I want... 150lbs
of live rock, 1.5" layer of miracle mud topped by 4.5" of fine and medium
grade sand to grow both shoal grass and star grass as well as a large and
varied variety of macroalgae and a few easy soft corals to fill in some
gaps as well as mangroves. Lighting will be high end LED either 2x Kessil
or 2x AI Hydras, looking for full spectrum with some flexibility in
modifying colors. I'm running a 34 gallon Triton style sump because I
the setup which has an 11gal refugium as the first chamber after filter
socks, then to a skimmer, then return pump. And also a 10 gallon ATO.
inhabitants will be 3 multibar angelfish, 12 blue green Chromis, 20 yellow
striped Cardinal fish, a pair of clowns, and possibly 4-6 butterflies
(potential to destroy macros unknown) any idea how butterflies might do in
a heavily planted tank?
<I'd limit the BFs here to two, maybe three individuals. Not enough
psychological space for more>
I'm not sure of the full stock list but I do plan
on a heavy bioload because of the massive amount of nutrients I will need
to feed the natural filtration system. I'm not really looking for any
brightly colored or odd shaped or patterned fish for this tank, if you
can't tell I come from freshwater, do you have any suggestions of other
fish species that would enjoy a tank like this?
<Various gobies et al found in seagrass beds. You can search for such on
the Net>
Does any of the above,
although maybe unusual, seem completely undoable to you? If so, what
<Is all do-able; but have to start slow... be careful when disturbing the
substrate... otherwise a big mess>
The next question is the in-sump refugium, I'm assuming I don't
need another dsb or miracle mud but was going to run some live rock rubble
and Chaeto on an alternating light schedule to help with
respiration of macroalgae in display. Or should I run a full refugium
mud, dsb, and macro? I'm just wondering if this will be too much
competition for nutrients for the main tank?
<Will not be; and I would run on an alternating reverse daylight period...
one system lights on while the other is off>
Also what is the likelihood I
will need to worry about regularly dosing nutrients in this system?
<After a few months test and see. Likely iron and zinc will become limiting
in time>
I do
understand that it is an unusual setup and I'm borrowing a little bit from
a lot of different methods but in my mind it seems great! Am I
<No; or no more than I. Bob Fenner>
Sad fish Story 4/30/19
Hi. We are negligent with our fish tanks, don't even want to tell you .
We have a 75 gal tank that was down to one convict damsel. Dropped 4 new damsels
and a choc chip star fish in there yesterday.
<Yikes; Choc. chip stars aren't easily kept in captivity>
Existing lamp is the old kind with 32 w bulbs 48 " long. Filter is a big old wet
dry. No protein skimmer, think I have an ultra violet light (Filter) but hasn't
been on for at least 10 years. Got any suggestions for
a nice inexpensive LED light strip?
<Am a big fan (what I use) of the Zoo Med brand; reasonable cost, do the job>
By the way, we have taken really good care of our three kids, two cats and dog.
Fish have been neglected. One of those dinosaur moments when I walk into House
of Fins and they tell me my stuff is ancient.
<Oh! Greenwich, CT? Rob Bray are old/er friends, dive-travel co-travelers>
Like when I wanted a stylus for my turntable at best buy and they look at me
like a Neanderthal.
<Hey now! I still have a (now new) LP player>
Any suggestions would be great. We aren't trying to keep plants or live rock
<I'd ditch the wet dry media itself; convert the filter tank into a working DSB,
refugium. Do read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/wdmodconv.htm, perhaps perusing the linked
(blue) files above.
I'd also encourage you to chat w/ the folks at House of Fins... re adding a
small UV sterilizer... will reduce total microbial levels and their issues,
increase ORP... Bob Fenner>
LA Fishguys 1/19/16
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 09:24:17 -0800
Hello Bob,
Episode 151 of LA Fishguys went on-line yesterday.
Its titled ‘Setting up my 180 Reef Tank’.
I have your promotion placed in Part Two,
<Thanks Jim! B>
Part One https://youtu.be/C0KnPMOQCag
Part Two https://youtu.be/ejikrz4MSCY
Part Three https://youtu.be/0q3Bn4t9eac
Part Four https://youtu.be/1nk5R9RMQ5w
Jim Stime, Jr
Aquarium Design - Installation and Maintenance
Midwater Systems - JELLIQUARIUM Jellyfish Display Systems
MyFishTank.com - Acrylic Aquariums, Stands and Canopies
LA Fishguys - Aquarium Reality Television
LA Fishguys sets up a glass coral reef tank
Hi Bob,
Episode 150 of LA Fishguys is now on-line. It features the set-up of a coral
reef tank Your promotion is in Part Two Part One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5UcI-irqBM Part Two
Jim Stime, Jr
Aquarium Design - Installation and Maintenance
Midwater Systems - JELLIQUARIUM Jellyfish Display Systems
MyFishTank.com - Acrylic Aquariums, Stands and Canopies
LA Fishguys - Aquarium Reality Television
<Thanks Jim. B>
New 6ft marine tank upgrade, Reef, stkg.
Hello to who ever reads this at WetWebMedia! Hope all is well with you
Got a few questions regarding a system upgrade from a 4ft - 75
gal marine aquarium to a 6ft 150 gal.
Do you think this stocking list could work well?
Tank dimensions are: 72x18x24 inches
. Yellow tang
. Regal angelfish (red sea)
. Golden semilarvatus angelfish
. Kole tang
. Jewel pufferfish
. McCosker's flasher wrasse x3 (Male:Female:Female group)
. Osc clown x2
. Lemon damselfish
. Fiji yellow belly damsel
. Blue cheek goby
. Goldentail or banana moray eel (miliaris)
. Dwarf golden moray eel
. Skunk cleaner shrimp x4
. Blood red cleaner shrimp x2
. Sand sifting starfish x2
. Turbo snail x10
. Tube worm x3
<These should all go... with the following likelihood troubles.
The Muraenids will consume the shrimps, the Puffer will likely nip the
eels and goby>
. Brain coral
. Candy cane coral
. Green toadstool coral
. Button polyp
. Thick finger leather coral
. Colony polyps
. Green fluorescent mushroom
<And these, given they're introduced as "well-adjusted" specimens, small
in size...>
Sump tank 50x18x17 inch
Deltec SC1350 skimmer
5ft T5 silver aqualumi aquarium lighting pendant
Just wondering if you guys think this set up could work and if not,
what would you suggest?
<Sounds fine as presented... would add notes re converting part
of the sump to a refugium, RDP macro-algal culture, DSB there>
Also what should I feed the regal angel for a staple diet to keep it
<Already posted, archived on WWM...>
Thank you and keep up the good work! :)
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Indian Ocean sps Zoa reef flat
biotope tank: Sump design
Dear Friends and Bob San :)
Would be awesome to get thoughts on the below. Please feel free to comment
on any point below.
Am I on the right track?
<... of what? Oh, guess I've got to read below>
Any changes you would suggest?
Anything to be aware of?
What am I looking to achieve?
I just started a new tank and looking to recreate a reef flat biotope.
I wanted to keep the main focus on a Harem of dwarf angels darting between
coral heads.
Tank specs
The tank is a custom rimless tank with a sump included in the back side
(dimensions and design attached)
<I see this; and have read your small written notes>
Since my previous tank was Aiptasia infected horribly (hundreds of big ones)
I decided to play safe and used dry live rock.
<Mmm, where will you "get" the biota from otherwise?>
Basically freshwater dip for few weeks then dry for a week and then
freshwater dip again (twice the same cycle)
Finished scaping (a pleasure with dry rock I must say) and cycled for 4-5
Here are the equipment specs..
Lighting- 3x Mazarra P modules
3x 24W T5 (2 actinic and one purple plus all ATI bulbs)
Lights are hung 6" above water line
Circulation - 3x MP40W Vortechs with anti sync on slaves using nutrient
export mode.
1 return pump of 1700LPH with around 12" head.
<All right>
Deltec 1060TS skimmer rates for 1500 litres.
7" DSB in second chamber of sump (moved the algae to in tank refugium)
<Sounds good>
Bare bottom (hope to get a Zoa carpet)
<Are toxic; for you as well... DO see WWM here>
Using Chemi pure elite 4 bags of 11oz
Changed every 15 weeks (change is slowly bag by bag)
<I'd change one out every four weeks, leaving the newest/newer ones in
Husbandry tasks
- water tests every Friday (CA/Alk/NO3/PH4) PH is on continuous monitor.
CA is ranging between 420-450
Alk is 160-170 using Hanna meter
NO3 is <0.5
PH4 am still to start testing from tomorrow :)
- 120 litres ( approx 25-30%) WC on Saturday. Still toying with idea of 15%
every 3-4 days
Daily approx half cube size portion of mix of frozen brine, Cyclopes, Mysid,
angel formula.
5-7 pellets of spectrum
Vacuuming - every 3-5 days
<Once a week is fine; easier to keep on schedule>
3x 2" African Flameback angels added all together (first fish in tank)
2x true percula clownfish
Can I add a trio of flame angel??
Can I add a group of Chromis (5-7)??
Can I add a mandarin goby pair??
Can I add a group of royal gamma (3)??
Can I add a pair of purple fire fish??
<How large is this tank? 120 liters? I'd stick w/ just the intended/stated 3
and 2 fishes>
Am totally fine to not add ANY more fish other than existing 3 dwarf angel
and 2 clown!!
2xmontipora digitata
1x Montipora reniformis
1x Montipora (unknown genus)
6x Acropora species
2x Zoa (multi color colonies)
Planning a group of 3 (cleaner or peppermint shrimp)
<A peaceful Lysmata species is what I'd use>
Other info
No QT possible due to space constraints. So, added all existing livestock at
one shot
I dip the new additions using CoralRX.
1- what are lighting considerations based on colour or shape of Acropora?
<See WWM re... You need to learn/use the site; ahead of writing us>
2- can I afford to feed more given current filtration and WC regime?
<I wouldn't be concerned re overfeeding here>
3- should I add more light modules?
<I'd wait and see (a few months) if you like what you have>
<Cheers, BobF> |
Re: Indian Ocean SPS Zoa reef flat biotope
tank, add all to reef sys., set up f' 9/14/13
Thanks for the super fast (as usual) response Bob.
<Ah welcome>
Some answers to your questions
Regarding the point of fish addition over the existing 3+2 fishes, you
asked if the water volume was 120liters.
I believe the total volume is 110 gallons with the tank being 90
(42x29x18) LxWxH
<Oh! You could put more in here. Likely all the fishes you listed>
So you still feel the current 3 dwarfs and 2 percula are the best in
this volume for peaceful existence and displaying natural behaviours?
<Mmm, this is likely so; but I would add more for my /our own interest>
Just to mention, the dwarfs and the percula are already in the tank.
Dwarfs were added together as a trio from the same clutch at 2" size.
Percula I added a week later.
Regarding your question on where will I get the biota from if I use dry
live rock,
Coralline am not for or against purely for aesthetic reasons.
Pods I already have lots from the Zoa rocks
Since I don't have sand bed, do I really need any worms etc?
<Would be helpful>
Why do you say no worry of over feeding?
<Not really an issue with the set-up as you list it. You're not likely
to encounter superfluous chemical nutrient issues>
Regarding the lighting, I did research on Acropora lighting on WWM and
advanced aquarist. but the details are all bit dated and discuss MH
which are single Kelvin bulbs. LED technology nowadays uses multiple
Kelvin sources.
<Not really useful measures... Look to PUR, PAR at the location of your
Also, is there any way to ascertain what level of depth the coral was
taken from given its coloration?
<Mmm, not easily for aquarists, no>
If a specific Acropora was short and encrusting, it can be guessed it
was taken from shallow depths and thus strong lighting, the question is,
can it be placed 6" under water line with LED lighting blasting at it?
<Mmm, no; shape of skeleton has more to do w/ prevailing water movement,
patterns... stringy/thin in low current, short/compact in more rigorous
in general>
Nevertheless, I will revisit the FAQ on WWM to see what I missed :)
Very very IMP question
The Montipora capricornis specimen I added was infected with the
Montipora eating white Nudibranch. The base of the coral was eaten and
half a dozen Nudibranch dropped out in the CoralRX dip!!
I took cuttings from the top half of the coral which looked like it was
uninfested. The rest was discarded. Was this a good decision?
<Likely so; though I might have kept the rest in isolation>
This was added Just 2-3 days back and I can pull it out right away if
you think there is ANY chance of eggs being there!! Please let me know
your thoughts on this.
<Could be; though the dip (had I devised the formulation) would take
care of these. Again; isolation (quarantine)...>
<And you, B>
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2: Fishes
Print and
eBook on Amazon: by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums Book 3: Systems
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |