FAQs about Marine Angelfish Trauma
on Angel Disease: Angel
Disease 1, Angel
Disease 2, Angel Disease 3,
Angel Disease 4, Angels and Butterflyfishes & Crypt,
FAQs on Angel Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environment,
Nutrition, Social,
Genetic, Treatments
Related Articles:
Related Marine Angel FAQs:
Marine Angelfishes In
General, Angelfish
ID, Selection,
Compatibility, Systems,
Collection, handling damage... Commonly burn from
shipping, inappropriate acclimation.
Forever getting damaged via nets and their opercular
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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Robert (Bob) Fenner |
16 year old French Angel sick 6/3/16
Hi Guys,
I have a 240 gallon FOWLR with the French angel, 2 clowns, hippo and lemon peel.
Nothing new has been introduced in 3+ years, but now my angel is in bad shape.
My LFS said it looks to be a tumor and that nothing can be done.
<If so; about right... directly... Some folks have done 'ectomies"; and indirect
methods of using supplements (soaking foods, adding directly to water) HUFAs,
probiotics, vitamins... iodide, are of use>
His mouth looked irritated at first and now seems to be disappearing...almost
like something is eating it away. i can send you a pic. I tried a bacterial
medication, but it did not work. He hasn't eaten in 4 weeks,
but does still swim a bit and hover in the corner of the tank.
Do you think this is hopeless, or is there something else i can try?
<Can't tell from the lack of data presented... Not eating for a month is a bad
Thank you for any advice you can provide.
Thank you,
<Bob Fenner>
Re: 16 year old French Angel sick
Hi Bob,
<Hello again John>
Thanks for the reply. I've attached a picture of his mouth as you can see the
skin is pulling away from his mouth. If it is hopeless, should i consider
euthanizing him? After 16 years, I'd hate to see him suffer.
<Am a "hold out" where giving up is concerned. Have seen such "sores" from
whatever cause/s spontaneously heal. Again, please see WWM re supplements (use
the word "Selcon" to find the FAQs files), and iodide/ate. I would
lace foods with these as well as add directly to the water... Marine fishes do
drink their environment. BobF>
Thanks again,
Mouth Sore on Large Angelfish 3/11/14
Hi Bob,
I very recently purchased a regal angelfish from a local
supplier and while has been in my QT tank for around 2 days now and just
this morning i noticed a lesion/sore on its mouth and a little missing
tissue on both gills.
<Yikes... likely damage from collection, holding, shipping>
The mouth sore seems to be swollen with some tissue missing as well.
There is nothing in that QT except a few pipes to hide in and a sponge
filter along with some air stones. The angelfish, since i recently
acquired, it isn't eating yet and I of course don't want to lose him.
This sore is the reason I am sure that he is not eating.
<Likely so... I would be putting in, rotating in some very healthy live
rock pieces for its eating et al.>
I started treating with quinine sulfate on day 1 when i got him for
preventive maintenance against Ich which is what I always do before i
add any fish into my FOWLR. Aside from that, I have not added anything
else into the tank. I am not sure what else could have caused this. I
was reading on WWM and it seems most consistent with some sort of
bacterial infection. Is this assessment correct and if so, how do I get
him better?
<Just ultra good care, low-stress, and optimized, stable conditions...
and offering a wide mix of foods in small quantities...>
Thank you and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<I wish you life. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mouth Sore on Large Angelfish
Yeah, I did also think it was from shipping. The strange thing was that
the first day he was there, he was totally fine. All the damage came out
on day 2.
Is that still possibly from shipping?
I contacted the supplier and they said they put copper on all their tanks
even on the angelfish. Could that possibly also be the cause?
<Is a contributor; yes>
Thank you again for the advice!
Ryan Uy
<Mabuhay, BobF>
.JPG) |
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
Hi Mr. Fenner
Should I be putting him in a hospital tank and treating him with maracyn
Carlo- Electric Eel
<You should be reading. BobF>
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
I read up in the FAQ and what I gather is that with good nutrition
and good water quality it should go away on its <own>
<Ah yes>
but should I put something in the water to protect my angel against
bacteria infection?
<If you're going the treatment per se route, better to get "whatever this is
antimicrobial wise" into the fish... via feeding; best by injection
(intraperitoneal- or intramuscular-ly. B>
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
Do you have something to suggest I use ?
<Chloramphenicol Succinate... of course. B>
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
Thank you. I will research to see where I can get it. Thank you for your
Carlo- Electric Eel Re: Salt water angel
foggy eye 11/1/13
Hi Bob
Our angel has stopped eating. Could it be something else?
<... what is "it"? Likely the injury alone could/does acct. for a loss of
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye 11/1/13
The it is just still his eye being swollen and reddish. He hadn't eaten
today so I was wondering if the swollen red eye could be a symptom of
something else
<Keep reading
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
Hi Bob
It's been a couple of weeks now and the angels eye swelling went
down but is still red. I noticed he is starting to get a couple
of red spots of the side of his body. He is also breathing a little
heavier than usual. Could he have a parasite of a bacterial
infection. ?
<... sure; how can/could you tell for sure? Sampling, 'scoping. B>
Please help. I really trying to get him better. I have been feeding food
with garlic and keeping the water quality good but he doesn't seem to be
getting better. All the other fish seem fine.
Thank you
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye 11/12/13
What do you meaning ...sampling scooping ?
<.... 'scoping; as in microscoping...>
Can I do something to help ?
Carlo- Electric Eel
<Re-read re eye issues of marine fishes on WWM. Just good care is all
I'd do here... HUFAs, comm. soak of foods; optimized water qual. READ!
These "eye issues" take time>
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
My angel really isn't doing well. He is pretty much at the bottom of the
tank leaning against a rock just breathing.
It seems like there is something else going on cause his fins look like
they are shedding.
<Very bad>
I included another picture . At this point is there something I can do to
save him?
<Just hope at this point. I would turn the light/s off on the system>
If I put him in a qt tank will I just make it worst ?
<I would not move this fish>
I live in Canada and I don't have access to many meds like the one bob had
<No sense treating this fish at this point. Bob Fenner>
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
I don't get it though ? How did it get to this point ? I mean initially it
was that he had just scraped himself right ? Did he
catch something else ? I have been soaking his food and keeping quality
levels up . I do t get it
Carlo- Electric Eel
<... damage, stress; perhaps a bacterial infection. B>
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye
Ok so I closed the lights and he started swimming around a little.
Should I prep a qt tank just incase ? I have a 10 gallon that I use for my
smaller fish but my angel is pretty big. What size should I buy as a good qt
if the answer is yes ?
Carlo- Electric Eel
Re: Salt water angel foggy eye 11/18/13
Forget my last email. He is still breathing but upside down so I don't think
he will live thru the night
Carlo- Electric Eel |
Revisiting An Old
Topic...Passer Angelfish With Popeye - 05/19/08 And I hate to
revisit old topics, which means I have a recurring problem.
<<Oh?>> In this case, the Popeye seems to be returning to
my Passer Angelfish, on the same eye that had it months ago.
<<Hmm, so is a unilateral manifestation…this is likely a
physical trauma…again>> I'm curious as to whether or
not they are more likely to have a recurrence once they've had it
once. <<The original injury may have made the eye "more
sensitive" to degrading water conditions or physical contact than
it was previously, yes>> My aggressive substrate vacuuming has
really slowed the growth of this Cyano, fortunately, and water quality
is very good, with minimal nitrates < 10 ppm. <<I
see…then perhaps this is another "bump in the night" or
a result of aggression from another fish>> The only thing I can
think of is that perhaps with me moving live rock and vacuuming,
perhaps he bumped his eye, but I cannot see any damage or injury.
<<A real possibility I think, and the swollen eye is proof enough
of injury…any "damage" is likely internal and thus
invisible to casual observation>> As in the last time, no other
fish is affected, and since I removed the snowflake moray, the bio load
is at its lightest in my 200 gallon (Yellow tang, Lunare wrasse,
Passer, all about 5", and a tomato clown). <<And all are
possible aggressors>> Any thoughts on this happening again?
<<As stated>> I know that we'll have to let it run its
course again, I suppose. <<As long as good water quality and a
good diet are provided…and any aggression from other fishes is
not too overt…the Angel should recover>> Aside from the
eye, he is in wonderful health. <<Very good to know>>
Thanks again, Thomas Roach <<Happy to assist. Eric
RE: Revisiting an Old Topic...Passer
Angelfish with Popeye - 05/22/08 Well, it's definitely
unilateral. <<Okay>> The other eye, in fact the rest of the
fish, looks perfectly gorgeous. <<A good sign, indeed>>
Last time when this occurred, I guarantee it took every bit of 2 months
to fully return to normal. <<Not unexpected…and will likely
take a little time to resolve itself again. Adding some Epsom Salts to
the display tank (is safe to do so) at a rate of one level-teaspoon per
ten-gallons actual water volume can help to ease the swelling, though
the underlying trauma will still take some time to heal of its
own>> At first the eye cleared, then it seemed that a gas bubble
caught under the membrane of the eye worked its way 'up' and
stayed just beneath the surface until somehow it relieved itself.
I've of course been monitoring them really close, and all is well
otherwise except for this Cyano. I'm wondering if there are other
measurables besides nitrate that can indicate whether or not a protein
skimmer isn't performing well? <<Hmm…the physical
performance (bubble size/density, skimmate output) of the
skimmer…the overall health of the system (i.e. - large presence
of nuisance alga)…>> I did add another, one which I know
you guys are not a big fan of. I purchased a Prizm Pro for about $75.00
brand new, thinking that since they retail around $200 and are
'rated' for a 300 gallon tank, it would at least be worth a
test. I actually like the unit, it is producing more waste (good waste)
than the 'SeaClone 180 gallon' model has. <<Mmm,
yes…I would expect the Prizm to outperform the SeaClone...but for
a little more than the money you have invested in the pair, you could
probably have purchased a suitably sized AquaC or ASM
skimmer…with much better performance overall>> I've
left them both on the tank, thinking that you probably can't have
too much protein skimming. <<A rare occurrence indeed…in my
opinion>> At worst, if I need to purchase another skimmer, I can
sell this Prizm for a decent price on EBay. <<I do think you
would be surprised at the difference a better skimmer could
make>> It seems like it moves a great quantity of water and that
the air/water contact is really quite turbulent. <<Not
necessarily a measure of good performance>> Is Wet Web's
criticism of these units more along performance lines or due to them
being more tricky in 'tuning'? <<Both, really… A
skimmer that requires constant fiddling is not performing up to its
potential much of the time. A skimmer that is poorly
designed/constructed..well…...>> Finally - the
Cyanobacteria. It seems that this goo goes from slow growing to quick,
then back again. I'm fortunate it has remained on the surface of
the substrate and has not moved to my live rock (yet). I'm
continuing the netting of it off the substrate, along with rinsing
filter media more aggressively. This weekend we are due the 20% water
change as well. <<With "filtered" water I hope>>
I still have not had a water test with nitrates greater than 10ppm, and
it is still vexing, but not overwhelming. I've got probably 5 weeks
before adding the Atlantic Blue Tang to the tank, IF he arrives this
week and spends a few weeks in QT. I'd like to get this Cyano
cleared up prior to then, so if you can think of other
'problem' areas, please point them out. I think I've
attacked any possible causes and it still remains. <<Mmm, I
don't know what you have done previously…but I would step up
chemical filtration with the addition of a small canister filter or two
(depending on the size of the system)...adding to these some Carbon AND
Poly-Filter. I would also consider adding a small reactor with an
iron-based Phosphate remover (I would think you are feeding these large
fishes well and often…as you should be). And too, increase water
flow throughout the tank…and certainly along the
substrate>> Take care, Thomas Roach <<And you my friend.
Eric Russell>>
R2: Revisiting an Old Topic...Passer
Angelfish with Popeye - 05/23/08 That's funny, prior to
reading your reply but after writing the last question, I purchased a
Poly-Filter pad and put it in my overflow for complete pass through.
<<Excellent>> We'll see what colors we get here in a
short time. <<Likely brown to black…unless you have some
copper in your system>> Wonder what the life expectancy of one
is? <<Depends on the amount of material available for
scavenging…the quicker it turns dark, the more it was
needed>> Do you have an opinion on the large 'nitrate filter
pads' (also, Phosphate Filter Pads) that can be purchased? For some
reason I'm wary of them. <<These can be of utility on an
occasional basis. As with even the iron-based media, I would not use
these full time (I do not include the Poly-Filter here…DO use it
full time)>> True, regarding the skimmers, if I had not purchased
them in time separated by months. Not that I won't purchase another
one, but I will watch for a good deal on something that large $$ wise.
<<Okay>> Not that I don't support local fish stores,
but the only store locally that carries those brands is down in the
high society area of Houston and is ridiculously overpriced, they cater
to those beyond my means :) This Prizm Pro, though, seems to be quite
an improvement over the SeaClone. For me, it doesn't require a lot
of 'fiddling', really, once it is set. <<Very
good>> Now it may not be the best in effectiveness, but the
improvement should get me through until I can find one of the models
you recommend. I'm looking now at AquaC's website link off of
your webpage, and trying to determine what would be good for my set up.
Due to the Stand construction I cannot get a sump bigger than the
wet-dry that's already below the tank without taking the whole tank
down... so a hang on model is probably my best option at this time. The
EV-240 might work if I can configure it, it looks as though their
largest hang-on is only rated to 120 gallons. <<Thomas, send an
email to Steven at AquaC (you can tell him I sent you) and explain to
him your system and its physical limitations and he will advise/assist
you in selecting the best model to suit. I can assure you that Jason
and Steven will do everything they can to help…their customer
service is among the best>> I have had quite a recent bloom of
'nuisance algae', the green glass coating variety, but I
attributed that to recently increasing my lighting by 190 watts.
<<Indeed…but the lighting is only the catalyst…the
fuel for such blooms was/is already there>> Thomas Roach
<<Regards, Eric Russell>>
Adult passer angelfish, shipping trauma.
12/15/2007 <Very common... specimens more than about 4"
total length don't "ship well"> I recently received a
large adult passer angelfish from a mail order fish store which shall
remain nameless since they have been nice about this. The fish arrived
in terrible condition, dazed and confused and in ~65 degree water that
was loaded with waste. I've had it in my 175 gallon tank for a day
now and not surprisingly it won't eat and it is very sluggish
though mobile, taking laps around the tank occasionally. <The last
behavior leads me to have hope...> I wonder if any of you know what
types of stress tropical marine fish can take and what the prognosis
for such a fish is and what I can do to maximize chances of keeping it
alive and even better acting like the bold, curious fish it is supposed
to be. It really is very sad seeing such a beautiful fish like this
fall apart. Thanks, Omar. <I'd keep the lights off to low... if
you have to for other livestock... and not be overly concerned if the
fish doesn't feed, do much of anything for a few days. Again, the
swimming about behavior is a good sign. Bob Fenner, who did collect
this and other "key" (i.e. expensive) species al sur off and
on for decades.>
Re: Adult passer angelfish, shipping trauma.
12/19/07 Hi Bob and crew. The Passer has not visibly gotten
parasites or anything out of the ordinary since I last emailed you but
it is still not eating and has gotten very sluggish, lying on its side
much of the time until today. <... I would notify the shipper...
These symptoms are case-perfect for a specimen that has been chilled...
Happens... quite often... in hauling, live-shipping "up the
line" from its E. Pacific subtropical distribution...> I tried
blowing Cyclop-Eeze at its mouth last night and I don't know if it
was only coughing or eating but today it was more alert and even
elevating itself off the bottom. I know you aren't here to see this
fish but I'll ask anyway. Is this just a last burst of energy
before dying or did inhaling the Cyclop-Eeze actually help it? I've
given it Cyclop-Eeze several times today and after just about giving up
on the fish I'm once again hopeful it may live. Its eyes are still
presenting as very alert and actively scan and follow motion. It is
just the fact this guy won't eat I think that is getting him down.
Any suggestions beyond what I have done would be helpful. <There is
naught to do really... Either this fish's protein-enzyme systems
have been overly challenged and it will perish... or rally. Keep the
system, specimen stable... and hope. BobF>
Spot on Marine Angel fish... owee from decompression
procedure? 7/31/06 Hello crew, <Laurie> I've been
researching on your website, but can't seem find an exact match for
a possible issue with my marine angel. I purchased a Swallowtail angel
two week ago. She is isolated in my QT. I did not freshwater dip her
prior to putting her in the QT. <Not always advisable> A few days
after bringing her home, I noticed a small white bump on her side.
It's about the size of a scale. I thought that perhaps it might be
a single parasite, so at that time I did capture her for a buffered
(baking soda to ~8.2 pH) freshwater dip (with Methylene blue). However,
I removed her after only 1 minute, as she started to thrash, which
scared me. <Can be scary> Now, after about 10 days, it has turned
a yellow-brown. No other spots are on her. I have decided to leave her
in the QT until that spot is gone, but feel that I should know what it
is, so that I can further treat her properly, if needed. <Good. This
is what I would likely do as well> I tried to get a picture, but she
freaks out at the camera and I can't catch her in a frame! Oh - I
added a skunk cleaner, thinking that if it is a parasite,
<Excellent> or actually, anything else that needs to be cleaned
off, that he could assist. I have seen her letting him hop on
occasionally. But, the spot is still there. Would you know what this
spot might be? <Mmm, likely a "sore" from the process of
capture... most likely a/the entrance of a needle to
"decompress" this animal... Many marine fishes are caught at
depths that make such "gas bladder bleeding" expedient,
rather than the long-wait of bringing to the surface slowly...>
Thank you for your help - both past and present. Regards, Laurie O.
<Keep your eye on water quality, and don't be too wary of
moving/placing this Genicanthus sp. in your main system. Very likely it
is relatively disease free. Bob Fenner>
Re: Spot on Marine Angel fish 7/31/06 Hi Bob,
<Laur> Thank you. That's great news. I will plan on moving
her this coming weekend, then. (That will be a full 3 weeks in QT.)
<Good> Water quality is pretty good in the QT - ammonia and
nitrite at 0; nitrate at 20 ppm. I just did a 5% water change, too. I
have another, unrelated question for you, if you don't mind?
<Sure> I was poking around yesterday, and found on this page:
under the section "Biological/Pathogenic Disease: Identification,
Pathogens/Agents, a photo that shows zigzag lines/trails on what may be
live rock (or is it a fish?). <Oh! Is a pic of nematodes, Roundworms
encysted in the dermis of a Moray Eel...> It is the fourth photo
down in this section. I looked at all of the links to the left, but
could not find that photo in any of those links. Do you know what the
zigzag lines are? <Yes... please see here: http://wetwebmedia.com/fshwrmdisfaq2.htm
about mid-way down... the same pic> We've had three occasions of
something looking exactly like these in our 110 display tank.
<Mmm> Twice on the glass wall, once on a rock. We thought they
were snail eggs. But, now I'm worried, because your photo is under
the disease section! Thanks again, Laurie O. <There are many
such-appearing living "things"... likely what you saw were
actually eggs... most likely of a mollusk of some sort. Not to worry
re. Bob Fenner>
Coral beauty's mouth is swollen open 7/10/05
I've had this Coral Beauty for about 8 months. It's normally
real active as it is a big tank with few tankmates. Today I went to
feeding and he didn't come out. And immediately that sick feeling
came over me. Another dead fish you know. Anyway, 2 minutes later he
pops out like he's interested in food, but his mouth is a little
swollen and it looks like it is stuck in the open position! Might you
have any clue? <Maybe a "bump" in the night... not much
one can do but hope. Bob Fenner>
Holocanthus passer disease = Shipping/Temperature Stress
Thank you in advance for your assistance. I purchased my king
angelfishes from Costa Rica about a week now, they started sloughing on
the second day. I did quarantine them for 4 days but decided to
transfer them when 'sloughing' began to worsen. Treated with
tetracycline & copper sulphate....when more died I tried
Praziquantel about 1.5ppm for another 3 days; still no improvement; in
fact more died. Now my other angelfishes is affected as well. Please
advise. Tony yen <This sounds very much like "shipping
stress", particularly the mal-affects of chilling. We used to
collect and ship via air or boat this species... and if they were too
long in getting to where they were going or the temperature dropped on
them, they would invariably "break down"... as yours are. I
would not add more medicine chemicals to their water, but would lower
the specific gravity to about 1.018 and add a teaspoon of Epsom per ten
gallons of water... and hope that some self-recover. Bob Fenner>
Quirky Swimmer, Marine Angel Good
Morning Crew! Just a quick question. I've got an
emperor angel that swims on his side...kind of. Maybe 20-30
degrees off vertical, been doing it since I got him three
weeks ago. He seems to be in great health. Adult
coloration, maybe 5 or so inches. Eats like a teenage boy.
He's active and personable. Should I be concerned?
Thanks! Scott Critter Cabana <Mmm, concerned for this
animal's health, not likely, though it may be hard to
sell. Likely it was "damaged in collection"...
perhaps by mis "needling" (puncturing the gas
bladder with a thin diameter syringe to facilitate rapid
"decompression" from depth, or suffered some
other gas bladder damage in too-rapid ascent. Sometimes
(about half) these problems/traumas solve themselves (over
weeks to months time), other times... the fish swim at an
angle going forward. Bob Fenner>
Angel injury (reddish opercular spine, bacterial
involvement?) I have a 7" angel (Goldflake) that appears to
have injured itself. I gently caught it and placed it in a 55 gallon
for now and am watching it. It looks like on one side, it has injured
the 'spine' on the lower side of the cheek. you know, the one
that only angels have, but butterflies don't. <Yes, almost
all> It appears to have a shade of pink on that side in there. Not
that large an area though, so I'm not sure if its from the injury
itself, or if there is an infection of some sort. <Very common...
likely due to a physical trauma... running/swimming into something in
the tank, net damage, collateral shipping if the animal is newer.> I
only noticed it when it was no longer eating after two days. Anyhow,
after putting it in the 55, its just swimming back and forth (not too
fast, not too slow) and that's when I noticed the spine injury.
Anyhow, should I just watch it or should I put an anti-biotic in there.
Or perhaps a light anti-biotic like Melafix ? <Not an
antibiotic product... I would try to boost the animal's health
nutritionally, add a cleaner organism... at this point.> I know that
these bacterial infections can work quickly, but not sure if it'll
recover without anti-biotics or not. Also, how apparent is a bacterial
infection ? is it just a vague light pink redness or is it pretty
obvious and just red underneath the skin ? I see only a light pink in
the area and not sure if its just from the injury or what. Thanks for
any help. Jim <Only way to judge is through culture and staining,
microscopic observation... Outside the realm of pet-fishing by and
large in terms of use/applicability... Sometimes, while already
manipulating such animals (not worth re-netting damage, stress), a
topical anti-microbial can be applied (like with a Q-tip (tm)) onto the
affected area... Bob Fenner>
Koran in trouble Do you have
any idea what this may be on my Koran? I don't think its a
color change. Looks more like a scrape or something. <Agreed.
Apparent "sore" from a physical trauma> Water
conditions are perfect, salt is 1.022. Temp is at 78. No AMMONIA,
NITRATES, NITRITES. All the other fish appear fine. I have 2
cleaner shrimp and they don't clean the fish so I am assuming
that it isn't a parasite. Does the picture help any? Thanks
Bill <Does help... I might add an antibiotic (broad spectrum,
gram negative) to this fish's foods... if the opening grows
worse, consider netting it, applying the antibiotic mixed with a
bit of Vaseline to the wound site... otherwise maintaining it in an
optimized, stable environment WITH the cleaner... and hope time
will heal it. Bob Fenner> |
Sick Koran Wow thank you for a
quick response. It appears that this is on both sides of the Koran,
does that sound like anything? <Mmm, yes... like the problem
originated with the specimen getting caught between two rocks... or
pinched in some other way> Looks to be getting more red, just
over night. Also he appears to be digging. He won't let me get
a good picture at least not yet. I am afraid that netting him will
cause unnecessary stress. Any ideas? Thanks Bill <Just the ones
sent to you yesterday. Bob Fenner> |
Injured Navarchus Beauty >Can you please
help me identify what this is (see pic's)? >>Hello,
I certainly will try (GORGEOUS fish, by the way!). >I've had
him about 3 months. I was not looking to purchase a Navarchus, the
bonehead at LFS sold him to me as a Coral Beauty (I'm a
bonehead as well). >>You bonehead! I happen to think
this is a much prettier fish than the Coral Beauty, and yours is
fat and QUITE healthy looking, except for that little nick in its
side. >He shows no signs of discomfort or duress, eating well,
hiding a bit since being alone in the 65 gal QT three days ago. I
would like to treat but trying to identify problem first so I can
treat properly. >>Very smart move. >He was the 65
gal w/Naso tang, bird nose wrasse, Fiji blue dot puffer, flame hawk
and Cuban hog. Moved them all (slowly after cycling) to new 150 gal
about a week ago. I noticed the white marks on his side before
moving him to the 150 so I decided to leave him in the 65 and use
as a hospital tank until he has healed. Fresh water dip on Monday
and Tuesday didn't seem to change anything. Do you think this
is Lymphocystis? >>No, Lymphocystis isn't normally seen
on the body of the fish, and this displays none of the usual
nodular form. Freshwater dips will do nothing for Lymphocystis. In
the photos you sent (excellent shots) it doesn't appear white,
but pink, like flesh. To me it really looks like an injury, and
since it appeared within a week of a move, that would be my first
guess. If he's not scratching, breathing hard, otherwise
behaving normally as you say, then again, my lean is towards
injury. At that point you have some choices. First, ALWAYS go with
providing best possible nutrition, which not only means great
variety, but enriching with a good supplement, my favorite is
Selcon. They can't heal if they haven't got the
"tools". Second, by the looks of this fish I'd
surmise that you're providing fantastic water conditions, keep
this up. Now, the choice comes in whether or not you'll treat
prophylactically. This would generally be antibiotics. I am of the
general opinion (not always) that, if the fish is otherwise in best
condition, and his environment is providing excellent conditions,
he can heal on his own. However, I WOULD have on hand some
antibiotic just in case you see secondary infection setting in. My
favorite is usually Spectrogram, Maracyn is another good one. Have
enough on hand to treat for one week. If you don't use it, at
least you have it. Hope this helps! Marina |
Injured Navarchus Beauty II >Thanks so much for your quick
response. >>You're welcome. >Please continue your
opinion on the antibiotic treatment. >>There's not much
else to say beyond what I outlined previously. I prefer Spectrogram
because the applications where it's worked amazingly well
(including stopping degradation in starfishes), and it's a good,
relatively inexpensive antibiotic. >I picked up some
"Aquatronics Paragon" last night in case I need to go that
route. Do you know this product? >>Yes, I do, and there is
nothing at this time that indicates the need to use something this
strong. Please go to the Aquatronics site and read the uses for *both*
Spectrogram and Paragon. Paragon *might* be indicated for some
parasitic infections, with antibiotics for the usually associated
secondary bacterial infections. However, there is nothing in your
situation that shows a need for this. Again, I strongly recommend
Spectrogram. http://www.aquatronicsonline.com/
>Is there something else you might suggest? >>Not at this
time. >I will add the Selcon to his food today. I have been using
Vita-Chem with his diet of various frozen foods, Angel formula, flake,
pellet and Seaweed Selects daily. I have the patience and time to treat
him but I know he wants to be back in the main tank as he can see it
and tends to stay on the side of the QT closest to the main.
>>I'm sure he does. >He and the Blondie Tang are
buddies and even share the same sleeping areas. Thanks again.
>>Remember, this appears to be an injury, don't simply treat
to treat, wait it out, a few days to a week should be fine, and if
he's doing well, carefully place him back in the display. I
strongly suggest you do this as early in the day as possible so he
avoids bumping himself. Hopefully no one will have established
territories such that he has to stand up for his own turf.
Angel In Distress Hi, <Hi there! Scott F. with you
today!> Hoping you guys can help me out once again! <Let's
give it a shot!> I bought a 3" French angel on Mar
4th. On arriving he looked to be in fantastic
shape. I put him in my 40 gallon quarantine tank (has a
small amount of lava rock, and cc). <Awesome!> The water
parameters have been kept basically perfect. He soon was
eating from my hand a good variety of foods including marine angel
mix. On the 22nd day of quarantine he wasn't eating with
quite the same gusto as usual, then that evening he looked like he had
a bit of fading on his black and what I would call possibly
Amy/velvet??? very tiny whitish spots...not Ich. What I
wasn't sure about was the correct diagnosis. He seemed a
bit lethargic and went off his food. I immediately started
copper treatment. <Well, could be Amyloodinium, so rapid
intervention is not a bad idea. The fact that this illness manifested
itself in day 22 of quarantine just reinforces the value of the
quarantine process with new fishes. You simply can't take it for
granted that a fish is healthy...good job!> On the 24th day he ate
again, but now one eye has popeyed. I so very badly do not
want to lose this fish. Can you tell me if I should also be
adding penicillin or maracyn2?? along with the copper?? I
started the copper 24 hours ago. <Well, if the Popeye is just in one
eye, I would not utilize any additional medications...It might simply
be due to some injury, and could decrease in a few days with continued
high water quality and the possible use of Epsom salt in the water to
draw out the swelling. Continue monitoring the fish carefully, and do
check copper levels regularly to assure that they remain at proper
therapeutic levels> Thank you so much, I really really appreciate
it. Thanks again. Lynn <I'm sure that your fish will be okay if
you follow through with the treatment protocol. Good luck! Regards,
Scott F>
Angel fish on the mend >Hi again, >>Hello the first
time from me, Marina here this morning, Lynn. >Really hate to bother
you guys again, but your the only ones that I can count
on. I wrote to you a few weeks ago and told you about my
French angel. ( I'll just refresh your mind about it. I
bought a 3" juv French and kept it in a 40 gallon quarantine tank.
Water parameters where kept perfect...literally. PH 8.3, temp 82, A=0,
Ni=0 Nitrate 0 On the 23rd day of quarantine he quit
eating, but not chasing the food, looked a bit off and had some what I
would almost call a fading or spots around the face and front of him.
(not crypto, but possibly velvet) I immediately started
copper with him and did this for 6 days ( 20
ppm) He didn't seem to pick up a whole lot but
didn't get worse either. I also lowered the salinity to
1.015 and added Maracyn 2. On the sixth day I decided that I
must have diagnosed his disease incorrectly as I believe I should have
seen more of an improvement within that time. >>Wow,
smart! I'm impressed with your whole method, very good.
>I then did a 35% water change and added carbon etc. The
next day I added quick cure (1 drop per gallon) within 48
hours he was eating again and looking definitely livelier. I
was greatly relieved. This was on April 4th that I started
the quick cure treatment for 7 days. (removing the filters) but keeping
the water pristine. I then quit with it and added malachite
green for a few days. The angel is acting normal and eating
but I can still see " marks" on him...around his face and
front end??
<Chem./treatment burn. RMF>
>>This will take some time to heal
(whatever they are--assuming it's not the beginning of HLLE, but
that is SO unlikely I can't even suggest you consider
it). Good feed with good supplements will help
this. >I decided to do a freshwater dip as well, but
only left him in for 6 minutes. He kept laying on his side,
and I couldn't take it anymore! >>LOL! They always
lay on their sides, it's when the fins become erect and their
breathing clearly becomes stressed that you need to remove
them. No worries though. >Am I worried for nothing here?
>>Naw, not for nothing. I think you're doing
everything right, my only other suggestion is to also get some
Spectrogram (a gram positive/negative broad spectrum antibiotic)
because I think you're a judicious, prudent person and keep your
first aid box well stocked. It's good stuff. >or
should I be doing something else. What else can I do? What
if I have diagnosed this wrong again? Help me. >>I
think your observations are your very BEST tool. Just keep
watching the fish, be sure you feed one or two of those very good
angelfish specific foods, as well as supplementing (if he'll take
it) with something like Selcon-soaked Nori or frozen
Mysis/krill/squid/shrimp. Variety in foods in one of the
best ways to ensure good nutrition, for every living thing I can think
of except flamingos! >I really appreciate your books and sites and
must have read that book a hundred times over! In fact I
feel that I could be giving other people advice! LOL ...but when it
concerns my fish I
feel useless. That's when it's time to
turn to you!! Anyways, I really appreciate the job you guys
are doing!! and pretty much read your F&Q's
everyday. Thank you so much. Lynn McKinney
>>You're quite welcome, and we appreciate the
props. Good luck! Marina
Re: bubble eye my flame angel has developed a large clear
bubble over one eye. It still swims and eats
well. What is this and will it resolve or kill the fish.
Thanks, Mark <Due to it being "one-sided" this is likely a
result of a mechanical injury ("bump in the night") and not
some overt environmental or pathogenic result. Please see here re:
Bob Fenner>
Daddy's Little Angel (Cont'd.) Hello yet again, with
respect to my new Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis and my original
message to your site regarding the "pimple" structure on
his lower jaw. It has since gone from bloody red to whitish in
color and the swelling has gone down a tad bit. My new question is he
has had an abrasion in the front of his back tail, I have been keeping
an eye on it since it arrived (six days ago) and the scales were
slightly raised a discolored. Today, all of the scales have fallen off
and the underlying tissue is now exposed, what to do? I should
mention that on day two I gave him a FWD/formalin for the
"pimple". After I put him back in his tank he started to
breathe rapidly, sank to the bottom and literally curled up and did not
move until the next morning. I thought I killed my new arrival! The
next morning he began to slowly exhibit normal function, Wheeeew! This
was not the first FWD/formalin procedure I had done and am thinking he
is just really sensitive. <Could be...I would be more likely to
utilize a straight freshwater dip, sans formalin.> Do you have any
input on either or both problems? If FWD's are out it sure limits
my arsenal. Steve Suniga <Well, Steve, at this point, I'd
utilize super high water quality as a key "weapon" in my
counterattack. I would avoid harsh chemical agents like formalin, and
maybe just step up the water change routine for a while. You may also
want to use a liquid vitamin preparation, added directly to the QT
water. These vitamins are absorbed through the skin, and consumed by
the fish directly...Vitamins can help the overall strength and perhaps
enhance the fish's natural re-generative processes. Don't do
anything too rash...Keep up the careful observations, and take action
only as necessary. Good luck! Regards, Scott F>
It Ain't Over Till The Bloated Fish...Lives (Centropyge
"Bloat') Dear Piscatorial Crew: <Scott F. your Fishy
Friend tonight!> Hola! <Good evening!> Could you please tell
me more about the Centropyge "bloat" syndrome. I've
scoured the net for info and apparently it's endemic to
dwarf's. But why do they develop the bloating during initial
shipment? <Well, this malady is thought to be caused by
decompression trauma. Many of these fishes are collected at depths that
require some decompression. Some collectors insert a needle into the
fish's anus (yuck!) in order to "help" the fish
decompress. This, and other decompression "techniques" can
result in a serious internal infection caused by bacteria.> They are
finicky eaters and I'd imagine it's hard to ingest bacteria.
Also, there is an instance of a Centropyge Bicolor eating Cryptocaryon
from a surgeonfish and contracted the disease 2 days later. How do you
cure it apart from feeding antibiotics? Or does this mean,
"That's all folks, the show is over"? Please advice.
Best, Bazza <The resulting infection can be cured with antibiotics,
either in the water, or in the food. It's quite possible to save an
affected fish, if quick action is taken! Good luck! Regards, Scott
Locking Angel Jaw? >I'm sorry if this reaches you guys
twice, I have been having a heck of a time getting emails to you
guys....and since I considered this an emergency I am taking the change
at being annoying. >>We'll just
delete the extra copy. >My original email from yesterday is as
follows: Good evening crew, I recently purchased a 2.5" juvenile
Flagfin angelfish (Apolemichthys trimaculatus), it is currently
residing in a 20g quarantine tank for the next few
weeks. From the very first moment I brought it home, it has
readily accepted both Formula Foods: Angel Formula and also
Nori....I took this as a great sign. >>I would as well.
>Entering its second week now, I have discovered a
problem. I first noticed it this morning when feeding him
before I left for work. While picking at the food, its mouth
seemed to get stuck in its extended position. It swam around
a bit and hit at the food again and it popped back
in. However, this evening, I came home and its mouth was
stuck out again. This time, I had to remove it to a bowl and
manually massage it and it went back to normal. >>How long did
you wait to do this? Generally, I prefer to wait and
see. Fish are weird. >Do you guys have any idea what
could be causing this and/or any sort of advice as to a long term
solution? I don't see removal practical once it goes
into the main tank. >>It sounds like his jaw is popping, kind
of. I don't think it's good to stress him by
removing him. I'd simply ensure that he only gets very
small pieces of food. I'd also try making a "Nori
wrap", of Nori (soaked in Selcon is good) that wraps fresh or
frozen Mysis shrimp. Tie it (rubber band) to a piece of rock
or some other safe anchor, and hopefully this will exercise his
mouthparts and body, making him work a little harder for his
food. At this point I wouldn't worry about it too much,
unless you see obvious signs of disease as well, weight loss, and the
like. >UPDATE: Since then, I have been hesitant to feed, however, I
did very small portions this morning. Once again the mouth
got stuck, however the fish was able to work it to where it folds back
in. I'm assuming you guys are very familiar with how the
angelfish extends its mouth to nip food off of rock, etc...if a picture
is required I could perhaps get one. Thanks for any clues,
Ryan A. >>Ok, as I said above, I'd just leave him
be. Oh! You can also try fresh, clean romaine
lettuce leaf tied to an anchor also. If he likes it this can
be left in the tank for a couple of hours to let him spend some time
picking at it. This is psychologically beneficial to many
animals, as well. Best of
luck! Marina<<
Angel Unhinged- And Improving! Thanks for the reply Scott,
sorry for the extra mail you got yesterday....my biggest fear was that
I was somehow causing the problem and that my email fell in a crack
with how busy you guys are. <Never a problem, okay? That's why I
do this!> I feel I handled things pretty well then (reduced food
size as recommended already) but there was still some general panic
:-). <I know that feeling all too well!> This update is a
positive one. Now about a day and a half later, at feeding
his mouth is "sticking" less and less with each
feeding. I even provided a few larger pieces to confirm that
the condition was improving. My guess is now similar to
yours, I think it experienced some form of trauma...most likely caused
by striking food from either the glass bottom, pvc cave, or small piece
of base rock. <Yep- that really seems to be the most likely cause-
disease doesn't seem to be a factor> I attempted to take a
picture of it again but it doesn't occur long enough, and frankly,
that is fine with me. I did include a picture of him in
general, as well as one of him greedily coming to the turkey baster for
food. I have trained him on this from day one and it makes
feeding very easy (and should make feeding in the main tank a
breeze). For being "difficult", he is showing
great promise other than this small mouth hurdle we appear to be
getting over, I will be keeping a detailed journal on my experience of
this fish to hopefully help uncover ideas and improve the success rate
of this fish. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again,
Ryan A. <Outstanding! I'm really glad to hear of your success!
And, the idea of keeping a journal is great! By recording your
experiences and observations, and sharing them with fellow hobbyists,
you'll help add to the body of knowledge of the husbandry of a fish
that may not be considered "difficult" once we figure out
what it needs! I think that this is a really good idea for anyone who
is keeping a fish that has a reputation for being difficult! Thanks in
advance for your effort! Regards, Scott F>
Angel one sided breathing >Thank you in advance, I
received a five inch Blue Line angel on Wed, I dripped acclimated it
for three hours then put him in my Q-tank. >>You're welcome
in advance, I sure do hope I can help you here. You've
been very prudent in your acclimation procedure, I couldn't have
done any better. When you say "received" I'm
assuming this fish was shipped to you. How long was it in
transit? Did you get it from a wholesaler, retailer, or
direct from collector? >There is only two pieces of pvc, a filter
sans media and a heater. I didn't attempt to feed him on day one
>>That's my own practice as well. >but tried frozen Mysis,
different flakes and a variety of frozen formulas without success.
Today, I noticed he's only (very rapidly) breathing on one side and
I've not noticed any visible signs of trauma. >>Since you
seem to know your stuff about acclimation, I'm also going to assume
that your q/t water is NSW. Now, here's the hard part,
I'm not sure what fish is a "blue line" angel, but if
he's from the South Pacific, it's possible he could have been
exposed to cyanide. If so, it's simply irreversible.
>I have gone through the forum and files and couldn't find any
suggestions. I have thought about a fresh water dip with Methylene Blue
but am not sure if its the correct path, I am starting to get very
concerned as this is the holy grail of fish for me. >>Ok,
let's assume that he's stressed, but that you've got
perfect water quality. If you can see no external parasites,
then let's not stress him more by f/w dipping at this
point. If you think he's been stressed to the point of
allowing any Ich tomonts to gain a foothold, or you think there could
be any other parasites lodged in his gills, then a f/w dip is the place
to start. Have on hand some Spectrogram/Melafix (I like to
have both on hand, myself). Also, I'm going to link you
to a site that lists some common medications and what they're
indicated for. IIRC, if O2 might be an issue, I've heard
of folks using small amounts (maybe an ounce at a time) of
H2O2--Hydrogen peroxide--to help boost O2
saturation. It's also a mild antiseptic, again,
IIRC. Here's the link--> http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm
>>And another, hopefully helpful--> http://www.biofilter.com/diseases.htm Good
luck, I hope he pulls through! Marina <Shipping burn, stress... SEE
WWM re acclimating RMF>
Re: one sided breathing >Marina, thank you for the advice.
>>You're quite welcome, I hope that it's been of some
help. >Its taken years to accept but I finally realize we all need
help from time to time. >>I learned a while ago to just give up
the idea that I don't need help. LOL! >Also, on a
positive note my Blue Line (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) angel
began breathing from both sides yesterday and respiration slowed to a
more normal rate. >>Excellent. >He had not eaten since
receiving him which has been five days so I tried minced clam on the
half shell which was received well. >>Great, getting him started
is half the battle. >Thinking he cannot sustain on clams
alone I mixed in frozen Mysis with the minced clam. How and what other
foods do you suggest I introduce, I've refrained from live brine so
far and would like to stay away if possible. >>I would,
too. If you're more concerned with getting him fattened
up, keep giving him the clam (soaked in a good supplement like Selcon),
and you might try instead of the live brine more Mysis. Also
offer a bit of squid, krill, maybe even bits of other
fish. Soak everything in Selcon at this point, once he's
on his way then you can reduce it to a few times a week. >I've
gone through the related files and the forum sections without success.
Of course given the size of your site I probably flew over them, Ha! I
floated a piece of washed spinach but it didn't get touched, I
didn't mention that I set some live rock in for him to graze on,
though it hasn't been successful. >>Don't give up
yet. Do you happen to have on hand one of the frozen angel
formulas? IIRC they also have bits of sponge and whatnot
that the larger angels seem to really like. >I'm thrilled that
he's begun to nibble, its a starting point. >>Absolutely!
>I've done my research but can't seem to find a whole lot.
Any thoughts? >>I'll link you to the FAQ, but I'm
guessing you already have it. I'm going to do a quick
Google, as well as searching reefs.org. Be back in a minute!
>>This one searching via Advanced Aquarist online zine http://www.advancedaquarist.com/cgi-bin/websearch.pl
>>I know this isn't much, but it's a start. I
do hope it helps, especially the one link that speaks more specifically
to feeding. I don't think this angel will be very
interested in vegetable matter outside of the algae it might choose to
nibble at. Good luck! Marina
- Quarantine for a Majestic Angel - HI Guys <Good morning,
JasonC here...> I have been QT'ing a new Majestic for 6 days and
noticed that his mouth (lips) looked swollen, puffy but still pinkish
almost raw. I hadn't noticed it before. Could this be the beginning
of a fungus infection? <Or just physical damage from something
else.> I only have a large PVC pipe in the tank so he couldn't
have cut himself on coral or anything like that. I began treatment with
Melafix. Is this the proper treatment? <Probably not
directly - Melafix fits into the category of homeopathic remedies and
has not been used/documented by the sciences as being useful. I'd
make sure, above all, that this fish is eating and that the water
quality in the quarantine system is excellent. In fact, this is the
type of fish that usually won't do well in an extended quarantine,
so if it is otherwise doing well [no parasitic problems] AND eating,
put the fish through a pH-adjusted freshwater dip, and put it in the
main display. In any case, the damage will heal over time, but these
fish are not easy in the early stages.> Thanks as always <Cheers,
J -- >
- Fish Question -
Hi! I bought a male and female Watanabe Angels from your
company a few weeks ago. <Very interesting - considering that
we're not a company and we don't sell fish.> I am noticing
that the male is having more difficulty staying down than floating
up. When he does try to swim down his face is down on an
angle - it doesn't really look that serious, but is there any
prevention that I can do without putting him in my quarantine tank
(it's only a 20 gallon). <Hmm... not much you can do beyond
quarantine.> I know I broke the rules and put him directly in the
main 110 gallon reef tank when I first got them, so catching him
won't be that easy or fun. I've heard "shelled
peas" might work? <Work with what? The floating problem? Have
never heard of this and would not rely on it. If you're having
issues with this fish eating, then you want to offer a proper fish food
- for instance Pygmy Angel Formula or Formula Two.> Any insight you
have would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Jim <Cheers, J -- ><<Very likely
this fish's swim bladder has been damaged in collection (hauling up too
quickly, mis-needled), or in handling... may cure on its own in time.
Question: I wanted to e-mail you to let you know that I have
just finished your book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist"
and I thought it was fantastic . The way that you use scientific terms
and mix it with layman's terms gives someone relatively new to the
hobby a feel for what we are really trying to accomplish here . We are
not just keeping a "fish tank" we are keeping small
eco-systems in are homes . The scientific names reminds you of that
fact. Thank you!
I have been following your advice about picking out fish to the
letter, leaving questionable ones behind. I just made a rather
significant purchase as far as fish are concerned. After about two
weeks watching a Pomacanthus Annularis in the local pet shop, I brought
it home . As you can imagine it was quite expensive, but it was well
worth the wait and expense. Until today that is.
I've noticed that the eyes are starting to cloud over. In your
book you go over Popeye briefly, but don't mention cloudiness. I
would appreciate any direction you might have regarding this subject or
any references you might have that I could look up. I understand that
you must get thousands of e-mails , and can't possibly answer them
all , but please try to get back to me. I WOULD RATHER SEE THESE FISH
Bob's Answer: Richard, thank you for writing, and your
kind words re: my efforts at writing. I share your concern re the
Annularis, and will try to help you. First of all let me state that any
eye cloudiness is a bad sign, but that esp. with larger fish specimens,
it is not uncommon. Especially when netted, they get scratched and this
coupled with the stress of being moved and new water, light and even
social conditions in the new system can add to the problem...
But generally the cloudiness is not based on an actual infection of
any sort and SELF CURES. Now some important questions. How long has the
tank been running? Tell us/me about your set-up, filtration esp. What
other sorts of organisms do you have (an important clue)? Do you have
sufficient decor that the angel can get out of the light? In the
meanwhile of waiting to see if the cloudiness has stopped progressing
(it may take a few days to weeks to regress completely), please
don't add medicines of any sort to the system or even the
animal's foods. And for browsers, particularly industry types, do
utilize soft nets at the worst, and just your hand and a waiting
submersed doubled bag at best to capture these fishes in captivity.
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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Robert (Bob) Fenner |